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Files in Album Photos 7.3

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CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt album photos for drupal-7.x 2014/2/22 1. Add search integration. 2014/2/08 1. Fix display settings for node full and teaser view. 2014/2/05 1. Add plupload module integration. 2013/8/04 1. Rename table {photos_vote} to {photos_comment}. 2. Change… inc/ Admin settings form(s) and submit handler. inc/ Handles album views and content.
photos.css css/photos.css /* testing sortable */ #photos-sortable { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } #photos-sortable li { margin: 3px 3px 3px 0; padding: 1px; float: left; width: 100px; height:100px; text-align: center; … inc/ Handles slideshow integration. inc/ Handles share image page(s) and content. inc/ Handles uploading and editing images. inc/ Handles album settings form. inc/ Handles image page view(s) and content. name = "Album photos" description = Picture Management Module core = 7.x package = album photos dependencies[] = file dependencies[] = image configure = admin/config/media/photos files[] =…
photos.install photos.install Install, update, and uninstall functions for the Album Photos module.
photos.module photos.module Implementation of photos.module. inc/ Handles default page view(s) and content. inc/views/ Integrate with the views module.
photos_access.css photos_access/photos_access.css .photos_access_remove, #photos_access_password, #photos_access_viewuser { display:none; } div.photos_access_updateremove { float:left; padding-right:3px; } #edit-privacy-updateuser-wrapper { clear:both; } photos_access/ name = "Photos access" description = Advanced photo access and privacy settings. core = 7.x package = album photos
photos_access.install photos_access/photos_access.install Install, update, and uninstall functions for the Photos Access module.
photos_access.module photos_access/photos_access.module
photos_albumlinks.tpl.php tpl/photos_albumlinks.tpl.php Formats album links.
photos_albumlist.tpl.php tpl/photos_albumlist.tpl.php Formats album list.
photos_albumview.tpl.php tpl/photos_albumview.tpl.php Formats album layout.
photos_default.tpl.php tpl/photos_default.tpl.php Formats default layout.
photos_down.tpl.php tpl/photos_down.tpl.php Formats share image url page.
photos_exif.tpl.php tpl/photos_exif.tpl.php Formats exif data. inc/views/handlers/ Definition of photos_handler_field_photos_album_cover. inc/views/handlers/ Definition of photos_handler_field_photos_image.
photos_imageblock.tpl.php tpl/photos_imageblock.tpl.php Formats album image pager block.
photos_imagehtml.tpl.php tpl/photos_imagehtml.tpl.php Formats single image.
photos_imageview.tpl.php tpl/photos_imageview.tpl.php Formats single image view on image page and list views.
photos_print.tpl.php tpl/photos_print.tpl.php Formats print page.
photos_share.tpl.php tpl/photos_share.tpl.php Formats share image page.
photos_swfu.css photos_swfu/photos_swfu.css #queueinfo{ margin: 1em 0; padding: 10px 20px; border: solid 1px #FFDD99; background-color: #FFFFCC; } #photos-swfu object { vertical-align:middle; } .photos_swfu_button{ line-height:22px; min-height:22px; } .progressWrapper { width:… photos_swfu/ name = "Photos SWFUpload" description = SWFUpload flash utility to upload multiple images at once. package = album photos dependencies[] = photos dependencies[] = libraries (>=2.x) core = 7.x
photos_swfu.module photos_swfu/photos_swfu.module
photos_swfu_style.tpl.php photos_swfu/photos_swfu_style.tpl.php Formats swfu form.
photos_vote.tpl.php tpl/photos_vote.tpl.php Formats image votes.
README.txt README.txt version:7.x-2.x INSTALL ------- *Depends on core image and file module(s). *Content type photos created automatically as primary album type. *Configure global settings: admin/config/media/photos *Update permissions. *For inline editing…
README.txt photos_swfu/README.txt version:7.x-2.x INSTALL ------- **Depends on photos module and libraries module v2.x. *Download swfupload: *Rename folder to swfupload and add to sites/all/libraries. *Enable module. FEATURES -------- …

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