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oa_access.module in Open Atrium Core 7.2

Code for the Open Atrium Access module.


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 * @file
 * Code for the Open Atrium Access module.

 * Path to the Group admin page.
define('OA_ACCESS_GROUP_ADMIN_PATH', 'groups/oa_access');

 * Path to the Team admin pages.
define('OA_ACCESS_TEAM_ADMIN_PATH', 'group/%/%/admin/oa_access');

 * Permission type -- Allows permission to be assigned to a Team.

 * Permission type -- Allows permission to be assigned to a Group.

 * Permission type -- Allows permission have an 'All' option.

 * Permission type -- This permission will be set to 'All' by default for Groups.
 * This implies OA_ACCESS_ALLOW_OPTION_ALL as well.

 * Permission type -- This permission will be set to 'All' by default for Teams.
 * This implies OA_ACCESS_ALLOW_OPTION_ALL as well.

 * Permission type -- This permission will be set to 'All' by default for all.

 * Permission type -- The default permission type.
 * Allows permission to be assigned to a Team or Group and doesn't allow an
 * 'All' option. This is most useful for permissions where we are only removing
 * permission, not adding it, for example, oa_workbench_access.
 * @see oa_workbench_access

 * Permission combine type -- Union of Group and Team permissions.
 * If either the Group or Team grants permission, then the user has this
 * permission.

 * Permission combine type -- Intersection of Group and Team permissions.
 * Both the Group and Team must grant permission in order for this user to
 * be granted permission.

 * Permission combine type -- Team permissions override.
 * If both Group and Team permissions are set, then the Team permissions
 * override the Group permissions.

 * Permission combine type -- Team permissions override.
 * If both Group and Team permissions are set, then the Group permissions
 * override the Team permissions.

 * Implements hook_menu().
function oa_access_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items[OA_ACCESS_GROUP_ADMIN_PATH] = array(
    'title' => 'Group permissions',
    'description' => 'Configure which Groups have which permissions.',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer oa_access permissions',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
  if (module_exists('oa_teams')) {
    $items[OA_ACCESS_TEAM_ADMIN_PATH] = array(
      'title' => 'Team permissions',
      'description' => 'Configure which Teams have which permissions.',
      'access callback' => 'og_ui_user_access_group',
      'access arguments' => array(
        'administer oa_access permissions',
      'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
      'page arguments' => array(
      'file' => '',
      'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_menu_alter().
function oa_access_menu_alter(&$items) {
  if (!isset($items['groups/list'])) {
    $items['groups/list'] = array(
      'title' => 'List',
      'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK,

 * Implements hook_og_ui_get_group_admin().
function oa_access_og_ui_get_group_admin($group_type, $gid) {
  $items = array();
  if (module_exists('oa_teams') && og_user_access($group_type, $gid, 'administer oa_access permissions')) {
    $items['oa_access'] = array(
      'title' => t('Team permissions'),
      'description' => t('Configure which Teams have which permissions.'),
      'href' => 'admin/oa_access',
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_strongarm_alter().
function oa_access_strongarm_alter(&$items) {
  if (isset($items['contextual_tabs_extract'])) {
    $items['contextual_tabs_extract']->value .= "\n" . implode("\n", array(
      "groups:Group permissions,icon-user",

 * Implements hook_permission().
function oa_access_permission() {
  return array(
    'administer oa_access permissions' => array(
      'title' => t('Administer Open Atrium Access permissions'),
      'description' => t('Allows users to configure which Groups have which permissions.'),

 * Implements hook_og_permission().
function oa_access_og_permission() {
  return array(
    'administer oa_access permissions' => array(
      'title' => t('Administer Open Atrium Access permissions'),
      'description' => t('Allows users to configure which Teams have which permissions.'),
      'default role' => array(

 * Implements hook_theme().
function oa_access_theme() {
  return array(
    'oa_access_permissions_form' => array(
      'render element' => 'permissions',
      'file' => '',

 * Implements hook_node_insert().
function oa_access_node_insert($node) {
  if ($node->type == 'oa_space') {

    // Find all permissions which are type OA_ACCESS_DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL and
    // OA_ACCESS_TEAM_PERMISSION and add the default 'All' option for those
    // new spaces.
    foreach (oa_access_get_permissions() as $name => $perm) {
          $name => $perm,
        ), array(

 * Implements hook_node_delete().
function oa_access_node_delete($node) {
    ->condition('nid', $node->nid)

