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phpexcel.test in PHPExcel 8.3

Defines the test case for phpexcel


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 * @file
 * Defines the test case for phpexcel
class PHPExcelTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  protected $single_worksheet_file;
  protected $issue_1988868_file;
  protected $multiple_worksheet_file;
  protected $no_headers_file;
  protected $db_result_file;
  protected $template_file;
  protected $directory;
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'PHPExcel',
      'description' => 'Test the module API functions',
      'group' => 'PHPExcel',
  public function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('libraries', 'phpexcel');
    $this->directory = variable_get('file_' . file_default_scheme() . '_path', conf_path() . '/files');

    // Make sure the directory is writable
      ->assertTrue(is_writable($this->directory), t("The !dir directory exists and is writable.", array(
      '!dir' => $this->directory,
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../';
  public function tearDown() {

   * Test a simple, single worksheet Excel export.
  public function testSingleWorksheetExport() {

     * Export

    // Prepare the data
    $headers = array(
      'Header 1',
      'Header 2',
    $data = array(
        'Data 1.1',
        'Data 1.2',
        'Data 2.1',
        'Data 2.2',
        'Data 3.1',
        'Data 3.2',

    // Create a file path
    $correct_path = file_create_filename('phpexcel_test1.xls', $this->directory);

    // The filename will be munged by the export function, so:
    $this->single_worksheet_file = phpexcel_munge_filename($correct_path);

    // Create a wrong path. Should not be able to export.
    $wrong_path = 'path/to/nowhere/file.xls';

    // Should fail
      ->assertEqual(PHPEXCEL_ERROR_PATH_NOT_WRITABLE, phpexcel_export($headers, $data, $wrong_path), 'Passed an incorrect path');

    // Should pass
      ->assertEqual(PHPEXCEL_SUCCESS, phpexcel_export($headers, $data, $correct_path), t('Exported data to !path', array(
      '!path' => $this->single_worksheet_file,

    // Should pass
      ->assertTrue(filesize($this->single_worksheet_file) > 0, 'Filesize should be bigger than 0');

     * Import and check.
     * Import, not keyed by headers
    $data = phpexcel_import($this->single_worksheet_file, FALSE);

    // Should pass
      ->assertTrue(!!$data, 'Import succeeded');

    // Should have 4 rows (3 rows + headers)
    $count = !empty($data[0]) ? count($data[0]) : 0;
      ->assertTrue($count === 4, t('!count rows, expect 4.', array(
      '!count' => $count,

    // Should only have 2 cells
    $count = !empty($data[0][0]) ? count($data[0][0]) : 0;
      ->assertTrue($count === 2, t('!count cells, expect 2.', array(
      '!count' => $count,

    // First row, 1st cell should be 'Header 1'
    $header = !empty($data[0][0][0]) ? $data[0][0][0] : 'no';
      ->assertTrue($header === 'Header 1', 'First row, 1st cell data should be "Header 1"');

    // Second row, 1st cell should be 'Data 1.1'
    $header = !empty($data[0][1][0]) ? $data[0][1][0] : 'no';
      ->assertTrue($header === 'Data 1.1', 'Second row, 1st cell data should be "Data 1.1"');

   * A cell with a value of '0' must get exported as such.
   * @see
  public function testIssue1988868() {

     * Export

    // Prepare the data
    $headers = array(
      'Header 1',
      'Header 2',
    $data = array(
        'Data 1.2',
        'Data 2.1',

    // Create a file path
    $correct_path = file_create_filename('phpexcel_test1.xls', $this->directory);

    // The filename will be munged by the export function, so:
    $this->issue_1988868_file = phpexcel_munge_filename($correct_path);

    // Should pass
      ->assertEqual(PHPEXCEL_SUCCESS, phpexcel_export($headers, $data, $correct_path), t('Exported data to !path', array(
      '!path' => $this->issue_1988868_file,

    // Should pass
      ->assertTrue(filesize($this->issue_1988868_file) > 0, 'Filesize should be bigger than 0');

     * Import and check.
     * Import, not keyed by headers
    $data = phpexcel_import($this->issue_1988868_file, FALSE);

    // Should pass
      ->assertTrue(!!$data, 'Import succeeded');

    // Second row, 1st cell should be 'Data 1.1'
    $cell = $data[0][1][0];
      ->assertTrue($cell === '0', 'Second row, 1st cell data should be "0"');

