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node_export.module in Node export 7.3

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  1. 8 node_export.module
  2. 6.3 node_export.module
  3. 6.2 node_export.module

The Node export module.

Allows users to export nodes and then import them into another Drupal installation.


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 * @file
 * The Node export module.
 * Allows users to export nodes and then import them into another Drupal installation.

 * Implements hook_permission().
function node_export_permission() {
  return array(
    'export nodes' => array(
      'title' => t('Export nodes'),
    'export own nodes' => array(
      'title' => t('Export own nodes'),
    'use PHP to import nodes' => array(
      'title' => t('Use PHP to import nodes'),
      'description' => t('Required for importing, but can allow execution of PHP.'),
      'restrict access' => TRUE,

 * Implements hook_menu().
function node_export_menu() {
  $items['admin/config/content/node_export'] = array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'title' => 'Node export',
    'description' => 'Configure the settings for Node export.',
    'file' => '',

  // Allow other modules to add local task tabs.
  $items['admin/config/content/node_export/settings'] = array(
    'title' => 'Settings',
  $selected_formats = variable_get('node_export_format', array(
    'drupal' => 'drupal',
  if (count(array_filter($selected_formats)) > 1) {
    $format_handlers = node_export_format_handlers();
    foreach ($format_handlers as $format_handler => $format) {
      if (!empty($selected_formats[$format_handler])) {
        $items['node/%node/node_export/' . $format_handler] = array(
          'access callback' => 'node_export_access_export',
          'access arguments' => array(
          'page callback' => 'node_export_gui',
          'page arguments' => array(
          'title' => 'Node export (' . $format['#title'] . ')',
          'weight' => 5,
          'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
          'file' => '',
  else {
    $items['node/%node/node_export'] = array(
      'access callback' => 'node_export_access_export',
      'access arguments' => array(
      'page callback' => 'node_export_gui',
      'page arguments' => array(
      'title' => 'Node export',
      'weight' => 5,
      'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
      'file' => '',
  $items['admin/content/node_export'] = array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'export nodes',
    'page callback' => 'node_export_gui',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'title' => 'Node export',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'file' => '',
  $items['node/add/node_export'] = array(
    'title' => 'Node export: import',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'node_export_access_import',
    'description' => 'Import content using <em>Node export</em>.',
    'file' => '',
  return $items;

 * Check access to export a node.
function node_export_access_export($node, $reset = FALSE) {
  global $user;
  if (is_numeric($node)) {
    $node = node_load($node, NULL, $reset);
  if (function_exists('drush_main')) {

    // Always allow drush to export nodes.
    $access = TRUE;
  else {

    // Check basic role permissions first.
    $access = user_access('export nodes') || $user->uid && $node->uid == $user->uid && user_access('export own nodes');

    // Make sure the user can view the original node content.
    $access = $access && node_access('view', $node);

  // Let other modules alter this - for example to only allow some users
  // to export specific nodes or types.
  drupal_alter("node_export_access_export", $access, $node);
  return $access;

 * Check access to import a node.
function node_export_access_import($node = NULL) {
  global $user;
  if (function_exists('drush_main')) {

    // Always allow drush to import nodes.
    $access = TRUE;
  elseif (defined('MAINTENANCE_MODE') && MAINTENANCE_MODE == 'install') {

    // During the install phase $user is the Anonymous user; however, in
    // practice $user is performing tasks only granted to the admin user
    // (eg: installing modules, changing site settings).  For this reason
    // it seems sensible to allow this "Anonymous admin" user to import
    // any nodes they wish.
    $access = TRUE;
  else {

    // Check basic role permissions first.
    $access = user_access('use PHP to import nodes');
    if (!is_null($node) && $access) {

      // Check node conditions.
      $access = node_access('create', $node->type);

  // Let other modules alter this - for example to only allow some users
  // to import specific nodes or types.
  drupal_alter("node_export_access_import", $access, $node);
  return $access;

