protected_node.module in Protected Node 6
Same filename and directory in other branches
protected_node.moduleView source
* @file
* Protected node module
* The password is required on all nodes unless the node type defines
* a default password.
* Defined in: protected_node_use_global_password
* The password is not required. The system uses the global password
* if the node does not define a password.
* Defined in: protected_node_use_global_password
* Use the global password only. Ignore the node specific password
* and don't ask for one when editing the node.
* Defined in: protected_node_use_global_password
* Never protect these types of nodes.
* Defined in: protected_node_protection_<node type name>
* The author can choose whether the node is protected or not.
* By default, the node is not protected.
* Defined in: protected_node_protection_<node type name>
* The author can choose whether the node is protected or not.
* By default, the node is protected.
* Defined in: protected_node_protection_<node type name>
* The nodes of this type will always be protected.
* Defined in: protected_node_protection_<node type name>
* Implementation of hook_help().
* @link
function protected_node_help($path, $arg) {
switch ($path) {
case 'admin/modules#description':
return t('With this module anybody who has edit protected node permission can password protect his or her own node.');
* Implementation of hook_perm().
* @link
function protected_node_perm() {
$perms = array(
'access protected content',
'bypass password protection',
'edit any password',
'view protected content',
foreach (array_keys(node_get_types()) as $type) {
$perms[] = 'edit ' . $type . ' password';
return $perms;
* Implementation of hook_menu().
* @link
function protected_node_menu() {
module_load_include('', 'protected_node');
return protected_node_menu_array();
* Callback function to determine who can enter a password.
function protected_node_access_callback() {
global $user;
// super user?
if ($user->uid == 1) {
return TRUE;
if (!user_access('access protected content')) {
return FALSE;
// is $nid properly defined?
if (empty($_GET['protected_page']) || !is_numeric($_GET['protected_page'])) {
return FALSE;
// valid node?
$node = node_load($_GET['protected_page']);
if (!$node) {
return FALSE;
// editing/deleting? user has edit right?
if (substr($_GET['destination'], 0, 5) == 'node/') {
if (substr($_GET['destination'], -5) == '/edit') {
if (!node_access('update', $node)) {
return FALSE;
elseif (substr($_GET['destination'], -7) == '/delete') {
if (!node_access('delete', $node)) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Implementation of hook_init().
* @link
function protected_node_init() {
global $user;
// are we about to display a node?
// can user see all nodes anyway?
if (user_access('bypass password protection')) {
$nid = FALSE;
$param2 = arg(2);
if (arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric(arg(1))) {
if ($param2 === NULL) {
$nid = protected_node_is_locked(arg(1), 'view');
if ($nid === -1) {
elseif ($param2 == 'edit' || $param2 == 'delete') {
$nid = protected_node_is_locked(arg(1), $param2);
else {
// any access right?
$nid = protected_node_is_locked(arg(1));
if ($nid === TRUE || $nid === -1) {
elseif (arg(0) == 'system' && arg(1) == 'files') {
if (!empty($param2)) {
// $param2 is a filename in this case
$nid = protected_node_and_attachment($param2);
if ($nid) {
$query = drupal_get_destination();
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
$query .= '&back=' . urlencode($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
$query .= '&protected_page=' . $nid;
drupal_goto('protected-node', $query);
* Check whether a node is protected and a password is required.
* \param[in] $nid The node identifier.
* \param[in] $op Operation: 'access', 'view', 'edit', or 'delete'
* \return FALSE if the node is not protected for the current user.
* Return TRUE if it is protected and cannot be viewed by
* the current user. Return $nid if the user has a chance
* to unlock this protected node by entering the password.
function protected_node_is_locked($nid, $op = 'access') {
// get the node
$node = node_load($nid);
// is the node protected?
if (!$node->protected_node_is_protected) {
return FALSE;
// anonymous user?
if (!$user->uid) {
// do not cache anything for anonymous users as that could make
// the content of the page available to people who never enter
// the password (especially with aggressive caching.)
if (variable_get('cache', CACHE_DISABLED)) {
// prevent caching (do NOT use variable_set() since this is temporary for this session.)
