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39 calls to panels_load_include() in Panels 5.2

panels_ajax_passthru in ./panels.module
Helper function for our AJAX stuff to call through to the right location
panels_allowed_layouts::list_layouts in includes/
Snag a list of the current layouts for internal use.
panels_common_get_allowed_types in includes/
Based upon the settings, get the allowed types for this node.
panels_common_get_layout_information in includes/
The layout information fieldset displayed at admin/edit/panel-%implementation%/add/%layout%.
panels_common_settings in includes/
A common settings page for Panels modules, because this code is relevant to any modules that don't already have special requirements.
panels_edit in ./panels.module
Main API entry point to edit a panel display.
panels_edit_layout in ./panels.module
API entry point for selecting a layout for a given display.
panels_edit_layout_settings in ./panels.module
API entry point for configuring the layout settings for a given display.
panels_mini_add_page in panels_mini/panels_mini.module
Handle the add mini panel page.
panels_mini_block in panels_mini/panels_mini.module
Implementation of hook_block().
panels_mini_content in panels_mini/panels_mini.module
Render a mini panel called from a panels display.
panels_mini_context_form in panels_mini/panels_mini.module
Form to edit the context settings of a mini panel.
panels_mini_edit_content in panels_mini/panels_mini.module
Pass through to the panels content editor.
panels_mini_edit_form in panels_mini/panels_mini.module
Form to edit the settings of a mini panel.
panels_mini_list_page in panels_mini/panels_mini.module
Provide a list of mini panels, with links to edit or delete them.
panels_mini_preview_panel in panels_mini/panels_mini.module
Provide an administrative preview of a mini panel.
panels_mini_settings in panels_mini/panels_mini.module
Settings for mini panels.
panels_node_add in panels_node/panels_node.module
panels_node_context_edit in panels_node/panels_node.module
Edit contexts of a panel node.
panels_node_context_form in panels_node/panels_node.module
The form to edit the context settings of a panel node.
panels_node_edit_content in panels_node/panels_node.module
Pass through to the panels content editor.
panels_node_edit_layout in panels_node/panels_node.module
Pass through to the panels layout editor.
panels_node_edit_layout_settings in panels_node/panels_node.module
Pass through to the panels layout settings editor.
panels_node_form in panels_node/panels_node.module
Implementation of hook_form().
panels_node_settings in panels_node/panels_node.module
Settings for panel nodes.
panels_node_view in panels_node/panels_node.module
Implementation of hook_view().
panels_page_context_form in panels_page/
The form to edit the context settings of a panel page.
panels_page_edit_content in panels_page/
Pass through to the panels content editor.
panels_page_edit_form in panels_page/
The form to edit the page portion of a panel.
panels_page_menu in panels_page/panels_page.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
panels_page_passthru in panels_page/panels_page.module
Pass-through to
panels_page_settings in panels_page/panels_page.module
Settings for panel pages.
panels_page_view_page in panels_page/panels_page.module
Page callback to view a panel page.
panels_print_layout in ./panels.module
For external use: Given a layout ID and a $content array, return the panel display. The content array is filled in based upon the content available in the layout. If it's a two column with a content array defined like array('left' =>…
panels_render_display in ./panels.module
Render a display by loading the content into an appropriate array and then passing through to panels_render_layout.
panels_save_display in ./panels.module
Save a display object.
panels_update_5209 in ./panels.install
panels_views_edit_view_form in panels_views/panels_views.module
Form to add or edit add a view pane.
_panels_edit_layout in includes/
Handle calling and processing of the form for editing display layouts.