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function oa_access_get_group_permissions in Open Atrium Core 7.2

Gets all the permissions that a list of groups have.


array $groups: An array of nids of Groups or Teams.

Return value

array An associative array keyed by group nid containing associative arrays keyed by the module and containing an array of permission names, for example:

  '27' => array(
    'mymodule' => array(
      'a permission',

Which signifies that the group with nid 27 has 'a permission' from a module called 'mymodule'.

See also




9 calls to oa_access_get_group_permissions()
oa_access_get_group_permissions_combined in modules/oa_access/oa_access.module
Gets a combined list of the permissions that a list of groups can perform.
OpenAtriumAccessAllTestCase::testAddSpaces in modules/oa_access/tests/oa_access.test
OpenAtriumAccessAllTestCase::testModuleEnableWithTeams in modules/oa_access/tests/oa_access.test
OpenAtriumAccessBaseTestCase::getGroupPermissions in modules/oa_access/tests/oa_access.test
Gets all the permissions that a list of groups have.
OpenAtriumAccessTestCase::testCleanupPermissions in modules/oa_access/tests/oa_access.test

... See full list

4 string references to 'oa_access_get_group_permissions'
oa_access_initialize_permissions in modules/oa_access/oa_access.module
Initializes new permissions that were added after module install.
oa_access_set_group_permissions in modules/oa_access/oa_access.module
Changes the permissions for a set of groups.
OpenAtriumAccessTestCase::testCleanupPermissions in modules/oa_access/tests/oa_access.test
OpenAtriumAccessTestCase::testGetSetGroupPermissions in modules/oa_access/tests/oa_access.test


modules/oa_access/oa_access.module, line 439
Code for the Open Atrium Access module.


function oa_access_get_group_permissions($groups) {
  $cache =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());

  // First, go through the static cache and any groups we don't have data
  // for to the $missing array.
  $missing = array();
  foreach ($groups as $gid) {
    if (!isset($cache[$gid])) {
      $missing[] = $gid;

  // Next, query any of the missing groups from the database and add them to
  // the static cache.
  if (!empty($missing)) {
    $query = db_select('oa_access', 'a')
      ->fields('a', array(
      ->condition('a.nid', $missing, 'IN');
    foreach ($query
      ->execute() as $row) {
      $cache[$row->nid][$row->module][] = $row->permission;

  // Finally, add all the necessary permissions from the static cache and
  // return it!
  $return = array();
  foreach ($groups as $gid) {
    $return[$gid] = isset($cache[$gid]) ? $cache[$gid] : array();
  return $return;