$GLOBALS['conf']['cache'] = CACHE_DISABLED;
else {
// author looking at his work? (if not anonymous)
if ($node->uid === $user->uid) {
return FALSE;
// user cannot access any protected node
// (this check avoids the rather useless drupal_goto() and thus does not
// change the URL on the user.)
if (!user_access('access protected content')) {
return TRUE;
// if the user is only trying to view this node, accept
if ($op == 'view') {
if (user_access('view protected content') && node_access('view', $node)) {
// user's got view permission without password
// (password for edit/delete rights.)
return -1;
elseif ($op == 'edit') {
if (!node_access('update', $node)) {
// no rights to edit
return TRUE;
// rights to edit, but password is still required in this case!
elseif ($op == 'delete') {
if (!node_access('delete', $node)) {
// no rights to delete
return TRUE;
// rights to delete, but password is still required in this case!
else {
return TRUE;
// user already entered the password?
if (isset($_SESSION['_protected_node']['passwords'][$nid])) {
$when = $_SESSION['_protected_node']['passwords'][$nid];
if ($when > variable_get('protected_node_session_timelimit', 0) && $when > $node->protected_node_passwd_changed) {
// this page reset time
return FALSE;
// the session is out of date, we can as well get rid of it now
return $nid;
* If gathering an attachment, verify that it is accessible and if
* not ask for the password.
* @param[in] $filename The name of the attachment file.
function protected_node_and_attachment($filename) {
global $user;
// the upload module glues the attachments and nodes together
// without that module, we cannot test anything here
// (it is not required anyway if the user is going to the /node/#
// page itself.)
if (user_access('bypass password protection') || !module_exists('upload')) {
return FALSE;
// check whether the node linked to this file attachment is protected
$sql = "SELECT u.nid, n.uid, pn.protected_node_passwd_changed" . " FROM {files} f, {upload} u, {protected_nodes} pn, {node} n" . " WHERE pn.nid = u.nid AND u.nid = n.nid AND f.filename = '%s' AND u.fid = f.fid" . " AND pn.protected_node_is_protected = 1";
$file_info = db_fetch_array(db_query($sql, $filename));
if ($file_info === FALSE || $user->uid && $user->uid == $file_info['uid']) {
// $user is the author
return FALSE;
// got the password?
if (isset($_SESSION['_protected_node']['passwords'][$file_info['nid']])) {
$when = $_SESSION['_protected_node']['passwords'][$file_info['nid']];
if ($when > $file_info['protected_node_passwd_changed'] && $when > variable_get('protected_node_session_timelimit', 0)) {
// global reset time
return FALSE;
// the session is out of date, we can as well get rid of it now
// avoid the drupal_goto() if another module anyway forbids access
// to the file
foreach (module_implements('file_download') as $module) {
// skip ourself, we already know the answer!
if ($module != 'protected_node') {
$function = $module . '_file_download';
$result = call_user_func_array($function, array(
if (isset($result) && $result == -1) {
// this $module forbids the file download, forget it
// a password won't help
return FALSE;
// no password, access denied
return $file_info['nid'];
* Call module implemented functions with a parameter passed as reference
* instead of copy.
* For calls that require multiple parameters, use an array or object.
* @param[in] $hook The name of the hook to call
* @param[in,out] $param The one parameter to pass to the hook functions
function protected_node_invoke($hook, &$param) {
foreach (module_implements($hook) as $module) {
call_user_func($module . '_' . $hook, $param);
* Implementation of hook_form_alter().
* @link
* Add the protected node form widgets assuming the user editing this
* node as permission to do so on this type of node.
* Turn off the auto-complete feature on this form since it could otherwise
* pre-fill the password with the wrong parameter.
* @param[in,out] $form The form to alter
* @param[in,out] $form_state The current state of the form
* @param[in] $form_id The name of the form being modified
function protected_node_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
if ($form_id == 'node_type_form' && isset($form['identity']['type'])) {
module_load_include('', 'protected_node');
elseif (isset($form['type']['#value']) && $form['#id'] == 'node-form' && (user_access('edit any password') || user_access('edit ' . $form['type']['#value'] . ' password'))) {
module_load_include('', 'protected_node');
* Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
* @link
function protected_node_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $arg = 0, $page = 0) {
global $user;
// ugly but we want to keep some variables between the validation and insert/update
global $_protected_node_emails;
global $_protected_node_random_passwd;
switch ($op) {
case 'load':
return protected_node_load($node);
case 'validate':
$_protected_node_emails = '';
$_protected_node_random_passwd = '';
if ($node->protected_node_is_protected && (user_access('edit any password') || user_access('edit ' . $node->type . ' password'))) {
$missing_password = FALSE;
if (empty($node->protected_node_passwd)) {
// password missing in database too?