 * Implements hook_modules_installed().
 * Check each new module enabled to see if it defines some oa_access_permisions
 * and if they are type OA_ACCESS_GROUP_DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL or
 * OA_ACCESS_TEAM_DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL, then we set the 'All' permission for all
 * existing Groups and Teams.
function oa_access_modules_installed($modules) {
  $permission_modules = array();
  foreach ($modules as $module) {
    $func = $module . '_oa_access_permission';
    if (function_exists($module . '_oa_access_permission')) {
      $permission_modules[] = $module;
  if (!empty($permission_modules)) {

    // Gather all the permissions we intend to initialize.
    $permissions = array();
    foreach (oa_access_get_permissions(TRUE) as $name => $perm) {
      if (in_array($perm['module'], $permission_modules)) {
        $permissions[$name] = $perm;

    // Initialize them all at once (to avoid pulling groups multiple times).

 * Implements hook_modules_uninstalled().
function oa_access_modules_uninstalled($modules) {
    ->condition('module', $modules, 'IN')

 * Get all permissions defined by implementing modules.
 * @param boolean $reset
 *   (Optional) If set to TRUE, it will reset the static cache.
 * @return array
 *   Associative array keyed with the permission name containing associative
 *   arrays with the following keys:
 *   - title: Human readable name of the permission.
 *   - description: Human readable description of the permission.
 *   - module: The machine name of the module which defines it.
 *   - type: Flags specifying if can be used for Groups or Teams or both.
function oa_access_get_permissions($reset = FALSE) {
  if ($reset) {
  $perms =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, NULL);
  if (is_null($perms)) {
    $perms = array();
    foreach (module_implements('oa_access_permission') as $module) {
      if ($result = module_invoke($module, 'oa_access_permission')) {
        foreach ($result as $key => $perm) {
          $perms[$key] = array_merge($perm, array(
            'module' => $module,

          // Set the default 'type' if not set.
          if (empty($perms[$key]['type'])) {
            $perms[$key]['type'] = OA_ACCESS_DEFAULT_PERMISSION;
          elseif (!($perms[$key]['type'] & OA_ACCESS_GROUP_PERMISSION) && !($perms[$key]['type'] & OA_ACCESS_TEAM_PERMISSION)) {
            $perms[$key]['type'] |= OA_ACCESS_DEFAULT_PERMISSION;

          // Set the default 'combine' if not set.
          if (empty($perms[$key]['combine'])) {
            $perms[$key]['combine'] = OA_ACCESS_COMBINE_UNION;
    drupal_alter('oa_access_permission', $perms);
  return $perms;

 * Get a list of this user's Groups.
 * @param object $account
 *   (Optional) The user to get groups for. If NULL, it will find groups for
 *   the currently logged in user.
 * @return array
 *   An array of Group nids.
function oa_access_user_groups($account = NULL) {
  global $user;
  if (is_null($account)) {
    $account = $user;
  $cache =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  if (!isset($cache[$account->uid])) {

    // First, get all the users oa_groups.
    $query = db_select('og_membership', 'og');
      ->innerJoin('node', 'n', 'og.gid = n.nid');
      ->fields('n', array(
      ->condition('og.group_type', 'node')
      ->condition('og.entity_type', 'user')
      ->condition('og.state', OG_STATE_ACTIVE)
      ->condition('n.type', 'oa_group')
      ->condition('og.etid', $account->uid);
    $groups = array();
    foreach ($query
      ->execute() as $row) {
      $groups[$row->nid] = $row->nid;

    // All users are members of the magic 'All' group with an NID of 0.
    $groups[0] = 0;
    $cache[$account->uid] = $groups;
  return $cache[$account->uid];

 * Get a list of this user's Teams.
 * @param object|NULL $user 
 *   (Optional) The user to get groups for. If NULL, it will find groups for
 *   the currently logged in user.
 * @param integer $space_nid 
 *   (Optional) The nid of a Space. If given, this will include the Teams
 *   from the given Space. If not given, then Teams won't be included.
 * @return array
 *   An array of Team nids.
function oa_access_user_teams($space_nid, $account = NULL) {
  global $user;
  if (!module_exists('oa_teams')) {
    return array();
  if (is_null($account)) {
    $account = $user;
  $cache =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  if (!isset($cache[$space_nid][$account->uid])) {
    $teams = array();
    $valid_teams = oa_teams_get_teams_for_space($space_nid);
    if (count($valid_teams) > 0) {

