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function photos_image_page in Album Photos 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 inc/ \photos_image_page()

Image page.

1 call to photos_image_page()
photos_page_image in inc/
Latest images page.
1 string reference to 'photos_image_page'
photos_menu in ./photos.module
Implements hook_menu().


inc/, line 10
Handles image page view(s) and content.


function photos_image_page($fid, $uid = NULL) {
  if (!is_numeric($fid)) {
  global $user;
  $query = db_select('file_managed', 'f');
    ->join('photos_image', 'p', 'p.fid = f.fid');
    ->join('photos_album', 'a', ' =');
    ->join('node', 'n', 'n.nid =');
    ->join('users', 'u', 'u.uid = f.uid');
    ->fields('f', array(
    ->fields('a', array(
    ->fields('u', array(
    ->condition('p.fid', $fid);
  $image = $query
  if (!$image) {
    return drupal_not_found();
  $image = photos_get_info(0, $image);
  $node = node_load($image->pid);
  if (_photos_access('imageEdit', $node)) {
    $image->ajax['edit_url'] = url('photos/image/' . $image->fid . '/update');
    if (_photos_select_sub_album()) {
      $image->links['to_sub'] = l(t('Add to sub-album...'), 'photos/image/' . $image->fid . '/to_sub', array(
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
    $image->links['cover'] = l(t('Set to Cover'), 'node/' . $image->pid . '/photos/cover/' . $fid, array(
      'query' => drupal_get_destination(),
  $image->class = array(
    'title_class' => '',
    'des_class' => '',
  $image->id = array(
    'des_edit' => '',
    'title_edit' => '',
  if (_photos_access('imageEdit', $node)) {
    $image->ajax['edit_link'] = l(t('Edit'), 'photos/image/' . $image->fid . '/edit', array(
      'query' => array(
        'destination' => 'photos/image/' . $image->fid,
      'attributes' => array(
        'class' => array(
    $image->class = array(
      'title_class' => ' jQueryeditable_edit_title',
      'des_class' => ' jQueryeditable_edit_des',
    $image->id = array(
      'des_edit' => ' id="photos-image-edit-des-' . $image->fid . '"',
      'title_edit' => ' id="photos-image-edit-title-' . $image->fid . '"',
  if (_photos_access('imageDelete', $node)) {
    $image->ajax['del_link'] = l(t('Delete'), 'photos/image/' . $image->fid . '/delete', array(
      'query' => array(
        'destination' => 'node/' . $image->pid,
      'attributes' => array(
        'class' => array(
  if (variable_get('photos_vote', 0)) {
    $image->vote = theme('photos_vote', array(
      'fid' => $fid,
  if (variable_get('photos_comment', 0)) {
    $image->links['comment'] = theme('photos_comment_count', array(
      'comcount' => $image->comcount,
  if ($uid) {

    // User images.
    $pager_type = 'uid';
    $pager_id = $uid;
  elseif (isset($_GET['photos_sub'])) {

    // Sub-album images.
    $pager_type = 'sub';
    $pager_id = (int) $_GET['photos_sub'];
  else {

    // Album images.
    $pager_type = 'pid';
    $pager_id = $image->pid;
  $data = unserialize($image->data);
  $style_name = isset($data['view_imagesize']) ? $data['view_imagesize'] : variable_get('photos_display_view_imagesize', 'large');

  // Necessary when upgrading from D6 to D7.
  $image_styles = image_style_options(FALSE);
  if (!isset($image_styles[$style_name])) {
    $style_name = variable_get('photos_display_view_imagesize', 'large');

  // Display all sizes link to share code?
  $all_sizes_link = variable_get('photos_print_sizes', 0);
  if ($all_sizes_link < 2) {

    // Display full page or colorbox.
    $colorbox = array();
    if ($all_sizes_link == 1) {
      $colorbox = array(
        'query' => array(
          'iframe' => 'true',
          'height' => 650,
          'width' => 850,
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
    $image->links['more'] = l(t('All sizes'), 'photos/zoom/' . $fid, $colorbox);
  $image->links['pager'] = photos_image_pager($fid, $pager_id, $pager_type);
  $image->view = theme('photos_imagehtml', array(
    'style_name' => $style_name,
    'image' => $image,
  $image->comment['view'] = _photos_comment($fid, $image->comcount, $node);
  if (!variable_get('photos_image_count', 0)) {
    $count = 1;
      'count' => $count,
      ->expression('count', 'count + :count', array(
      ':count' => $count,
      ->condition('fid', $fid)
  $image->title = check_plain($image->title);
  $image->des = check_plain($image->des);
  if ($pager_type == 'sub') {

    // Home >> Node Title >> Sub Album >> Image
    $sub_album = node_load($pager_id);
    $sub_title = t('Sub-Album: @title', array(
      '@title' => $sub_album->title,
      l($sub_album->title, 'node/' . $sub_album->nid),
      l($sub_title, 'photos/sub_album/' . $sub_album->nid),
  else {
      l(t('Images'), 'photos/image'),
      l(t('@name\'s images', array(
        '@name' => $image->name,
      )), 'photos/user/' . $image->uid . '/image'),
      l($node->title, 'photos/album/' . $image->pid),
  $GLOBALS['photos'][$image->fid . '_pid'] = $image->pid;
  return theme('photos_imageview', array(
    'image' => $image,
    'type' => 'view',