$sql = "SELECT protected_node_passwd FROM {protected_nodes} WHERE nid = %d";
$result = trim(db_result(db_query($sql, $node->nid)));
// getting " " (40 spaces) when empty
if (empty($result)) {
$missing_password = TRUE;
if (!empty($node->protected_node_emails)) {
if ($node->status) {
// verify each email address
$emails = explode(',', str_replace(array(
), ',', $node->protected_node_emails));
foreach ($emails as $k => $m) {
$m = trim($m);
if ($m) {
if (!valid_email_address($m)) {
form_error($arg['protected_node']['protected_node_emails'], t('Invalid email address: @m. Please correct this mistake and try again.', array(
'@m' => $m,
// unset just in case; should be useless though
else {
$emails[$k] = $m;
else {
// ignore empty entries
$_protected_node_emails = implode(', ', $emails);
if ($_protected_node_emails && $missing_password && variable_get('protected_node_random_password', FALSE)) {
// automatically generate a password for the email (note that means the author won't know the password!)
$_protected_node_random_passwd = user_password();
$missing_password = FALSE;
// not missing anymore
drupal_set_message(t('A random password was generated in order to send the email about this page. Remember that changing the password will prevent users you just emailed from accessing this page.'), 'warning');
else {
// the node is not published, forget about emails!
form_error($arg['protected_node']['protected_node_emails'], t('Email addresses were specified even though the password is turned off.'));
if ($missing_password) {
if ($user->uid == 0) {
// if anonymous user, then global password is not an option otherwise
// all the nodes could be edited by all the anonymous users!
else {
$global_password = variable_get('protected_node_use_global_password', PROTECTED_NODE_PER_NODE_PASSWORD);
switch ($global_password) {
// $arg is the form in this case
form_error($arg['protected_node']['protected_node_passwd'], t('To protect this page, please enter a password.'));
elseif (isset($node->protected_node_emails) && trim($node->protected_node_emails)) {
form_error($arg['protected_node']['protected_node_emails'], t('No email can be sent by the protected node module when the node is not protected or you do not have permission to set a password.'));
case 'insert':
case 'update':
if (user_access('edit any password') || user_access('edit ' . $node->type . ' password')) {
if (!empty($_protected_node_random_passwd)) {
$node->protected_node_passwd = $_protected_node_random_passwd;
if (!empty($_protected_node_emails)) {
$node->protected_node_emails = $_protected_node_emails;
if ($node->protected_node_is_protected && !empty($node->protected_node_emails)) {
module_load_include('', 'protected_node');
case 'view':
if (!empty($node->protected_node_is_protected)) {
// Accessed for search indexing? (usually by cron.php)
if ($node->build_mode == NODE_BUILD_SEARCH_INDEX) {
// "user" could see the node, but at this time, not its contents
// (the current user is Anonymous, so that statement is not exactly true,
// but at the time of the search index building we cannot know who will
// be searching so we let go without the access denied error.)
protected_node_invoke('protected_node_hide', $node);
elseif (!user_access('bypass password protection') && !user_access('view protected content')) {
if (!$user->uid && variable_get('cache', CACHE_DISABLED)) {
// prevent caching (do NOT use variable_set() since this is temporary for this session.)
$GLOBALS['conf']['cache'] = CACHE_DISABLED;
if ($node->uid !== $user->uid) {
// is there a password?
if (isset($_SESSION['_protected_node']['passwords'][$node->nid])) {
// is password out of date?
$when = $_SESSION['_protected_node']['passwords'][$node->nid];
if ($when <= variable_get('protected_node_session_timelimit', 0) || $when <= $node->protected_node_passwd_changed) {
// this page reset time
if (!isset($_SESSION['_protected_node']['passwords'][$node->nid])) {
if (!user_access('access protected content')) {
// user will never be given access (no drupal_goto() call necessary)
// user could see the node, but at this time, not its contents
protected_node_invoke('protected_node_hide', $node);
case 'delete':
db_query('DELETE FROM {protected_nodes} WHERE nid = %d', $node->nid);
* Implementation of hook_protected_node_hide().