      // Then, we get all the user's oa_teams, optionally filtering by valid
      // teams for this particular Space.
      $query = db_select('field_data_' . OA_TEAM_USERS_FIELD, 'f')
        ->fields('f', array(
        ->condition('entity_type', 'node')
        ->condition('entity_id', array_keys($valid_teams), 'IN')
        ->condition('deleted', 0)
        ->condition(OA_TEAM_USERS_FIELD . '_target_id', $account->uid);
      foreach ($query
        ->execute() as $row) {
        $teams[$row->entity_id] = $row->entity_id;

    // All Space members are members of the magic 'All' team with an NID
    // that is equal to the Space's NID.
    if (og_is_member('node', $space_nid, 'user', $account)) {
      $teams[$space_nid] = $space_nid;
    $cache[$space_nid][$account->uid] = $teams;
  return $cache[$space_nid][$account->uid];

 * Gets all the permissions that a list of groups have.
 * @param array $groups
 *   An array of nids of Groups or Teams.
 * @return array
 *   An associative array keyed by group nid containing associative arrays
 *   keyed by the module and containing an array of permission names, for
 *   example:
 *   @code
 *   array('27' => array('mymodule' => array('a permission')))
 *   @endcode
 *   Which signifies that the group with nid 27 has 'a permission' from
 *   a module called 'mymodule'.
 * @see oa_access_set_group_permissions()
 * @see oa_access_user_groups()
 * @see oa_access_user_teams()
function oa_access_get_group_permissions($groups) {
  $cache =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());

  // First, go through the static cache and any groups we don't have data
  // for to the $missing array.
  $missing = array();
  foreach ($groups as $gid) {
    if (!isset($cache[$gid])) {
      $missing[] = $gid;

  // Next, query any of the missing groups from the database and add them to
  // the static cache.
  if (!empty($missing)) {
    $query = db_select('oa_access', 'a')
      ->fields('a', array(
      ->condition('a.nid', $missing, 'IN');
    foreach ($query
      ->execute() as $row) {
      $cache[$row->nid][$row->module][] = $row->permission;

  // Finally, add all the necessary permissions from the static cache and
  // return it!
  $return = array();
  foreach ($groups as $gid) {
    $return[$gid] = isset($cache[$gid]) ? $cache[$gid] : array();
  return $return;

 * Changes the permissions for a set of groups.
 * @param array $group_permissions
 *   An associatiive array keyed by Group or Team nid containing associative
 *   arrays keyed by module containing a list of permissions, for example:
 *   @code
 *   array('27' => array('mymodule' => array('a permission')))
 *   @endcode
 *   Which signifies that the group with nid 27 has 'a permission' from
 *   a module called 'mymodule'.
 * @see oa_access_get_group_permissions()
function oa_access_set_group_permissions($group_permissions) {
  $cache =& drupal_static('oa_access_get_group_permissions', array());

  // Delete current permissions for the given groups.
    ->condition('nid', array_keys($group_permissions), 'IN')

  // Then build them back up!
  foreach ($group_permissions as $nid => $modules) {
    foreach ($modules as $module => $permissions) {
      foreach ($permissions as $name) {
          'nid' => $nid,
          'permission' => $name,
          'module' => $module,

      // Replace these entries in the cache, so that we don't have to pull them
      // from the database at all!
      $cache[$nid] = $modules;

 * Gets a combined list of the permissions that a list of groups can perform.
 * This doesn't obey the permissions 'combine' property - it's just a straight
 * forward union of all the permissions from each Group or Team.
 * @param array
 *   An array of Group or Team nids.
 * @return array
 *   @code
 *   array('one permission' => TRUE, 'an other permission' => TRUE)
 *   @endcode
 *   Which signifies that the combined permissions of the given groups
 *   include 'one permission' and 'an other permission'.
 * @see oa_access_get_group_permissions()
 * @see oa_access_user_groups()
 * @see oa_access_user_teams()
function oa_access_get_group_permissions_combined($groups) {
  $return = array();
  foreach (oa_access_get_group_permissions($groups) as $gid => $modules) {
    foreach ($modules as $perms) {
      foreach ($perms as $name) {
        $return[$name] = TRUE;
  return $return;

