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Functions in Album Photos 7.3

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
_photos_comment inc/ Comments on single picture. 1
_photos_del_checkbox inc/ Handles image edit list delete checkbox. 2
_photos_down_exif inc/ Photos exif data. 1
_photos_down_label inc/ Download label. 1
_photos_down_vote inc/ Vote. 1
_photos_edit_page_album inc/ Album image management page. 1
_photos_edit_page_albums inc/ Get albums for album re-arrange page. 1
_photos_edit_page_album_images inc/ Get images for album management page. 3
_photos_edit_page_node inc/ Sub-album image management page. 1
_photos_edit_page_single_image inc/ Album image management page. 1
_photos_edit_page_sub_album_images inc/ Get images for sub album re-arrange page. 1
_photos_exif_tag inc/ Specify you want to save the exif field 1
_photos_filter_process ./photos.module Expands on photos filter process. 1
_photos_filter_tips ./photos.module Photos filter tips. 1
_photos_form inc/ Node album settings form. 1
_photos_get_photos ./photos.module Get photos that are in albums. 2
_photos_get_thumbname ./photos.module Get thumbnail information by name. 1
_photos_json ./photos.module Handles JSON. 1
_photos_l ./photos.module Photos - return url. 8
_photos_labels ./photos.module Format size label.
_photos_node_title ./photos.module Photos - return node title.
_photos_node_view ./photos.module Page and Teaser display settings. 1
_photos_order_label ./photos.module Sort order labels. 2
_photos_order_link ./photos.module Limit and sort by links. 6
_photos_order_value ./photos.module Query helper: sort order and limit. 9
_photos_order_value_change ./photos.module Extends photos order value. 8
_photos_pager_get_query ./photos.module Returns array of query parameters. 1
_photos_prep_editlist inc/ Prepare photos editlist form. 2
_photos_rename ./photos.module Rename file with random name. 3
_photos_res_count ./photos.module Update count. 1
_photos_save_data ./photos.module Write files. 3
_photos_select_size ./photos.module Format size selection options. 2
_photos_select_sub_album ./photos.module Photos select sub album. 2
_photos_slide inc/ Slide show. @todo add support for jQuery and other slide show(s). 2
_photos_swfu_error photos_swfu/photos_swfu.module Copy file file_save_upload.
_photos_swfu_switch photos_swfu/photos_swfu.module SWFUpload switch. 1
_photos_thumb_json inc/
_photos_to_sub inc/ Move to sub album form. 1
_photos_to_sub_submit inc/ Submit moving images to sub-album(s). 1
_photos_unzip ./photos.module Unzip. 2
_photos_useralbum_option ./photos.module User albums. 3


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