You are here in Node export 7.3

The Node export Drupal format handler.

Adds Drupal var export format to Node export.


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 * @file
 * The Node export Drupal format handler.
 * Adds Drupal var export format to Node export.

 * Export callback.
function node_export_drupal_export($nodes, $format) {
  require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
  return drupal_var_export($nodes);

 * Import callback.
function node_export_drupal_import($code_string) {
  if (substr(ltrim($code_string), 0, 6) == "array(") {
    $nodes = eval('return ' . $code_string . ';');
    if (is_array($nodes)) {
      return node_export_drupal_decode_objects($nodes);

 * Recursively convert arrays back to objects.
 * This is only for backwards compatibility with the deprecated node_code format.
function node_export_drupal_decode_objects($array) {
  foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
    if (is_array($v)) {
      $array[$k] = node_export_drupal_decode_objects($v);
  if (isset($array['#_export_node_encode_object'])) {
    $array = (object) $array;
  return $array;

 * Callback for actions.
function node_export_drupal_action_form($context, &$form_state) {
  return node_export_action_form($context, $form_state, 'drupal');


Namesort descending Description
node_export_drupal_action_form Callback for actions.
node_export_drupal_decode_objects Recursively convert arrays back to objects.
node_export_drupal_export Export callback.
node_export_drupal_import Import callback.