* We implement this callback since it makes sense (I think) although
* it makes the module a bit slower.
* This function hides the body & teaser, and if requested on that node
* we hide the title as well.
* @param[in,out] $node The affected node.
function protected_node_protected_node_hide(&$node) {
// Core module fields
if (!$node->protected_node_show_title) {
$node->title = t('Password protected page');
$node->teaser = '';
$node->body = '';
$node->content = array();
* Implementation of hook_file_download().
* @link
function protected_node_file_download($file) {
global $user;
// the upload module glues the attachments and nodes together
// without that module, we cannot test anything here
// (it is not required anyway if the user is going to the /node/#
// page itself.)
if (user_access('bypass password protection') || !module_exists('upload')) {
return array();
// check whether the node linked to this file attachment is protected
$sql = "SELECT u.nid, n.uid, pn.protected_node_passwd_changed" . " FROM {files} f, {upload} u, {protected_nodes} pn, {node} n" . " WHERE pn.nid = u.nid AND u.nid = n.nid AND f.filename = '%s' AND u.fid = f.fid" . " AND pn.protected_node_is_protected = 1";
$file_info = db_fetch_array(db_query($sql, $file));
if ($file_info === FALSE || $user->uid && $user->uid == $file_info['uid']) {
// $user is the author
return array();
// got the password?
if (isset($_SESSION['_protected_node']['passwords'][$file_info['nid']])) {
$when = $_SESSION['_protected_node']['passwords'][$file_info['nid']];
if ($when > $file_info['protected_node_passwd_changed'] && $when > variable_get('protected_node_session_timelimit', 0)) {
// global reset time
return array();
// no password, access denied
return -1;
* Helper functions
* Sets the given node to protected with the provided password.
* The password cannot be empty.
* If the node already password protected this method changes the password
* to the one you provided as $password parameter.
* @param[in,out] object $node The node to be saved.
* @return boolean TRUE if the action was successful, FALSE otherwise.
function protected_node_save(&$node) {
// we first test whether a protected_nodes entry exist so we can use UPDATE
// or INSERT accordingly (UPDATE does not always properly report working
// with MySQL.)
// We also retrive nid because protected_node_passwd may exist and be empty
$result = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT nid, protected_node_passwd FROM {protected_nodes} WHERE nid = %d", $node->nid));
if (!empty($result)) {
// note: the following test prevents the user from using "0"
// as a password.
if (isset($node->protected_node_passwd)) {
$changed = $node->protected_node_passwd != $result['protected_node_passwd'];
if (empty($node->protected_node_passwd)) {
// keep result if it's empty...
$node->protected_node_passwd = $result['protected_node_passwd'];
$changed = FALSE;
else {
$node->protected_node_clear_passwd = $node->protected_node_passwd;
$node->protected_node_passwd = sha1($node->protected_node_passwd);
else {
$changed = FALSE;
$node->protected_node_passwd = $result['protected_node_passwd'];
$sql = "UPDATE {protected_nodes} SET protected_node_is_protected = %d," . " protected_node_passwd = '%s', protected_node_show_title = %d," . " protected_node_hint = '%s'";
$args = array(
isset($node->protected_node_hint) ? $node->protected_node_hint : '',
if ($changed) {
$sql .= ", protected_node_passwd_changed = %d";
$args[] = time();
// last time the password was changed (i.e. invalidate all existing sessions)
$sql .= " WHERE nid = %d";
$args[] = $node->nid;
db_query($sql, $args);
else {
if (!isset($node->protected_node_passwd)) {
// this happens when the global password is to be used
$node->protected_node_passwd = '';
elseif ($node->protected_node_passwd) {
$node->protected_node_clear_passwd = $node->protected_node_passwd;
$node->protected_node_passwd = sha1($node->protected_node_passwd);
// we don't need to set the protected_node_passwd_changed since no
// one has ever entered a password for this node
$sql = "INSERT INTO {protected_nodes} (protected_node_is_protected," . " protected_node_passwd, protected_node_show_title, nid," . " protected_node_hint)" . " VALUES (%d, '%s', %d, %d, '%s')";
db_query($sql, $node->protected_node_is_protected, $node->protected_node_passwd, $node->protected_node_show_title, $node->nid, isset($node->protected_node_hint) ? $node->protected_node_hint : '');
* Load the node extension fields.
