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function panels_edit_layout_settings in Panels 5.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 panels.module \panels_edit_layout_settings()

API entry point for configuring the layout settings for a given display.

For all layouts except Flexible, the layout settings form allows the user to select styles, as defined by .inc files in the panels/styles subdirectory, for the panels in their display. For the Flexible layout, the layout settings form allows the user to provide dimensions for their flexible layout in addition to applying styles to panels.

TODO and at some point, individual panes should be stylable as well as whole panels.


object $display instanceof panels_display \n: A fully loaded panels $display object, as returned from panels_load_display(). Merely passing a did is NOT sufficient.

string $finish: A string that will be used for the text of (one of) the form submission button(s). Note that panels will NOT wrap $finish in t() for you, so your caller should make sure to do so. \n The submit behavior of the form is primarily governed by the value of $destination (see below), but is secondarily governed by $finish as follows: -# If $finish != t('Save'), then two #submit buttons will be present: one with the button text t('Save'), and the other with the button text $finish. .

  • Clicking the 'Save' button will save any changes on the form to the $display object and keep the user on the same editing page.
  • Clicking the $finish button will also save the $display object, but the user will be redirected to the URL specified in $destination.

-# If $finish == t('Save'), then there is only one button, still called t('Save'), but it mimics the behavior of the $finish button above by redirecting the user away from the form.

mixed $destination: Basic usage is a string containing the URL that the form should redirect to upon submission. For a discussion of advanced usages that rely on NULL values for $destination, see the panels_edit() documentation.

mixed $title: The $title variable has three modes of operation: -# If $title == FALSE (the default), then no widget will appear on the panels_edit_layout_settings form allowing the user to select a title, and other means for setting page titles will take precedent. If no other means are used to provide a title, then the title will be hidden when rendering the $display. -# If $title == TRUE, then two widgets will appear on the panels_edit_layout_settings form allowing the user to input a title specific to this $display, as well as a checkbox enabling the user to disable page titles entirely for this $display object. -# If $title == (string), then the behavior is very similar to mode 2, but the widget description on the title textfield will indicate that the $title string will be used as the default page title if none is provided on this form. When utilizing this option, note that the panels API can only provide the data for these values; you must implement the appropriate conditionals to make it true.

Return value

Can return nothing, or a modified $display object, or a redirection string; return values for the panels_edit* family of functions are quite complex. See panels_edit() for detailed discussion.

See also


3 calls to panels_edit_layout_settings()
panels_mini_edit_layout_settings in panels_mini/panels_mini.module
Pass through to the panels layout settings editor.
panels_node_edit_layout_settings in panels_node/panels_node.module
Pass through to the panels layout settings editor.
panels_page_edit_layout_settings in panels_page/
Pass through to the panels layout settings editor.


./panels.module, line 541
panels.module Core API for Panels. Provides display editing and rendering capabilities.


function panels_edit_layout_settings($display, $finish, $destination = NULL, $title = FALSE) {
  return _panels_edit_layout_settings($display, $finish, $destination, $title);