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function oa_access in Open Atrium Core 7.2

Determines if the user has a permission.

This is based on the user's membership in an Open Atrium Group or Team in the same way that user_access() is based on a user's membership in a role.

@returns boolean TRUE if the user has permission; otherwise FALSE.


object|integer|NULL $space: The Space in which we want to perform the action. You can pass NULL if there is no Space active (this will mean that Team permissions won't be considered).

string $permission: The machine name of the permission we are checking.

object|NULL $account: (Optional) A user object representing the user to check. If NULL, it will check for the currently logged in user.

3 calls to oa_access()
OpenAtriumAccessTestCase::testGroupAccess in modules/oa_access/tests/oa_access.test
OpenAtriumAccessTestCase::testTeamAccess in modules/oa_access/tests/oa_access.test
OpenAtriumAccessTestCase::testTeamOverride in modules/oa_access/tests/oa_access.test
4 string references to 'oa_access'
oa_core.module in ./oa_core.module
OpenAtriumAccessTestCase::testGroupAccess in modules/oa_access/tests/oa_access.test
OpenAtriumAccessTestCase::testTeamAccess in modules/oa_access/tests/oa_access.test
_oa_access_permissions_form in modules/oa_access/
Internal form constructor for both the Group and Team permissions forms.


modules/oa_access/oa_access.module, line 593
Code for the Open Atrium Access module.


function oa_access($space, $permission, $account = NULL) {
  global $user;
  if (is_null($account)) {
    $account = $user;

  // This function is most commonly called with the same $account but different
  // $permissions's. So the layout of the static cache is optimized for that case.
  // Also, when Teams come into play, access is dependent on the Space which the
  // node belongs to. This is because permission gained by membership in a Team
  // on Space A shouldn't give you that permission when editting content in
  // Space B.
  // So, the cache looks like this:
  //   $cache[$space_nid][$account->uid][$permission] = TRUE;
  // However, if oa_teams is disabled, we'll use a constant for $space_nid to
  // group everything togather for a modest performance boost.
  $cache =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  $space = !module_exists('oa_teams') ? 0 : ($space ? $space : 0);
  $space_nid = is_object($space) ? $space->nid : $space;
  if (!isset($cache[$space_nid][$account->uid])) {

    // Get the Group and Team permissions.
    $group_permissions = oa_access_get_group_permissions_combined(oa_access_user_groups($account));
    $team_permissions = $space_nid ? oa_access_get_group_permissions_combined(oa_access_user_teams($space_nid, $account)) : array();

    // Loop over the permissions, combining the Group and Team grants per the
    // 'combine' property on the permission.
    $perms = array();
    foreach (oa_access_get_permissions() as $perm => $info) {
      switch ($info['combine']) {
          $perms[$perm] = isset($group_permissions[$perm]) || isset($team_permissions[$perm]);
          $perms[$perm] = isset($group_permissions[$perm]) && isset($team_permissions[$perm]);
          if ($space_nid && _oa_access_is_overridden($perm, $space_nid)) {
            $perms[$perm] = isset($team_permissions[$perm]);
          else {
            $perms[$perm] = isset($group_permissions[$perm]) || isset($team_permissions[$perm]);
          if (_oa_access_is_overridden($perm, 0)) {
            $perms[$perm] = isset($group_permissions[$perm]);
          else {
            $perms[$perm] = isset($group_permissions[$perm]) || isset($team_permissions[$perm]);
    $cache[$space_nid][$account->uid] = $perms;
  return $cache[$space_nid][$account->uid][$permission];