 * Check access to export an array of nodes.
function node_export_access_export_nodes($nodes) {

  // Convert to array if it isn't already.
  if (is_object($nodes)) {
    $nodes = array(
  foreach ($nodes as &$node) {
    if (!node_export_access_export($node)) {
      return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

 * Check access to import an array of nodes.
function node_export_access_import_nodes($nodes) {

  // Convert to array if it isn't already.
  if (is_object($nodes)) {
    $nodes = array(
  foreach ($nodes as &$node) {
    if (!node_export_access_import($node)) {
      return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

 * Implements hook_node_type_update().
function node_export_node_type_update($info) {
  if (!empty($info->old_type) && $info->old_type != $info->type) {
    if (variable_get('node_export_reset_' . $info->old_type, FALSE)) {
      variable_del('node_export_reset_' . $info->old_type);
      variable_set('node_export_reset_' . $info->type, TRUE);

 * Implements hook_node_type_delete().
function node_export_node_type_delete($info) {
  variable_del('node_export_reset_' . $info->type);

 * Implements hook_views_api().
function node_export_views_api() {
  return array(
    'api' => 3,
    'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'node_export') . '/views',

 * Implements hook_node_operations().
function node_export_node_operations() {
  $operations = array();
  if (user_access('export nodes')) {
    $selected_formats = variable_get('node_export_format', array(
      'drupal' => 'drupal',
    if (count(array_filter($selected_formats)) > 1) {
      $format_handlers = node_export_format_handlers();
      foreach ($format_handlers as $format_handler => $format) {
        if ($selected_formats[$format_handler]) {
          $operations['node_export_' . $format_handler] = array(
            'label' => t('Node export') . " (" . $format['#title'] . ")",
            'callback' => 'node_export_bulk_operation',
            'callback arguments' => array(
              'format' => $format_handler,
    else {
      $operations = array(
        'node_export' => array(
          'label' => t('Node export'),
          'callback' => 'node_export_bulk_operation',
  return $operations;

 * Callback for use with hook_node_operations().
function node_export_bulk_operation($nodes = NULL, $format = NULL, $delivery = NULL) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'node_export', 'node_export.pages');
  return node_export_gui($nodes, $format, $delivery);

 * Implements hook_action_info()
function node_export_action_info() {
  $actions = array();
  $selected_formats = variable_get('node_export_format', array(
    'drupal' => 'drupal',
  $format_handlers = node_export_format_handlers();
  foreach ($format_handlers as $format_handler => $format) {
    if (in_array($format_handler, $selected_formats)) {

      // @todo: should formats be able to define their own actions?
      if (!empty($format['#file']) && is_file($format['#file'])) {
        require_once $format['#file'];
      $format_action = 'node_export_' . $format_handler . '_action';
      if (function_exists($format_action . '_form')) {
        $actions[$format_action] = array(
          'type' => 'node',
          'label' => t('Node export') . " (" . $format['#title'] . ")",
          'behavior' => array(
          // This action only works when invoked through VBO. That's why it's
          // declared as non-configurable to prevent it from being shown in the
          // "Create an advanced action" dropdown on admin/config/system/actions.
          'configurable' => FALSE,
          'vbo_configurable' => TRUE,
          'triggers' => array(
  return $actions;

 * Export Nodes Action "Configuration" Form
 * Technically for a normal action this is where you would provide config
 * for the actual execution of the action. However, we're hijacking it to
 * present the completed node_export_gui page.
function node_export_action_form($context, &$form_state, $format = NULL) {

  // Get the name of the vbo views field
  $vbo = _views_bulk_operations_get_field($form_state['build_info']['args'][0]);

  // Adjust the selection in case the user chose 'select all'
  if (!empty($form_state['select_all_pages'])) {
    views_bulk_operations_direct_adjust($form_state['selection'], $vbo);
  $nodes = array_combine($form_state['selection'], $form_state['selection']);
  return node_export_bulk_operation($nodes, $format);

