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Functions in PHPExcel 8.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_phpexcel_export ./phpexcel.api.php Implements hook_phpexcel_export().
hook_phpexcel_import ./phpexcel.api.php Implements hook_phpexcel_import().
phpexcel_export ./ Simple API function which will generate an XLS file and save it in $path. 7
phpexcel_export_db_result ./ Export a database result to an Excel file. 1
phpexcel_import ./ Import an Excel file. 7
phpexcel_invoke ./ Invokes phpexcel hooks. 3
phpexcel_libraries_info ./phpexcel.module Implements hook_libraries_info().
phpexcel_menu ./phpexcel.module Implements hook_menu().
phpexcel_munge_filename ./ Munges the filename in the path. 8
phpexcel_permission ./phpexcel.module Implements hook_permission().
phpexcel_settings_form ./phpexcel.module Settings form. 2
phpexcel_settings_form_validate ./phpexcel.module Validate the settings form.
_phpexcel_get_cache_settings ./ Determine the cache settings. 2
_phpexcel_set_columns ./ Adds the data to the Excel file. 1
_phpexcel_set_headers ./ Sets the Excel file headers. 1
_phpexcel_set_properties ./ Sets the Excel file properties, like creator, title, etc. 1

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