    // Second row, 2nd cell should be 'Data 1.1'
    $cell = $data[0][1][1];
      ->assertTrue($cell === 'Data 1.2', 'Second row, 2nd cell data should be "Data 1.2"');

    // Third row, 2nd cell should be '0'
    $cell = $data[0][2][1];
      ->assertTrue($cell === '0', 'Third row, 2nd cell data should be "0"');

    // Fourth row, 1st cell should be '0'
    $cell = $data[0][3][0];
      ->assertTrue($cell === '0', 'Fourth row, 1st cell data should be "0"');

    // Fourth row, 2nd cell should be '0'
    $cell = $data[0][3][1];
      ->assertTrue($cell === '0', 'Fourth row, 2nd cell data should be "0"');

   * Test multiple worksheet Excel export.
  public function testMultipleWorksheetExport() {

     * Export

    // Prepare data
    $headers = array(
      'Sheet 1' => array(
        'Header 1.1',
        'Header 1.2',
      'Sheet 2' => array(
        'Header 2.1',
        'Header 2.2',
    $data = array(
      'Sheet 1' => array(
          'Data 1.1.1',
          'Data 1.1.2',
          'Data 1.2.1',
          'Data 1.2.2',
          'Data 1.3.1',
          'Data 1.3.2',
      'Sheet 2' => array(
          'Data 2.1.1',
          'Data 2.1.2',
          'Data 2.2.1',
          'Data 2.2.2',
          'Data 2.3.1',
          'Data 2.3.2',

    // Create a file path
    $correct_path = file_create_filename('phpexcel_test2.xls', $this->directory);

    // The filename will be munged by the export function, so:
    $this->multiple_worksheet_file = phpexcel_munge_filename($correct_path);

    // Should pass
      ->assertEqual(PHPEXCEL_SUCCESS, phpexcel_export($headers, $data, $correct_path), t('Exported data to !path', array(
      '!path' => $this->multiple_worksheet_file,

    // Should pass
      ->assertTrue(filesize($this->multiple_worksheet_file) > 0, 'Filesize should be bigger than 0');

     * Import and check.
     * Import, keyed by headers
    $data = phpexcel_import($this->multiple_worksheet_file);

    // Should pass
      ->assertTrue(!!$data, 'Import succeeded');

    // Should have 3 rows
    $count = !empty($data[0]) ? count($data[0]) : 0;
      ->assertTrue($count === 3, t('!count rows, expect 3', array(
      '!count' => $count,

    // Should only have 2 cells
    $count = !empty($data[0][0]) ? count($data[0][0]) : 0;
      ->assertTrue($count === 2, t('!count cells, expect 2', array(
      '!count' => $count,

    // Should be keyed by headers
      ->assertTrue(isset($data[0][0]['Header 1.1']), 'Keyed by header ("Header 1.1")');
      ->assertTrue(isset($data[1][0]['Header 2.2']), 'Keyed by header ("Header 2.2")');
    $header = !empty($data[0][0]['Header 1.1']) ? $data[0][0]['Header 1.1'] : 'no';
      ->assertTrue($header === 'Data 1.1.1', 'Should be "Data 1.1.1"');
    $header = !empty($data[1][1]['Header 2.2']) ? $data[1][1]['Header 2.2'] : 'no';
      ->assertTrue($header === 'Data 2.2.2', 'Should be "Data 2.2.2"');

     * Import and check.
     * Import with worksheet names.
    $data = phpexcel_import($this->multiple_worksheet_file, TRUE, TRUE);

    // Should pass
      ->assertTrue(!!$data, 'Import succeeded');

    // Should have 3 rows
    $count = !empty($data['Sheet 1']) ? count($data['Sheet 1']) : 0;
      ->assertTrue($count === 3, t('!count rows, expect 3', array(
      '!count' => $count,

    // Should be keyed by Worksheet name.
      ->assertTrue(isset($data['Sheet 1']), t('Imported with Worksheet names.'));
      ->assertTrue(isset($data['Sheet 2']), t('Imported with Worksheet names.'));

    // Should only have 2 cells
    $count = !empty($data['Sheet 1'][0]) ? count($data['Sheet 1'][0]) : 0;
      ->assertTrue($count === 2, t('!count cells, expect 2', array(
      '!count' => $count,