 * Export nodes.
 * @param $nids
 *   A node ID or array of node IDs to export.
 * @param $format
 *   The format to use for export.
 * @param $msg_t
 *   Function used to translate.
 * @param $reset
 *   Whether to reset the node_load_multiple cache.
 * @return
 *   An array with keys 'success' which is a boolean value representing whether
 *   the export was successful and 'output' which contains the code string or an
 *   array of translated error messages to be shown to the user.
function node_export($nids, $format = NULL, $msg_t = 't', $reset = FALSE) {
  global $user;

  // Make $nids an array if it isn't.
  if (is_int($nids)) {
    $nids = array(
  elseif (is_object($nids)) {
    $nids = array(
  $nodes = array();
  foreach ($nids as $nid) {
    $original_node = node_load($nid, NULL, $reset);
    if (!node_export_access_export($original_node, $reset)) {

      // Halt exporting.
      $error = $msg_t("You do not have permission to perform a Node export on one or more of these nodes.  No nodes exported.");
      return array(
        'success' => FALSE,
        'output' => array(
    $node = node_export_prepare_node($original_node);
    $nodes[] = $node;

  // Get the node code from the format handler
  $format_handlers = node_export_format_handlers();
  $node_export_format = variable_get('node_export_format', array(
    'drupal' => 'drupal',
  $format_handler = $format ? $format : reset($node_export_format);
  if (!isset($format_handlers[$format_handler])) {
    $format_handler = 'drupal';

  // Let other modules do special fixing up.
  drupal_alter('node_export', $nodes, $format_handler);

  // If any nodes are set to FALSE, then an error was triggered in another module.
  // Currently modules doing this should also leave a watchdog warning.
  if (in_array(FALSE, $nodes)) {

    // Halt exporting.
    $error = $msg_t('An error occurred when processing nodes, please check your logs.  No nodes exported.');
    return array(
      'success' => FALSE,
      'output' => array(
  if (!empty($format_handlers[$format_handler]['#file']) && is_file($format_handlers[$format_handler]['#file'])) {
    require_once $format_handlers[$format_handler]['#file'];
  $code_string = call_user_func($format_handlers[$format_handler]['#export_callback'], $nodes, $format_handler);

  // Let modules modify the node code.
  drupal_alter('node_export_encode', $code_string, $nodes, $format_handler);
  return array(
    'success' => TRUE,
    'output' => $code_string,
    'format' => $format_handler,

 * Prepare a single node during export.
function node_export_prepare_node(&$original_node) {

  // Create UUID if it's not there.
  if (!uuid_get_uuid('node', 'nid', $original_node->nid)) {
    $original_node->uuid = uuid_set_uuid('node', 'nid', $original_node->nid);

    // Save it so future node exports are consistent.
  $node = clone $original_node;

  // Fix taxonomy array
  if (isset($node->taxonomy) && count($node->taxonomy)) {
    $vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies();
    $new_taxonomy = array();
    foreach ($node->taxonomy as $term) {

      // Free-tagging vocabularies need a different format
      if ($vocabularies[$term->vid]->tags) {
        $new_taxonomy['tags'][$term->vid][] = $term->name;
      else {
        $new_taxonomy[$term->vid][$term->tid] = $term->tid;
    if (isset($new_taxonomy['tags']) && count($new_taxonomy['tags'])) {

      // Comma separate the tags
      foreach ($new_taxonomy['tags'] as $vid => $tags) {
        $new_taxonomy['tags'][$vid] = implode(', ', $tags);
    $node->taxonomy = $new_taxonomy;

  // Attach path to the node.  Drupal doesn't attach this anymore for
  // performance reasons
  $node->path = path_load(array(
    'source' => 'node/' . $node->nid,

  // Fix menu array
  $node->menu = node_export_get_menu($original_node);

  // Remove recursion from the object.
  $node = node_export_remove_recursion($node);

