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function _quickedit_render_field in Quick Edit 7

Renders a field.

If the view mode ID is not an Entity Display view mode ID, then the field was rendered using a custom render pipeline (not the Entity/Field API render pipeline).

An example could be Views' render pipeline. In that case, the view mode ID would probably contain the View's ID, display and the row index.


$entity_type: The type of the entity being edited.

$entity: The entity being edited.

string $field_name: The name of the field that is being edited.

string $langcode: The name of the language for which the field is being edited.

string $view_mode: The view mode the field should be rerendered in. Either an Entity Display view mode ID, or a custom one. See hook_quickedit_render_field().

Return value

string Rendered HTML.

See also


1 call to _quickedit_render_field()
quickedit_field_edit in includes/
Page callback: Returns a single field edit form as an Ajax response.


includes/, line 138
AJAX endpoint to retrieve & save subforms for fields and re-render fields.


function _quickedit_render_field($entity_type, $entity, $field_name, $langcode, $view_mode) {
  $entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
  $entity_view_mode_ids = array_keys($entity_info['view modes']);
  if (in_array($view_mode, $entity_view_mode_ids)) {
    if (!_quickedit_is_extra_field($entity_type, $field_name)) {
      $field = field_view_field($entity_type, $entity, $field_name, $view_mode, $langcode);
      $output = drupal_render($field);
    else {
      list($id, $vid, $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
      $rerender_callback = quickedit_extra_field_info($entity_type, $field_name, 'rerender callback');
      $result = $rerender_callback($entity);
      $output = quickedit_wrap_pseudofield($result['value'], "{$entity_type}/{$id}/{$field_name}/{$langcode}/{$view_mode}", $result['inline']);
  else {

    // Each part of a custom (non-Entity Display) view mode ID is separated
    // by a dash; the first part must be the module name.
    $mode_parts = explode('-', $view_mode, 2);
    $module = reset($mode_parts);
    $rendered_field = module_invoke($module, 'quickedit_render_field', $entity_type, $entity, $field_name, $view_mode, $langcode);
    $output = drupal_render($rendered_field);
  return $output;