API reference for Panels 5.2
Primary tabs
The Panels 2 API Documentation is intended as a guide to the innerworkings of Panels, and will primarily be of interest to Drupal themers and developers. \n\n Panels is a complex and abstract system, which necessitates the use of a lot of specialized terms. If you are new to Panels, we strongly recommend you consult the @ref panels_glossary "Panels Glossary" to familiarize yourself with the jargon.\n\n
Developer API Reference
\li @subpage panels_api_plugins "Plugins API"
Please note that this documentation is generated directly from the Panels project source code. Consequently, if you find errors or have improvements, you can file a patch in the Panels issue queue at http://drupal.org/project/issues/panels like any other patch. Documentation that is not specific to a file, function, or class is contained in the .inc files in /panels/docs.