 * Helper function to determine if a permission is overridden by Group or Team.
 * @param string $perm
 *   The permission name.
 * @param integer $space_nid 
 *   The nid of a Space, when checking if Teams override, or zero if checking
 *   if the Groups override.
function _oa_access_is_overridden($perm, $space_nid) {
  $groups =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  if (!isset($groups[$space_nid])) {
    if ($space_nid == 0) {

      // Get an array of all the Group nids.
      $groups[$space_nid] = array_keys(oa_core_get_all_groups());
    else {

      // Get an array of all the Team nids.
      $groups[$space_nid] = array_keys(oa_teams_get_teams_for_space($space_nid));

    // Add the magic 'All' option.
    $groups[$space_nid][] = $space_nid;
  $permissions = oa_access_get_group_permissions_combined($groups[$space_nid]);
  return isset($permissions[$perm]);

 * Determines if the user has a permission.
 * This is based on the user's membership in an Open Atrium Group or Team in
 * the same way that user_access() is based on a user's membership in a role.
 * @param object|integer|NULL $space
 *   The Space in which we want to perform the action. You can pass NULL if
 *   there is no Space active (this will mean that Team permissions won't be
 *   considered).
 * @param string $permission
 *   The machine name of the permission we are checking.
 * @param object|NULL $account
 *   (Optional) A user object representing the user to check. If NULL, it will
 *   check for the currently logged in user.
 * @returns boolean
 *   TRUE if the user has permission; otherwise FALSE.
function oa_access($space, $permission, $account = NULL) {
  global $user;
  if (is_null($account)) {
    $account = $user;

  // This function is most commonly called with the same $account but different
  // $permissions's. So the layout of the static cache is optimized for that case.
  // Also, when Teams come into play, access is dependent on the Space which the
  // node belongs to. This is because permission gained by membership in a Team
  // on Space A shouldn't give you that permission when editting content in
  // Space B.
  // So, the cache looks like this:
  //   $cache[$space_nid][$account->uid][$permission] = TRUE;
  // However, if oa_teams is disabled, we'll use a constant for $space_nid to
  // group everything togather for a modest performance boost.
  $cache =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  $space = !module_exists('oa_teams') ? 0 : ($space ? $space : 0);
  $space_nid = is_object($space) ? $space->nid : $space;
  if (!isset($cache[$space_nid][$account->uid])) {

    // Get the Group and Team permissions.
    $group_permissions = oa_access_get_group_permissions_combined(oa_access_user_groups($account));
    $team_permissions = $space_nid ? oa_access_get_group_permissions_combined(oa_access_user_teams($space_nid, $account)) : array();

    // Loop over the permissions, combining the Group and Team grants per the
    // 'combine' property on the permission.
    $perms = array();
    foreach (oa_access_get_permissions() as $perm => $info) {
      switch ($info['combine']) {
          $perms[$perm] = isset($group_permissions[$perm]) || isset($team_permissions[$perm]);
          $perms[$perm] = isset($group_permissions[$perm]) && isset($team_permissions[$perm]);
          if ($space_nid && _oa_access_is_overridden($perm, $space_nid)) {
            $perms[$perm] = isset($team_permissions[$perm]);
          else {
            $perms[$perm] = isset($group_permissions[$perm]) || isset($team_permissions[$perm]);
          if (_oa_access_is_overridden($perm, 0)) {
            $perms[$perm] = isset($group_permissions[$perm]);
          else {
            $perms[$perm] = isset($group_permissions[$perm]) || isset($team_permissions[$perm]);
    $cache[$space_nid][$account->uid] = $perms;
  return $cache[$space_nid][$account->uid][$permission];

 * Initializes new permissions that were added after module install.
 * You should call this function when a new permission is added AFTER the
 * initial install of your module. (Open Atrium Access will take care of
 * initializing any permissions on install of your module for you.)
 * When possible avoid calling this multiple times without the $groups argument.
 * It's better to call it once for multiple permissions, because it will reduce
 * the number of repeated database queries.
 * At the moment, all this does is set the default permissions for permissions
 * OA_ACCESS_TEAM_DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL. If you don't have any with those types,
 * you don't have to ever call this function.
 * @param string|object $perms
 *   The machine name of the new permission or an associative array containing
 *   the full permission array's keyed by permission machine name.
 * @param array $groups
 *   (Optional) The nids of groups that were just added. If omitted, it will
 *   find all the appropriate groups in the system. This is primary for
 *   internal use.
function oa_access_initialize_permissions($perms, array $groups = array()) {
  if (is_string($perms)) {
    $all_perms = oa_access_get_permissions(TRUE);
    if (!isset($all_perms[$perms])) {
      throw new Exception("Unknown permission: {$perms}");
    $perms = array(
      $perms => $all_perms[$perms],
  if (empty($groups)) {
    $groups = db_select('node', 'n')
      ->fields('n', array(
      ->condition('type', 'oa_space')
  $updated = FALSE;
  foreach ($perms as $name => $perm) {
    $nids = array();
      $nids = $groups;