  // Add a parameter to identify this node as coming from D7, might be useful some day.
  $node->node_export_drupal_version = '7';

  // Export file fields.
  node_export_file_field_export($node, $original_node);

  // Let other modules do special fixing up.
  drupal_alter('node_export_node', $node, $original_node);
  return $node;

 *  Check if all types in the import exist.
 *  @return
 *    TRUE if all types exist, otherwise an array of missing type names.
function node_export_import_types_check($nodes) {
  $missing_types = array();
  foreach ($nodes as $node) {
    if (node_type_get_name($node) == FALSE) {
      $missing_types[$node->type] = $node->type;
  return !empty($missing_types) ? $missing_types : TRUE;

 * Import Function
 * @param $code_string
 *   The string of export code.
 * @param $msg_t
 *   Function used to translate.
 * @param $save
 *   When TRUE will save the nodes that are imported.
 * @return
 *   An array with keys 'success' which is a boolean value representing whether
 *   the import was successful and 'output' which contains an array of
 *   translated strings to be shown to the user as messages.
function node_export_import($code_string, $msg_t = 't', $save = TRUE) {

  // Early check to avoid letting hooligans and the elderly pass data to the
  // eval() function call.
  if (!node_export_access_import()) {
    $error = $msg_t('You do not have permission to import any nodes.');
    return array(
      'success' => FALSE,
      'output' => array(

  // Allow modules to manipulate the $code_string.
  drupal_alter('node_export_decode', $code_string);

  // Pass the string to each format handler until one returns something useful.
  $format_handlers = node_export_format_handlers();
  $nodes = array();
  $used_format = "";
  foreach ($format_handlers as $format_handler => $format) {
    if (!empty($format['#file']) && is_file($format['#file'])) {
      require_once $format['#file'];
    $nodes = call_user_func($format['#import_callback'], $code_string);
    if (!empty($nodes)) {
      $used_format = $format_handler;
  if (isset($nodes['success']) && !$nodes['success']) {

    // Instead of returning nodes, the format handler returned an error array.
    // Translate the errors and return them.
    foreach ($nodes['output'] as $key => $output) {
      $nodes['output'][$key] = $msg_t($output);
    return array(
      'success' => FALSE,
      'output' => $nodes['output'],
  if ($used_format == "") {
    $error = $msg_t('Node export was unable to recognize the format of the supplied code.  No nodes imported.');
    return array(
      'success' => FALSE,
      'output' => array(
  $nodes = node_export_restore_recursion($nodes);
  $types_exist = node_export_import_types_check($nodes);
  if ($types_exist !== TRUE) {

    // There was a problem with the content types check.
    $error = $msg_t('Error encountered during import.  Node types unknown on this site: %t.  No nodes imported.', array(
      '%t' => implode(", ", $types_exist),
    return array(
      'success' => FALSE,
      'output' => array(
  if (!node_export_access_import_nodes($nodes)) {

    // There was a problem with permissions.
    $error = $msg_t('You do not have permission to perform a Node export: import on one or more of these nodes.  No nodes imported.');
    return array(
      'success' => FALSE,
      'output' => array(
  $count = 0;
  $total = count($nodes);

  // Let other modules do special fixing up.
  drupal_alter('node_export_import', $nodes, $used_format, $save);
  $new_nodes = array();
  $messages = array();
  foreach ($nodes as $original_node) {
    $node = node_export_node_clone($original_node);
    $tnid_to_reset = node_export_node_clone_set_tnid($node, $original_node);

    // Import file fields.
    node_export_file_field_import($node, $original_node);

    // Handle existing nodes.
    $save_node = $save;
    $nids = entity_get_id_by_uuid('node', array(
    if (!empty($nids[$node->uuid])) {
      $existing = variable_get('node_export_existing', 'new');
      switch ($existing) {
        case 'new':
          $node->is_new = TRUE;
        case 'revision':
          $node->nid = $nids[$node->uuid];
          $node->is_new = FALSE;
          $node->revision = 1;
          $tnid_to_reset = 0;
        case 'skip':
          $save_node = FALSE;