* @param[in] object $node The node to complement with the protected node parameters.
* @return An array with the node extended fields or FALSE.
function protected_node_load($node) {
// valid input parameters?
if (!is_object($node) || !is_numeric($node->nid)) {
return FALSE;
// default fields for protected nodes
static $default_fields = array(
'protected_node_is_protected' => FALSE,
'protected_node_passwd' => '',
'protected_node_passwd_changed' => 0,
'protected_node_show_title' => 0,
'protected_node_hint' => '',
// can the node be protected at all?
$protection = variable_get('protected_node_protection_' . $node->type, PROTECTED_NODE_PROTECTION_PROTECTABLE);
// by default the node is not protected, return that
return $default_fields;
$sql = "SELECT protected_node_is_protected, protected_node_passwd, protected_node_passwd_changed," . " protected_node_show_title, protected_node_hint FROM {protected_nodes} WHERE nid = %d";
$result = db_fetch_array(db_query($sql, $node->nid));
if (!is_array($result)) {
// the SELECT failed, use the defaults
$result = $default_fields;
else {
// define any missing field
$result += $default_fields;
// the password is a CHAR(40) and when empty it's all spaces
// (this is possible when the global password is used)
$result['protected_node_passwd'] = trim($result['protected_node_passwd']);
// if the user changed the mode to "always protected" then we force that here
// it means the node may not be accessible to people without administration
// privileges since it may not have a default password
$result['protected_node_is_protected'] = TRUE;
return $result;
* Implementation of hook_token_list().
* This function defines some extras for the protected node (i.e. whether a
* node is protected, title flag, last time the password was changed, etc.)
function protected_node_token_list($type = 'all') {
if ($type == 'node' || $type == 'all') {
$tokens['node']['node-is-protected'] = t('Whether the node is protected (yes/no).');
$tokens['node']['node-password'] = t('The password in clear (only if available, empty otherwise).');
$tokens['node']['node-protected-title'] = t('Whether the title node of the node is protected (yes/no).');
$tokens['node']['node-password-hint'] = t('The password hint as entered in this node.');
return $tokens;
* Implementation of hook_node_type().
* This function deletes the variables corresponding to the fields added
* to the node type form.
* @param[in] $op The operation performed on the node type.
* @param[in] $type The type object concerned.
function protected_node_node_type($op, $type) {
switch ($op) {
case 'delete':
variable_del('protected_node_fieldset_' . $type->type);
variable_del('protected_node_protection_' . $type->type);
variable_del('protected_node_node_type_password_' . $type->type);
variable_del('protected_node_node_type_password_field_' . $type->type);
// should already be deleted by the submit()
* Implementation of hook_token_values().
function protected_node_token_values($type, $object = NULL, $options = array()) {
if ($type == 'node' && $object) {
if (empty($object->protected_node_is_protected)) {
$tokens['node-is-protected'] = t('no');
$tokens['node-password'] = '';
$tokens['node-protected-title'] = '';
$tokens['node-password-hint'] = '';
else {
$tokens['node-is-protected'] = t('yes');
$tokens['node-password'] = empty($object->protected_node_clear_passwd) ? '' : $object->protected_node_clear_passwd;
$tokens['node-protected-title'] = empty($object->protected_node_show_title) ? t('no') : t('yes');
$tokens['node-password-hint'] = $object->protected_node_hint;
return $tokens;
* After_build function to disable autocomplete for the password fields.
* Without this FF >= 3 will attempt to autocomplete the fields with the user's login info.
* @link
function protected_node_autocomplete_off($form_element, &$form_state) {
$form_element['pass1']['#attributes']['autocomplete'] = 'off';
$form_element['pass2']['#attributes']['autocomplete'] = 'off';
return $form_element;
* Implementation of hook_db_rewrite_sql().
* This hook forbids end users from seeing a node they do not otherwise have
* access to without a password.
function protected_node_db_rewrite_sql($query, $primary_table, $primary_field, $args) {
if ($primary_field != 'nid') {
if (user_access('access protected content')) {
// Prevent query from finding nodes the current user may not have permission to see.
