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function node_export_action_form in Node export 7.3

Export Nodes Action "Configuration" Form

Technically for a normal action this is where you would provide config for the actual execution of the action. However, we're hijacking it to present the completed node_export_gui page.

5 calls to node_export_action_form()
node_export_drupal_action_form in formats/
Callback for actions.
node_export_dsv_action_form in formats/
Callback for actions.
node_export_json_action_form in formats/
Callback for actions.
node_export_serialize_action_form in formats/
Callback for actions.
node_export_xml_action_form in formats/
Callback for actions.


./node_export.module, line 303
The Node export module.


function node_export_action_form($context, &$form_state, $format = NULL) {

  // Get the name of the vbo views field
  $vbo = _views_bulk_operations_get_field($form_state['build_info']['args'][0]);

  // Adjust the selection in case the user chose 'select all'
  if (!empty($form_state['select_all_pages'])) {
    views_bulk_operations_direct_adjust($form_state['selection'], $vbo);
  $nodes = array_combine($form_state['selection'], $form_state['selection']);
  return node_export_bulk_operation($nodes, $format);