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function filter_xss_admin in Drupal 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 4 modules/filter.module \filter_xss_admin()
  2. 6 modules/filter/filter.module \filter_xss_admin()
  3. 7 includes/ \filter_xss_admin()

Very permissive XSS/HTML filter for admin-only use.

Use only for fields where it is impractical to use the whole filter system, but where some (mainly inline) mark-up is desired (so check_plain() is not acceptable).

Allows all tags that can be used inside an HTML body, save for scripts and styles.

10 calls to filter_xss_admin()
contact_mail_page in modules/contact/contact.module
drupal_site_offline in includes/
Generates a site off-line message
node_add in modules/node/node.module
Present a node submission form or a set of links to such forms.
node_help in modules/node/node.module
Implementation of hook_help().
phptemplate_page in themes/engines/phptemplate/phptemplate.engine
Prepare the values passed to the theme_page function to be passed into a pluggable template engine. Uses the arg() function to generate a series of page template files suggestions based on the current path. If none are found, the default page.tpl.php…

... See full list


modules/filter/filter.module, line 1251
Framework for handling filtering of content.


function filter_xss_admin($string) {
  return filter_xss($string, array(