    // Let other modules do special fixing up.
    drupal_alter('node_export_node_import', $node, $original_node, $save_node);
    if ($save_node) {
      if (!empty($tnid_to_reset) && empty($node->tnid)) {
        $node->tnid = $node->nid;

        // Update the tnid map for other nodes referencing this tnid.
        $tnid_map =& drupal_static('node_export_import_tnid_map', array());
        $tnid_map[$tnid_to_reset] = $node->tnid;
      $new_nodes[$node->nid] = $node;
      $messages[] = $msg_t("Imported node !nid: !node", array(
        '!nid' => $node->nid,
        '!node' => l($node->title, 'node/' . $node->nid),
    else {
      $new_nodes[] = $node;
  if ($count) {
    drupal_alter('node_export_after_import', $new_nodes, $used_format, $save);
    $messages[] = $msg_t("!count of !total nodes were imported.  Some values may have been reset depending on Node export's configuration.", array(
      '!total' => $total,
      '!count' => $count,

    // Clear the page and block caches.

    // Nodes were saved, so return the nids.
    return array(
      'success' => TRUE,
      'output' => $messages,
      'nids' => array_keys($new_nodes),
      'format' => $used_format,
  else {

    // We didn't save, so return full nodes.
    return array(
      'success' => TRUE,
      'output' => $messages,
      'nodes' => $new_nodes,
      'format' => $used_format,

 * Save a node object into the database.
 * $node->changed is not forced like in node_save().
 * A modified version of node_save().
function node_export_save(&$node) {
  $transaction = db_transaction();
  try {

    // Load the stored entity, if any.
    if (!empty($node->nid) && !isset($node->original)) {
      $node->original = entity_load_unchanged('node', $node->nid);
    field_attach_presave('node', $node);
    global $user;

    // Determine if we will be inserting a new node.
    if (!isset($node->is_new)) {
      $node->is_new = empty($node->nid);

    // Set the timestamp fields.
    if (empty($node->created)) {
      $node->created = REQUEST_TIME;

    // The update of the changed value is forced in the original node_save().
    if (empty($node->changed)) {
      $node->changed = REQUEST_TIME;
    $node->timestamp = REQUEST_TIME;
    $update_node = TRUE;

    // Let modules modify the node before it is saved to the database.
    module_invoke_all('node_presave', $node);
    module_invoke_all('entity_presave', $node, 'node');
    if ($node->is_new || !empty($node->revision)) {

      // When inserting either a new node or a new node revision, $node->log
      // must be set because {node_revision}.log is a text column and therefore
      // cannot have a default value. However, it might not be set at this
      // point (for example, if the user submitting a node form does not have
      // permission to create revisions), so we ensure that it is at least an
      // empty string in that case.
      // @todo: Make the {node_revision}.log column nullable so that we can
      // remove this check.
      if (!isset($node->log)) {
        $node->log = '';
    elseif (empty($node->log)) {

      // If we are updating an existing node without adding a new revision, we
      // need to make sure $node->log is unset whenever it is empty. As long as
      // $node->log is unset, drupal_write_record() will not attempt to update
      // the existing database column when re-saving the revision; therefore,
      // this code allows us to avoid clobbering an existing log entry with an
      // empty one.