    // Should be keyed by headers
      ->assertTrue(isset($data['Sheet 1'][0]['Header 1.1']), 'Keyed by header ("Header 1.1")');
      ->assertTrue(isset($data['Sheet 2'][0]['Header 2.2']), 'Keyed by header ("Header 2.2")');
    $header = !empty($data['Sheet 1'][0]['Header 1.1']) ? $data['Sheet 1'][0]['Header 1.1'] : 'no';
      ->assertTrue($header === 'Data 1.1.1', 'Should be "Data 1.1.1"');
    $header = !empty($data['Sheet 2'][1]['Header 2.2']) ? $data['Sheet 2'][1]['Header 2.2'] : 'no';
      ->assertTrue($header === 'Data 2.2.2', 'Should be "Data 2.2.2"');

   * Test "ignore_headers" option.
  public function testIgnoreHeaders() {

     * Export

    // Prepare data
    $data = array(
      0 => array(
          'Data 1.1.1',
          'Data 1.1.2',
          'Data 1.2.1',
          'Data 1.2.2',
          'Data 1.3.1',
          'Data 1.3.2',
      'Sheet 2' => array(
          'Data 2.1.1',
          'Data 2.1.2',
          'Data 2.2.1',
          'Data 2.2.2',
          'Data 2.3.1',
          'Data 2.3.2',

    // Create a file path
    $correct_path = file_create_filename('phpexcel_test3.xls', $this->directory);

    // The filename will be munged by the export function, so:
    $this->no_headers_file = phpexcel_munge_filename($correct_path);

    // Should pass
      ->assertEqual(PHPEXCEL_SUCCESS, phpexcel_export(NULL, $data, $correct_path, array(
      'ignore_headers' => TRUE,
    )), t('Exported data to !path', array(
      '!path' => $this->no_headers_file,

    // Should pass
      ->assertTrue(filesize($this->no_headers_file) > 0, 'Filesize should be bigger than 0');

     * Import and check.
     * Import, not keyed by headers
    $data = phpexcel_import($this->no_headers_file, FALSE);

    // Should pass
      ->assertTrue(!!$data, 'Import succeeded');

    // Should have 3 rows
    $count = !empty($data[0]) ? count($data[0]) : 0;
      ->assertTrue($count === 3, t('!count rows, expect 3', array(
      '!count' => $count,

    // Should only have 2 cells
    $count = !empty($data[0][0]) ? count($data[0][0]) : 0;
      ->assertTrue($count === 2, t('!count cells, expect 2', array(
      '!count' => $count,
    $header = !empty($data[0][0][0]) ? $data[0][0][0] : 'no';
      ->assertTrue($header === 'Data 1.1.1', 'Should be "Data 1.1.1"');
    $header = !empty($data[1][1][1]) ? $data[1][1][1] : 'no';
      ->assertTrue($header === 'Data 2.2.2', 'Should be "Data 2.2.2"');

   * Test a simple, single worksheet Excel export.
  public function testTemplateExport() {

     * Export

    // Prepare the data
    $data = array(
        'Data 1.1',
        'Data 1.2',
        'Data 2.1',
        'Data 2.2',
        'Data 3.1',
        'Data 3.2',

    // Options
    $options = array(
      'format' => 'xlsx',
      'template' => drupal_get_path('module', 'phpexcel') . '/tests/data/phpexcel.test.template.xlsx',
      'ignore_headers' => TRUE,

    // Create a file path
    $correct_path = file_create_filename('phpexcel_test4.xlsx', $this->directory);

    // The filename will be munged by the export function, so:
    $this->template_file = phpexcel_munge_filename($correct_path);

    // Should pass
      ->assertEqual(PHPEXCEL_SUCCESS, phpexcel_export(array(), $data, $correct_path, $options), t('Exported data to !path', array(
      '!path' => $this->template_file,

    // Should pass
      ->assertTrue(filesize($this->template_file) > 0, 'Filesize should be bigger than 0');

     * Import and check.
    $data = phpexcel_import($this->template_file, FALSE);

    // Should pass
      ->assertTrue(!!$data, 'Import succeeded');

    // Should have 3 rows (3 rows and no headers)
    $count = !empty($data[0]) ? count($data[0]) : 0;
      ->assertTrue($count === 3, t('!count rows, expect 3', array(
      '!count' => $count,

    // First row, 1st cell should be 'Data 1.1'
    $header = !empty($data[0][0][0]) ? $data[0][0][0] : 'no';
      ->assertTrue($header === 'Data 1.1', 'First row, 1st cell data should be "Data 1.1", and is ' . $header);

