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function panels_page_view_page in Panels 5.2

Page callback to view a panel page.

2 string references to 'panels_page_view_page'
panels_page_admin_menu_items in panels_page/panels_page.module
Helper function to add a menu item for a panel.
_panels_page_menu_item in panels_page/panels_page.module
Helper function to create a menu item for a panel.


panels_page/panels_page.module, line 621


function panels_page_view_page($panel_page, $admin) {
  if (!is_object($panel_page)) {
    $panel_page = panels_page_load($panel_page);
  if (!$panel_page) {
    return drupal_not_found();
  $switchers = panels_get_switchers();
  if ($switchers) {
    $list = array();
    $candidates = array();
    $result = db_query("SELECT name FROM {panels_page} WHERE switcher_name = '%s'", $panel_page->name);

    // get a list of all pages that might switch for this one
    while ($candidate = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      $list[] = $candidate->name;

    // Add default panels that apply to the list as well
    foreach (panels_page_default_panels() as $page) {
      if ($page->switcher_name == $panel_page->name) {
        $candidates[$page->name] = $page;
    if ($list) {
      $candidates += count($list) > 1 ? panels_page_load_all($list) : array(
    if ($candidates) {

      // separate them based on switcher type
      $pages = array();
      foreach ($candidates as $candidate) {
        $pages[$candidate->switcher_type][$candidate->name] = $candidate;

      // go through switcher types and switch the first one that matches.
      foreach ($pages as $plugin => $candidates) {
        if ($page = panels_switcher_switch($plugin, 'panel_page', $panel_page->name, $candidates)) {
          $panel_page = $page;
  $args = func_get_args();

  // remove the name.

  // remove the admin flag.
  $output = '';
  if ($admin) {

    // Display an admin form to make it easy to set up arguments.
    panels_load_include('panels_page.admin', 'panels_page/');
    $output .= drupal_get_form('panels_page_admin_view', $panel_page, $args);
  else {

    // This piece of code goes deep into the menu system, finds the
    // administrative link for this panel and puts it between us and
    // whatever menu item is our parent. This causes the tabs to follow us
    // around without losing our previous menu context.
    panels_move_menu_tabs("admin/panels/panel-page/{$panel_page->name}", "/edit/general");
  if (empty($panel_page->context)) {
    $panel_page->context = array();
  if ($panel_page->arguments) {
    if (!panels_argument_load_contexts($panel_page->arguments, $panel_page->context, $args)) {
      if ($admin) {
        return $output . t('Page reports "Page not found" due to argument restrictions');
      else {
        return drupal_not_found();
  $panel_page->context = panels_context_load_contexts($panel_page, FALSE, $panel_page->context);
  $panel_page->keywords = panels_context_get_keywords($panel_page->context);

  // Figure out which display to use.
  $display_id = panels_argument_get_display($panel_page->arguments, $panel_page->context);
  panels_page_fetch_display($panel_page, $display_id);
  $display = $panel_page->display;

  // Figure out if these contexts include a form; will be NULL if there
  // isn't one, or the context if there is.
  $form = panels_context_get_form($panel_page->context);

  // This is the first point at which it is safe to add items to the display
  // as the argument handling, above, may choose which display is actually
  // used.
  $display->args = $args;
  $display->context = $panel_page->context;
  $display->keywords = $panel_page->keywords;
  $display->css_id = $panel_page->css_id;
  $display->owner = $panel_page;

  // unique id of this display's owner.
  $display->owner->id = $panel_page->name;
  $display->type = 'panel_page';

  // Set this as 'current' so that other stuff can utilize it.
  if ($form) {
    $form->form['#theme'] = 'panels_page_render_form';
    $form->form['#display'] = $display;
    $output .= drupal_render_form($form->form_id, $form->form);
  else {
    $output .= panels_render_display($display);

  // set title afterward to ensure title is retained.
  if ($output == NULL) {
    return drupal_not_found();
  if (!$display->hide_title && ($title = filter_xss_admin(panels_page_get_title($panel_page, 'page', '')))) {
  else {
  if ($panel_page->css) {
    panels_load_include('panels_page.css_filter', 'panels_page/');
    $css = panels_page_filter_css(panels_page_disassemble_css($panel_page->css));

    // If the custom css didn't survive filtering, don't bother adding it.
    if (!empty($css)) {
      drupal_set_html_head("<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\">" . panels_page_compress_css($css) . "</style>\n");
  if ($panel_page->no_blocks) {
    print theme('page', $output, FALSE);
  else {
    return $output;