    // When saving a new node revision, unset any existing $node->vid so as to
    // ensure that a new revision will actually be created, then store the old
    // revision ID in a separate property for use by node hook implementations.
    if (!$node->is_new && !empty($node->revision) && $node->vid) {
      $node->old_vid = $node->vid;

    // Save the node and node revision.
    if ($node->is_new) {

      // For new nodes, save new records for both the node itself and the node
      // revision.
      drupal_write_record('node', $node);
      _node_save_revision($node, $user->uid);
      $op = 'insert';
    else {

      // For existing nodes, update the node record which matches the value of
      // $node->nid.
      drupal_write_record('node', $node, 'nid');

      // Then, if a new node revision was requested, save a new record for
      // that; otherwise, update the node revision record which matches the
      // value of $node->vid.
      if (!empty($node->revision)) {
        _node_save_revision($node, $user->uid);
      else {
        _node_save_revision($node, $user->uid, 'vid');
        $update_node = FALSE;
      $op = 'update';
    if ($update_node) {
        'vid' => $node->vid,
        ->condition('nid', $node->nid)

    // Call the node specific callback (if any). This can be
    // node_invoke($node, 'insert') or
    // node_invoke($node, 'update').
    node_invoke($node, $op);

    // Save fields.
    $function = "field_attach_{$op}";
    $function('node', $node);
    module_invoke_all('node_' . $op, $node);
    module_invoke_all('entity_' . $op, $node, 'node');

    // Update the node access table for this node. There's no need to delete
    // existing records if the node is new.
    $delete = $op == 'update';
    node_access_acquire_grants($node, $delete);

    // Clear internal properties.

    // Clear the static loading cache.

    // Ignore slave server temporarily to give time for the
    // saved node to be propagated to the slave.
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog_exception('node', $e);
    throw $e;

 * Prepare a clone of the node during import.
function node_export_node_clone($original_node) {
  global $user;
  $node = clone $original_node;
  $node->nid = NULL;
  $node->vid = NULL;
  if (variable_get('node_export_reset_author_' . $node->type, TRUE)) {
    $node->name = !empty($user->name) ? $user->name : (!empty($user->uid) ? NULL : variable_get('anonymous', t('Anonymous')));
    $node->uid = $user->uid;
    $node->revision_uid = $user->uid;

  // note: a uid of 0 is erroneous in any case, reset it to 1 (admin user)
  if ($node->revision_uid == 0) {
    $node->revision_uid = 1;
  if (variable_get('node_export_reset_created_' . $node->type, TRUE)) {
    $node->created = NULL;
  if (variable_get('node_export_reset_changed_' . $node->type, TRUE)) {
    $node->changed = NULL;
  if (variable_get('node_export_reset_revision_timestamp_' . $node->type, TRUE)) {
    $node->revision_timestamp = NULL;
  if (variable_get('node_export_reset_last_comment_timestamp_' . $node->type, TRUE)) {
    $node->last_comment_timestamp = NULL;
  if (variable_get('node_export_reset_menu_' . $node->type, TRUE)) {
    $node->menu = NULL;
  if (variable_get('node_export_reset_path_' . $node->type, TRUE)) {
    $node->path = NULL;
  else {
    if (is_array($node->path) && isset($node->path['pid'])) {
    if (module_exists('pathauto')) {

      // Prevent pathauto from creating a new path alias.
      $node->path['pathauto'] = FALSE;
  if (variable_get('node_export_reset_book_mlid_' . $node->type, TRUE) && isset($node->book['mlid'])) {
    $node->book['mlid'] = NULL;

  // @todo - is this still needed?
  $node->files = array();
  if (variable_get('node_export_reset_status_' . $node->type, FALSE)) {
    $node->status = FALSE;
  if (variable_get('node_export_reset_promote_' . $node->type, FALSE)) {
    $node->promote = FALSE;
  if (variable_get('node_export_reset_sticky_' . $node->type, FALSE)) {
    $node->sticky = FALSE;

  // check for a data casting error
  if ($node->data == 'b:0;') {

    // data has been serialized as a FALSE instead of NULL
    $node->data = NULL;

  // sort the node keys, so that there is a consistent representation for
  // (drupal_)var_export
  $array_node = (array) $node;
  $node = (object) $array_node;
  return $node;