    // Second row, 1st cell should be 'Data 2.1'
    $header = !empty($data[0][1][0]) ? $data[0][1][0] : 'no';
      ->assertTrue($header === 'Data 2.1', 'Second row, 1st cell data should be "Data 2.1", and is ' . $header);

   * Test db_result export.
  public function testDBResultExport() {

     * Export

    // Create 10 nodes
    for ($i = 10; $i > 0; $i--) {

    // Get the db query result
    $result = db_select('node', 'n')
      ->fields('n', array(

    // Create a path
    $correct_path = file_create_filename('phpexcel_test4.xlsx', $this->directory);

    // The filename will be munged by the export function, so:
    $this->db_result_file = phpexcel_munge_filename($correct_path);

    // Try exporting to Excel 2007
    $options = array(
      'format' => 'xlsx',
      'creator' => 'SimpleTest',
      'title' => 'DBResult',
      'subject' => 'test',
      'description' => 'my description',

    // Should pass
      ->assertEqual(PHPEXCEL_SUCCESS, phpexcel_export_db_result($result, $correct_path), t('Exported data to !path', array(
      '!path' => $this->db_result_file,

    // Should pass
      ->assertTrue(filesize($this->db_result_file) > 0, 'Filesize should be bigger than 0');

     * Import and check.
     * Import, cells keyed by headers.
    $data = phpexcel_import($this->db_result_file);

    // Should pass
      ->assertTrue(!!$data, 'Import succeeded');

    // Should have 10 rows
    $count = count($data[0]);
      ->assertTrue($count === 10, t('!count rows, expect 10', array(
      '!count' => $count,

    // Should only have 2 cells
    $count = count($data[0][0]);
      ->assertTrue($count === 2, t('!count cells, expect 2', array(
      '!count' => $count,

    // Should be keyed by headers (nid & title)
      ->assertTrue(isset($data[0][0]['nid']), 'Keyed by header (nid)');
      ->assertTrue(isset($data[0][1]['title']), 'Keyed by header (title)');

   * Test the ability to pass cutom methods and arguments on import to the Reader.
  public function testCustomMethodCalls() {

     * Export

    // Prepare data
    $headers = array(
      'Sheet 1' => array(
        'Header 1.1',
        'Header 1.2',
      'Sheet 2' => array(
        'Header 2.1',
        'Header 2.2',
    $data = array(
      'Sheet 1' => array(
          'Data 1.1.1',
          'Data 1.1.2',
          'Data 1.2.1',
          'Data 1.2.2',
          'Data 1.3.1',
          'Data 1.3.2',
      'Sheet 2' => array(
          'Data 2.1.1',
          'Data 2.1.2',
          'Data 2.2.1',
          'Data 2.2.2',
          'Data 2.3.1',
          'Data 2.3.2',

    // Create a file path
    $correct_path = file_create_filename('phpexcel_test2.xls', $this->directory);

    // The filename will be munged by the export function, so:
    $this->multiple_worksheet_file = phpexcel_munge_filename($correct_path);

    // Should pass
      ->assertEqual(PHPEXCEL_SUCCESS, phpexcel_export($headers, $data, $correct_path), t('Exported data to !path', array(
      '!path' => $this->multiple_worksheet_file,

    // Should pass
      ->assertTrue(filesize($this->multiple_worksheet_file) > 0, 'Filesize should be bigger than 0');

     * Import and check.
     * Pass a method call to only import a specific worksheet.
    $data = phpexcel_import($this->multiple_worksheet_file, TRUE, TRUE, array(
      'setLoadSheetsOnly' => array(
        'Sheet 1',

    // Should pass
      ->assertTrue(!!$data, 'Import succeeded');

    // Should have 3 rows
    $count = !empty($data['Sheet 1']) ? count($data['Sheet 1']) : 0;
      ->assertTrue($count === 3, t('!count rows, expect 3', array(
      '!count' => $count,

    // Should be empty.
    $count = !empty($data['Sheet 2']) ? count($data['Sheet 2']) : 0;
      ->assertTrue($count === 0, t('!count rows, expect 0', array(
      '!count' => $count,
  protected function _createNode() {
    $node = (object) array(
      'type' => 'page',
      'title' => $this
      'body' => $this



Namesort descending Description
PHPExcelTest @file Defines the test case for phpexcel