// (i.e. if the user doesn't know the password, then it shouldn't be shown)
$join = "LEFT JOIN {protected_nodes} protected_nd ON {$primary_table}.nid = protected_nd.nid";
$where = "(protected_nd.nid IS NULL OR protected_nd.protected_node_is_protected = 0)";
return array(
'join' => $join,
'where' => $where,
* Prevent boost from caching protected nodes.
* @todo
* We also need to make sure the cache gets cleared whenever
* the protection is turned on.
function protected_node_boost_is_cacheable($path) {
// the $path may be an alias, unalias first
$url = drupal_lookup_path('source', $path);
if (!$url) {
// $path is not an alias, use $path as is for our test
$url = $path;
$p = explode('/', $url);
if (count($p) == 2 && $p[0] == 'node' && is_numeric($p[1])) {
// if protected, do not cache (i.e. not caching == return FALSE)
return !protected_node_isset_protected($p[1]);
* Add the Protected Node fieldset to the CCK.
function protected_node_content_extra_fields($type_name) {
$extra = array();
$extra['protected_node'] = array(
'label' => t('Protected node'),
'description' => t('Protected node module form.'),
'weight' => 20,
return $extra;
* This method marks the specified node as protected.
* The method accepts a password. It is legal to not pass a password in
* which case the previously defined password is used or the global password.
* If no password is available, then the node gets locked until edited by
* the author or the administrator (UID=1) and a password is added.
* If the \p $passwd parameter is set, then the change is marked in the
* database. In other words, all users who had previously enter a password
* will be kicked out.
* @param[in] $param The node identifier or whatever valid $param passed to node_load.
* @param[in] $passwd The node password.
* @return TRUE if the node is protection on return.
function protected_node_set_protected($param, $passwd = NULL) {
// get the existing node
$node = node_load($param);
if ($node == FALSE) {
// not even a valid node identifier?!
return FALSE;
if (empty($node->protected_node_is_protected)) {
// node exists in our table?
$r = db_result(db_query("SELECT nid FROM {protected_nodes} WHERE nid = %d", $node->nid));
if ($r) {
if (empty($passwd)) {
// in this case, an empty password is fine
$sql = "UPDATE {protected_nodes} SET protected_node_is_protected = 1 WHERE nid = %d";
$result = db_query($sql, $node->nid) !== FALSE;
else {
// we have to also update the password in this case
$sql = "UPDATE {protected_nodes} SET protected_node_is_protected = 1," . " protected_node_passwd = '%s', protected_node_passwd_changed = %d WHERE nid = %d";
$result = db_query($sql, sha1($passwd), time(), $node->nid) !== FALSE;
else {
// no entry in the database yet, add it now
if (empty($passwd)) {
$passwd = '';
else {
$passwd = sha1($passwd);
$sql = "INSERT INTO {protected_nodes} (protected_node_is_protected," . " protected_node_passwd, protected_node_show_title, nid)" . " VALUES (1, '%s', %d, %d)";
$result = db_query($sql, $passwd, variable_get('protected_node_show_node_titles', FALSE), $node->nid) !== FALSE;
else {
// the node is already protected, change the password if necessary
if (empty($passwd)) {
// it is protected; we're done (the password is not to be changed)
return TRUE;
$sql = "UPDATE {protected_nodes} SET protected_node_passwd = '%s', protected_node_passwd_changed = %d WHERE nid = %d";
$result = db_query($sql, sha1($passwd), time(), $node->nid) !== FALSE;
return $result;
* This method marks the specified node as unprotected.
* @param[in] int $nid The node identifier.
* @return TRUE if the node was protected before the call, FALSE otherwise.
function protected_node_unset_protected($nid) {
$r = db_result(db_query("SELECT protected_node_is_protected FROM {protected_nodes} WHERE nid = %d", $nid)) == 1;
db_query("UPDATE {protected_nodes} SET protected_node_is_protected = 0 WHERE nid = %d", $nid);
return $r;
* This method determines the protected flag status for the given node id.
* Note that doesn't mean the node is protected for the current user
* (i.e. the current user may have entered the password successfully.)
* @param[in] int $nid The node id to check.
* @return boolean TRUE if the node identified by the nid you provided is protected, FALSE otherwise.
function protected_node_isset_protected($nid) {
if (!is_numeric($nid)) {
return FALSE;
return db_result(db_query("SELECT protected_node_is_protected FROM {protected_nodes} WHERE nid = %d", $nid)) == 1;
* Revoke access to the current used from the specified protected node.
