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Functions in Protected Node 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
protected_node_access_callback ./protected_node.module Callback function to determine who can enter a password. 1
protected_node_action_clear_sessions ./ "Clear" all the sessions. 1
protected_node_action_protect_all_nodes ./ Protect all nodes. 1
protected_node_action_protect_nodes_with_password ./ Make sure all nodes with a password are protected. 1
protected_node_action_remove_passwords ./ Remove all the passwords. 1
protected_node_action_reset_passwords ./ "Reset" all the passwords. 1
protected_node_action_unprotected_all ./ Remove all the protections. 1
protected_node_admin_settings ./ Define the settings form 1
protected_node_and_attachment ./protected_node.module If gathering an attachment, verify that it is accessible and if not ask for the password. 1
protected_node_autocomplete_off ./protected_node.module After_build function to disable autocomplete for the password fields. 2
protected_node_boost_is_cacheable ./protected_node.module Prevent boost from caching protected nodes.
protected_node_content_extra_fields ./protected_node.module Add the Protected Node fieldset to the CCK.
protected_node_db_rewrite_sql ./protected_node.module Implementation of hook_db_rewrite_sql().
protected_node_email_body ./ The default email body sent to users to whom you give access to a protected node. 3 3
protected_node_email_subject ./ The default email subject sent to users to whom you give access to a protected node. 2 2
protected_node_enterpassword ./ Create the form asking the end users for the node password. 1
protected_node_enterpassword_submit ./ Allow the user to see this node.
protected_node_enterpassword_validate ./ Verify that the user entered the correct password.
protected_node_enter_any_password ./ Create the form asking the end users for the node password. 1
protected_node_enter_any_password_submit ./ Allow the user to see this node.
protected_node_enter_any_password_validate ./ Verify that the user entered the correct password.
protected_node_file_download ./protected_node.module Implementation of hook_file_download(). @link
protected_node_form_alter ./protected_node.module Implementation of hook_form_alter(). @link
protected_node_help ./protected_node.module Implementation of hook_help(). @link
protected_node_init ./protected_node.module Implementation of hook_init(). @link
protected_node_install ./protected_node.install Implementation of hook_install().
protected_node_invoke ./protected_node.module Call module implemented functions with a parameter passed as reference instead of copy. 1
protected_node_isset_protected ./protected_node.module This method determines the protected flag status for the given node id. 1
protected_node_is_locked ./protected_node.module Check whether a node is protected and a password is required. 3
protected_node_load ./protected_node.module Load the node extension fields. 1
protected_node_lock ./protected_node.module Revoke access to the current used from the specified protected node. The effect is immediate. 1
protected_node_mail ./ Implementation of hook_mail().
protected_node_menu ./protected_node.module Implementation of hook_menu(). @link
protected_node_menu_array ./ Actual implementation of the protected_node_menu() function. 1
protected_node_nodeapi ./protected_node.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi(). @link
protected_node_node_form_alter ./ Actual implementation of the protected_node_form_alter() function. 1
protected_node_node_type ./protected_node.module Implementation of hook_node_type().
protected_node_node_type_form_alter ./ @brief Implementation of the hook_form_alter() for node types. 1
protected_node_password_nids ./ Transforms the $_GET['protected_pages'] in a valid list of $nids. Anything that is not valid we ignore. If there isn't at least 1 then the function generates an access denied error and exits. 3
protected_node_perm ./protected_node.module Implementation of hook_perm(). @link 1
protected_node_protected_node_hide ./protected_node.module Implementation of hook_protected_node_hide().
protected_node_requirements ./protected_node.install Implementation of hook_requirements().
protected_node_rules_action_lock ./ Revoke any access right to the node from the current user.
protected_node_rules_action_password_protect ./ Activate the password protection on the specified node.
protected_node_rules_action_protect ./ Activate the protection on the specified node.
protected_node_rules_action_unlock ./ Grant access rights to the node to the current user.
protected_node_rules_action_unprotect ./ Deactivate the protection on the specified node.
protected_node_rules_condition_content_is_locked ./ Condition: check whether the current user has access to the node.
protected_node_rules_condition_content_is_protected ./ Condition: check whether the node is protected by password.
protected_node_rules_rules_action_info ./ Implementation of hook_rules_action_info(). List of protected node actions.


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