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function phpexcel_munge_filename in PHPExcel 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 \phpexcel_munge_filename()
  2. 7.2 \phpexcel_munge_filename()

Munges the filename in the path.

We can't use drupals file_munge_filename() directly because the $path variable contains the path as well. Separate the filename from the directory structure, munge it and return.


string $path:

Return value


8 calls to phpexcel_munge_filename()
PHPExcelTest::testCustomMethodCalls in tests/phpexcel.test
Test the ability to pass cutom methods and arguments on import to the Reader.
PHPExcelTest::testDBResultExport in tests/phpexcel.test
Test db_result export.
PHPExcelTest::testIgnoreHeaders in tests/phpexcel.test
Test "ignore_headers" option.
PHPExcelTest::testIssue1988868 in tests/phpexcel.test
A cell with a value of '0' must get exported as such.
PHPExcelTest::testMultipleWorksheetExport in tests/phpexcel.test
Test multiple worksheet Excel export.

... See full list


./, line 557
Defines the phpexcel api functions that other modules can use.


function phpexcel_munge_filename($path) {
  $parts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path);
  $filename = array_pop($parts);
  return implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $parts) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . file_munge_filename($filename, 'xls xlsx csv ods');