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Functions in Album Photos 7.3

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
photos_edit_cover inc/ Update album cover. 1
photos_edit_delete inc/ Delete photo. 1
photos_edit_page inc/ Image management. 1
photos_edit_sort_albums_save inc/ Save weight for array of album id's. 1
photos_edit_sort_album_page inc/ Grid drag and drop album sorting. 1
photos_edit_sort_page inc/ Grid drag and drop image sorting. 1
photos_edit_sort_save inc/ Save weight for array of image id's. 1
photos_edit_sort_subalbums_save inc/ Save weight for array of image id's in sub-album. 1
photos_edit_to_sub inc/ Move image to sub album. 1
photos_edit_update inc/ Ajax edit image. 1
photos_edit_update_load inc/ Ajax edit image load text. 1
photos_edit_upload inc/ Photos upload and edit page. 1
photos_file_del ./photos.module Photos - image removal. 3
photos_file_download ./photos.module Implements hook_file_download().
photos_filter_info ./photos.module Implements hook_filter_info().
photos_filter_process ./photos.module Photos filter process. 1
photos_form ./photos.module Implements hook_form().
photos_form_alter ./photos.module Implements hook_form_alter().
photos_form_redirect ./photos.module Redirect photos form to image management page. 1
photos_get_count ./photos.module Return number of albums or photos. 4
photos_get_info ./photos.module Get photo informaiton. 18
photos_image_date ./photos.module Image written to database. 3
photos_image_get inc/ Output image. 1
photos_image_page inc/ Image page. 1 1
photos_image_pager ./photos.module Photos image view pager block. 2
photos_image_vote inc/ Photos image vote. photos/image/%/vote 1
photos_init ./photos.module Implements hook_init().
photos_install ./photos.install Implements hook_install().
photos_libraries_info ./photos.module Implements hook_libraries_info().
photos_menu ./photos.module Implements hook_menu().
photos_node_access ./photos.module Implements hook_node_access().
photos_node_delete ./photos.module Implements hook_node_delete().
photos_node_info ./photos.module Implements hook_node_info().
photos_node_insert ./photos.module Implements hook_node_insert().
photos_node_load ./photos.module Implements hook_node_load().
photos_node_type_delete ./photos.module Implements hook_node_type_delete().
photos_node_update ./photos.module Implements hook_node_update().
photos_node_validate ./photos.module Implements hook_node_validate().
photos_node_view ./photos.module Implements hook_node_view().
photos_page_album inc/ Album photos page. 1
photos_page_default inc/ Default page, list recent photos and galleries. 1
photos_page_image inc/ Latest images page. 1
photos_page_slide inc/ Album slideshow page. 1
photos_page_title ./photos.module Photos page title. 1 1
photos_permission ./photos.module Implements hook_permission().
photos_photos_access ./photos.module Implements hook_photos_access().
photos_preprocess_photos_imagehtml ./photos.module Implements hook_preprocess().
photos_preprocess_photos_vote ./photos.module Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
photos_schema ./photos.install Implements hook_schema().
photos_search_access ./photos.module Implements hook_search_access().


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