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function protected_node_db_rewrite_sql in Protected Node 6

Implementation of hook_db_rewrite_sql().

This hook forbids end users from seeing a node they do not otherwise have access to without a password.


./protected_node.module, line 804


function protected_node_db_rewrite_sql($query, $primary_table, $primary_field, $args) {
  if ($primary_field != 'nid') {
  if (user_access('access protected content')) {

  // Prevent query from finding nodes the current user may not have permission to see.
  // (i.e. if the user doesn't know the password, then it shouldn't be shown)
  $join = "LEFT JOIN {protected_nodes} protected_nd ON {$primary_table}.nid = protected_nd.nid";
  $where = "(protected_nd.nid IS NULL OR protected_nd.protected_node_is_protected = 0)";
  return array(
    'join' => $join,
    'where' => $where,