* The effect is immediate.
* Note that the date is not checked so it is possible that the node was
* already locked and this function still returns TRUE (i.e. the lock
* release was out of date and thus the node was anyway not accessible.)
* @param[in] $nid The node to lock.
* @return TRUE if the node gets unlocked.
function protected_node_lock($nid) {
if (is_numeric($nid) && isset($_SESSION['_protected_node']['passwords'][$nid])) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Give access to the current user to the specified protected node.
* The duration of the lock is as expected starting now.
* @param[in] $nid The node to unlock.
* @return TRUE if the node gets unlocked.
function protected_node_unlock($nid) {
if (is_numeric($nid)) {
// make sure the node exists
$node = node_load($nid);
if ($node->protected_node_is_protected) {
$_SESSION['_protected_node']['passwords'][$nid] = time();
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/** @brief WebFM support.
* Check webfm file access. In this case, we just check whether the
* node is protected for the current user.
* @param[out] $access Variable whether the access result is saved.
* @param[in] $node Node being checked.
* @param[in] $fid File being checked.
function protected_node_webfm_file_access_alter(&$access, $node, $fid) {
$access = !protected_node_is_locked($node->nid, 'view');
// vim: ts=2 sw=2 et syntax=php
Name![]() |
Description |
protected_node_access_callback | Callback function to determine who can enter a password. |
protected_node_and_attachment | If gathering an attachment, verify that it is accessible and if not ask for the password. |
protected_node_autocomplete_off | After_build function to disable autocomplete for the password fields. |
protected_node_boost_is_cacheable | Prevent boost from caching protected nodes. |
protected_node_content_extra_fields | Add the Protected Node fieldset to the CCK. |
protected_node_db_rewrite_sql | Implementation of hook_db_rewrite_sql(). |
protected_node_file_download | Implementation of hook_file_download(). @link |
protected_node_form_alter | Implementation of hook_form_alter(). @link |
protected_node_help | Implementation of hook_help(). @link |
protected_node_init | Implementation of hook_init(). @link |
protected_node_invoke | Call module implemented functions with a parameter passed as reference instead of copy. |
protected_node_isset_protected | This method determines the protected flag status for the given node id. |
protected_node_is_locked | Check whether a node is protected and a password is required. |
protected_node_load | Load the node extension fields. |
protected_node_lock | Revoke access to the current used from the specified protected node. The effect is immediate. |
protected_node_menu | Implementation of hook_menu(). @link |
protected_node_nodeapi | Implementation of hook_nodeapi(). @link |
protected_node_node_type | Implementation of hook_node_type(). |
protected_node_perm | Implementation of hook_perm(). @link |
protected_node_protected_node_hide | Implementation of hook_protected_node_hide(). |
protected_node_save | Sets the given node to protected with the provided password. The password cannot be empty. |
protected_node_set_protected | This method marks the specified node as protected. |
protected_node_token_list | Implementation of hook_token_list(). |
protected_node_token_values | Implementation of hook_token_values(). |
protected_node_unlock | Give access to the current user to the specified protected node. The duration of the lock is as expected starting now. |
protected_node_unset_protected | This method marks the specified node as unprotected. |
protected_node_webfm_file_access_alter | @brief WebFM support. |
Name![]() |
Description |
PROTECTED_NODE_GLOBAL_PASSWORD | Use the global password only. Ignore the node specific password and don't ask for one when editing the node. |
PROTECTED_NODE_PER_NODE_AND_GLOBAL_PASSWORD | The password is not required. The system uses the global password if the node does not define a password. |
PROTECTED_NODE_PER_NODE_PASSWORD | The password is required on all nodes unless the node type defines a default password. |
PROTECTED_NODE_PROTECTION_ALWAYS | The nodes of this type will always be protected. |
PROTECTED_NODE_PROTECTION_NEVER | Never protect these types of nodes. |
PROTECTED_NODE_PROTECTION_PROTECTABLE | The author can choose whether the node is protected or not. By default, the node is not protected. |
PROTECTED_NODE_PROTECTION_PROTECTED | The author can choose whether the node is protected or not. By default, the node is protected. |