      // Add the '0' nid for the 'All' group.
      $nids[] = 0;
    if (count($nids) > 0) {
      foreach ($nids as $nid) {
          'nid' => $nid,
          'permission' => $name,
          'module' => $perm['module'],
      $updated = TRUE;
  if ($updated) {

 * Removes left over permissions that are no longer valid.
 * @param string|NULL $module
 *   (Optional) If specified it will only attempt to cleanup permissions for
 *   the given module; otherwise it'll do them all.
function oa_access_cleanup_permissions($module = NULL) {
  $valid_permissions = oa_access_get_permissions();
  $query = db_select('oa_access', 'a')
    ->fields('a', array(
  if ($module) {
      ->condition('a.module', $module);

  // Find all the permissions in the database which aren't declared by
  // hook_oa_access_permission().
  $invalid = array();
  foreach ($query
    ->execute() as $row) {
    if (!isset($valid_permissions[$row->permission])) {
      $invalid[] = $row->permission;

  // And delete them!
  if (!empty($invalid)) {
      ->condition('permission', $invalid, 'IN')


Namesort descending Description
oa_access Determines if the user has a permission.
oa_access_cleanup_permissions Removes left over permissions that are no longer valid.
oa_access_get_group_permissions Gets all the permissions that a list of groups have.
oa_access_get_group_permissions_combined Gets a combined list of the permissions that a list of groups can perform.
oa_access_get_permissions Get all permissions defined by implementing modules.
oa_access_initialize_permissions Initializes new permissions that were added after module install.
oa_access_menu Implements hook_menu().
oa_access_menu_alter Implements hook_menu_alter().
oa_access_modules_installed Implements hook_modules_installed().
oa_access_modules_uninstalled Implements hook_modules_uninstalled().
oa_access_node_delete Implements hook_node_delete().
oa_access_node_insert Implements hook_node_insert().
oa_access_og_permission Implements hook_og_permission().
oa_access_og_ui_get_group_admin Implements hook_og_ui_get_group_admin().
oa_access_permission Implements hook_permission().
oa_access_set_group_permissions Changes the permissions for a set of groups.
oa_access_strongarm_alter Implements hook_strongarm_alter().
oa_access_theme Implements hook_theme().
oa_access_user_groups Get a list of this user's Groups.
oa_access_user_teams Get a list of this user's Teams.
_oa_access_is_overridden Helper function to determine if a permission is overridden by Group or Team.


Namesort descending Description
OA_ACCESS_ALLOW_OPTION_ALL Permission type -- Allows permission have an 'All' option.
OA_ACCESS_COMBINE_GROUP_OVERRIDE Permission combine type -- Team permissions override.
OA_ACCESS_COMBINE_INTERSECTION Permission combine type -- Intersection of Group and Team permissions.
OA_ACCESS_COMBINE_TEAM_OVERRIDE Permission combine type -- Team permissions override.
OA_ACCESS_COMBINE_UNION Permission combine type -- Union of Group and Team permissions.
OA_ACCESS_DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL Permission type -- This permission will be set to 'All' by default for all.
OA_ACCESS_DEFAULT_PERMISSION Permission type -- The default permission type.
OA_ACCESS_GROUP_ADMIN_PATH Path to the Group admin page.
OA_ACCESS_GROUP_DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL Permission type -- This permission will be set to 'All' by default for Groups.
OA_ACCESS_GROUP_PERMISSION Permission type -- Allows permission to be assigned to a Group.
OA_ACCESS_TEAM_ADMIN_PATH Path to the Team admin pages.
OA_ACCESS_TEAM_DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL Permission type -- This permission will be set to 'All' by default for Teams.
OA_ACCESS_TEAM_PERMISSION Permission type -- Allows permission to be assigned to a Team.