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58 calls to og_get_group() in Organic groups 7

generate-og-d7-content-update-7001.php in scripts/generate-og-d7-content-update-7001.php
OgAccessTestCase::testOgAccess in og_access/og_access.test
Group with access field .
OgAccessTestCase::testOgContentAccessDefault in og_access/og_access.test
Group with access field and group content with default definition.
OgAccessTestCase::testOgContentAccessNotDefault in og_access/og_access.test
Group with access field and group content with different definition from the group.
OgAccessTestCase::testOgStrictPrivate in og_access/og_access.test
Test "Strict private" variable enabled or disabled.
OgDefaultAccessFieldTestCase::testOgDefaultAccessField in ./og.test
Test groups with default access field enabled or disabled.
OgFieldAccessTestCase::testOgFieldAccess in og_field_access/og_field_access.test
Group with access field.
OgGroupAndUngroup::testGroupAndUngroup in ./og.test
Test group and ungroup of content.
OgGroupApi::testGetEntityGroups in ./og.test
Test the og_get_entity_groups() API function.
OgGroupApi::testOgAccess in ./og.test
Test access control of groups.
OgGroupApi::testOgAccessEntity in ./og.test
Verify og_user_access_entity() returns correct value.
OgGroupApi::testOgCrud in ./og.test
Test CRUD of group entities.
OgGroupApi::testOgGroupField in ./og.test
Test OG group field behaviour.
OgGroupAudienceField::testHiddenSelectedGids in ./og.test
Test re-adding hidden and selected group IDs.
OgGroupAudienceField::testOgAudienceFieldBasic in ./og.test
No groups and a group is added.
OgGroupAudienceField::testOgAudienceFieldDeletedGroup in ./og.test
Test the group-audience field for a group that was deleted, but there are still users associated with that group.
OgGroupAudienceField::testPropopulateViaUrl in ./og.test
Test prepopulating the audience field widget via URL.
OgGroupAudienceField::testPropopulateViaUrlHidden in ./og.test
Test prepopulating a hidden audience field widget via URL.
OgGroupMembership::testGroupMembershipCrud in ./og.test
Test group group membership create, update and delete.
OgGroupMembership::testUserEdit in ./og.test
Test re-saving user with pending membership.
OgMigrate7000TestCase::testogMigrateUpgradeGroup in og_migrate/og_migrate.test
Test a successful group upgrade.
OgMigrate7000TestCase::testogMigrateUpgradeUsers in og_migrate/og_migrate.test
OgNodeAccess::setUp in ./og.test
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
OgTranslationTestCase::testOgNodeLocale in ./og.test
Test disabling OG fields on translated content.
OgUiManagePeopleTestCase::testOgUiAddPeople in og_ui/og_ui.test
Testing adding people via group/[entity_type]/[etid]/admin/people/add-user.
OgUiSubscribeTestCase::testOgUiAddPeople in og_ui/og_ui.test
Testing adding people via group/[entity_type]/[etid]/admin/people/add-user.
OgUiUpgradePathTestCase::testOgUiUpgrade in og_ui/og_ui.test
Test a successful upgrade.
OgUiUserPermissionsTestCase::setUp in og_ui/og_ui.test
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
OgUserPermissionsTestCase::testOgUserRoleChangePermissions in ./og.test
Verify proper permission changes by og_role_change_permissions().
og_access_node_access_records in og_access/og_access.module
Implements hook_node_access_records().
og_field_crud_group in ./
Create update or delete a group, based on the field CRUD.
og_field_formatter_view in ./
Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
og_field_widget_form in ./
Implements hook_field_widget_form().
og_get_properties in ./og.module
Property getter callback.
og_group_from_node_context in plugins/relationships/
Return a new context based on an existing context.
og_handler_argument_group_audience_gid::title in includes/views/
Override title(); Get the label of the entity type.
og_is_node_group_check in plugins/access/
Check for access.
og_migrate_og_migrate_upgrade_group in og_migrate/plugins/og_migrate/
OG Migrate callback; Upgrade group nodes.
og_migrate_og_migrate_upgrade_group_content in og_migrate/plugins/og_migrate/
OG Migrate callback; Upgrade "group content" nodes.
og_migrate_og_migrate_upgrade_user in og_migrate/plugins/og_migrate/
OG Migrate callback; Upgrade user subscription to groups.
og_node_access in ./og.module
Implement hook_node_access()
og_node_create_links in ./og.module
Return a form element with crafted links to create nodes for a given group.
og_node_update in ./og.module
Implements hook_node_update().
og_rules_entity_is_group in ./
Condition: Entity is group.
og_ui_add_users in og_ui/
Add users to group form.
og_ui_group_admin_overview in og_ui/
Provide an overview of the administrator menu items.
og_ui_menu_title_callback in og_ui/og_ui.module
Menu callback; Return the title of a menu item based on the group title.
og_ui_og_migrate_upgrade_group_visibility in og_ui/plugins/og_migrate/
OG Migrate callback; Upgrade user subscription to groups.
og_ui_subscribe in og_ui/
Manage user subscription to a group.
og_ui_subscribe_link in og_ui/og_ui.module
Return a subscribe link according to user's permissions.
og_ui_unsubscribe in og_ui/
Confirm OG unsubscription form.
og_ui_user_admin_account in og_ui/
Form builder; OG user administration page.
og_ui_user_admin_permissions in og_ui/
Menu callback: administer permissions.
og_ui_user_admin_roles in og_ui/
Menu callback: administer roles.
og_user_access_by_entity in ./og.module
Wrapper of og_user_access(); Gets entity ID instead of group ID.
og_user_access_entity in ./og.module
Check if a user has access to a permission on a certain entity context.
theme_og_ui_user_admin_new_role in og_ui/
Theme the new role form.
_group_context_handler_entity in og_context/og_context.module
Helper function to get group context from an entity.