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15 calls to patterns_get_pattern() in Patterns 7

drush_patterns_info in ./
patterns list command callback.
drush_patterns_run in ./
Imports, enables, and runs the specified pattern file
PatternsExportTestCase::testExportTaxonomy in tests/exporting/exporting.test
patterns_db_get_id_from_name in includes/
Looks up a numerical id into the database for a valid patterns name. Returns false, if no valid pattern name was found.
patterns_db_get_name_from_id in includes/
Looks up a pattern name into the database and returns the numerical id associated with it. Returns false, if no valid pattern name was passed.
patterns_editor_create_page in includes/forms/
Display the page for creating a new pattern.
patterns_enable_pattern_submit in ./patterns.module
Form submission handler for patterns_enable_pattern().
patterns_io_get_pattern_service in includes/io/
Menu callback, returns source code of the requested pattern if the pattern is public.
patterns_lab_submit in includes/forms/
Exports selected patterns either in a file or as a zip-archive
patterns_parser_get_pattern_details in includes/parser/
Returns an array with detailed information about the pattern(s) referenced in the pattern files (included).
patterns_start_engine in ./patterns.module
The beginning of the whole Patterns logic. Starts the execution in 'batch' mode (default) or 'php' mode, which makes things easier for debugging.
patterns_utils_if_invalid_go_back in includes/
Checks a pattern identifier (numeric or alphanumeric) and if it not valid displays an error message and redirect the user to the specified page. If the pattern is valid, returns it.
_patterns_db_get_pattern in includes/
Returns a pattern object from different input parameters.
_patterns_db_get_pattern_array in includes/
Returns the array representation of a pattern from different input parameters.
_patterns_parser_retrieve_actions_from_include in includes/parser/
Returns all the actions from a pattern array. Sections are not preserved.