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function patterns_start_engine in Patterns 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 patterns.module \patterns_start_engine()

The beginning of the whole Patterns logic. Starts the execution in 'batch' mode (default) or 'php' mode, which makes things easier for debugging.


stdClass $pattern Pattern object as loaded by patterns_get_pattern().:

array $params Parameters for executing the pattern. Array format is as follows::

  • pid => Pid of the pattern as it is in the database.
  • run-subpatterns => ['first-update', always', 'update', 'first', 'never']

If coming from form_confirm some other parameters are addes, such as:

  • confirm [1]
  • submit [Confirm]
  • form_build_id
  • form_token
  • form_id
  • op [Confirm]

string $mode The running mode, one of {'batch', 'php'}.:

Return value

The result of the appropriate patterns_execute_pattern_$mode function.

See also



4 calls to patterns_start_engine()
drush_patterns_run_pattern in ./
patterns_enable_pattern_submit in ./patterns.module
Form submission handler for patterns_enable_pattern().
patterns_execute_config in includes/
Executes default configuration for module during the module installation.
patterns_quickrun_submit in includes/forms/
Form submission handler for patterns_quickrun().


./patterns.module, line 692


function patterns_start_engine($pattern, $params = array(), $mode = 'batch') {
  module_load_include('inc', 'patterns', 'includes/core/common');
  module_load_include('inc', 'patterns', 'includes/core/modules');
  module_load_include('inc', 'patterns', 'includes/core/token');
  module_load_include('inc', 'patterns', 'includes/core/' . $mode);
  if (empty($pattern)) {
    drupal_set_message(t('The pattern seems empty...I cannot run it!'));
    return FALSE;


  // Get Patterns details
  $patterns_details = patterns_parser_get_pattern_details($pattern);
  if ($patterns_details === FALSE) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Errors where found in the pattern. Aborting.'), 'error');
    return FALSE;

  // TODO: handle multiple patterns correctly
  // Let us assume we have only one pattern in the returned array of details
  $pid = key($patterns_details);
  $pattern_details = current($patterns_details);
  $info = $pattern_details['info'];

  // Array of infos of multiple patterns (we have only one for now).
  $infos = array(
    $pid => $info,
  $modules = $pattern_details['modules'];

  // Install modules, if necessary.
  $installed_modules = patterns_install_modules($modules);
  if (!$installed_modules['success']) {
    drupal_set_message($installed_modules['error_message'], 'error');
    return FALSE;
  $sections = $pattern_details['sections'];

  // Building execution parameters
  if (!isset($params['quickrun']) || !$params['quickrun']) {
    if (!is_object($pattern)) {
      $pattern = patterns_get_pattern($pattern);
      if (!$pattern) {
        return FALSE;

  // This is needed for the Patterns installation profile.
  if (isset($params['run-subpatterns'])) {
    $pattern->subpatterns_run_mode = $params['run-subpatterns'];

  // Ste: Actions_map seems to be used with includes. Probably we do not need it now.

  //$actions_map = array('patterns' => $pattern_details['info'], 'map' => $pattern_details['actions_map']);

  // TODO: Patterns details was returning this in case of recursive includes.
  //  $result['actions_map'][] = array(
  //          'pid'   => $pattern->pid,
  //          'index' => $key,
  //        );
  $actions_map = array(
    'patterns' => $infos,
    'map' => NULL,

  // Fix this.

  $fun = 'patterns_execute_pattern_' . $mode;

  // Execute the Pattern using the selected mode.
  $fun($pattern, $params, $patterns_details, $actions_map);

  // Disable the modules enabled just for executing the pattern
  if (!empty($installed_modules['installed'])) {
  return TRUE;