 * Update the tnid value on the new node based on the tnid value from the old node.
 * If the original node has a tnid that matches its nid, then we can deduce that this
 * tnid needs to be changed to match the node's nid (which will only be set after
 * first saving the node).
 * If the original node has a tnid that does not match its nid, we first check to see
 * if we have already updated the tnid on another node that had this tnid originally.
 * If so, we will use that tnid.  Otherwise, we leave the tnid specified in the import
 * unchanged.
 * As such, when importing a set of nodes that are all linked via tnid, it is necessary
 * that the first node where nid = tnid is imported prior to any of the other nodes
 * that share that tnid.
 * @return number
 *   original tnid if the tnid on this node needs to be set equal to the node's nid
 *   when it is saved, otherwise NULL
function node_export_node_clone_set_tnid(&$node, $original_node) {
  if (!empty($original_node->tnid)) {
    $tnid_map = drupal_static('node_export_import_tnid_map', array());
    if (!empty($tnid_map[$original_node->tnid])) {
      $node->tnid = $tnid_map[$original_node->tnid];
    elseif (!empty($original_node->nid) && $original_node->tnid == $original_node->nid) {
      $node->tnid = 0;
      return $original_node->tnid;
  return NULL;

 * Implements hook_node_export_alter().
 * In case when node translation is enabled we have to ensure that original nodes
 * appear in export before their translations. This is done to properly assign tnid
 * to translations, because we don't know until the first node in the set is saved.
function node_export_node_export_alter(&$nodes, $format_handler) {
  if (module_exists('translation')) {
    $source_nodes = array();
    foreach ($nodes as $i => $node) {
      if ($node->nid == $node->tnid) {
        $source_nodes[] = $node;
    if ($source_nodes) {
      $nodes = array_merge($source_nodes, $nodes);

 * Create a new menu entry with title, parent and weight exported from
 * another nodes menu. Returns NULL if the node has no menu title.
function node_export_get_menu($node) {

  // This will fetch the existing menu item if the node had one.
  module_invoke_all('node_prepare', $node);
  $type = $node->type;

  // Only keep the values we care about.
  if (!empty($node->menu['mlid'])) {

    // Store a copy of the old menu
    $old_menu = $node->menu;

    // Now fetch the defaults for a new menu entry.
    $node = new stdClass();
    $node->type = $type;

    //module_invoke_all('node_prepare', $node);

    // Make a list of values to attempt to copy.
    $menu_fields = array(

    // Copy those fields from the old menu over the new menu defaults.
    foreach ($menu_fields as $menu_field) {
      $node->menu[$menu_field] = $old_menu[$menu_field];

    // Copy the menu description from the old menu.
    // Issue #1287300.
    if (isset($old_menu['options']['attributes']['title'])) {
      $node->menu['description'] = $old_menu['options']['attributes']['title'];
    else {
      $node->menu['description'] = '';

    // Ensure menu will be created during node import.
    // Issue #1139120.
    $node->menu['enabled'] = 1;

    // Return the menu.
    return $node->menu;

 * Remove recursion problem from an object or array.
function node_export_remove_recursion($o) {
  if (is_array($o) || is_object($o)) {
    $re = '#(r|R):([0-9]+);#';
    $serialize = serialize($o);
    if (preg_match($re, $serialize)) {
      $last = $pos = 0;
      while (false !== ($pos = strpos($serialize, 's:', $pos))) {
        $chunk = substr($serialize, $last, $pos - $last);
        if (preg_match($re, $chunk)) {
          $length = strlen($chunk);
          $chunk = preg_replace_callback($re, '_node_export_remove_recursion', $chunk);
          $serialize = substr($serialize, 0, $last) . $chunk . substr($serialize, $last + ($pos - $last));
          $pos += strlen($chunk) - $length;
        $pos += 2;
        $last = strpos($serialize, ':', $pos);
        $length = substr($serialize, $pos, $last - $pos);
        $last += 4 + $length;
        $pos = $last;
      $serialize = substr($serialize, 0, $last) . preg_replace_callback($re, '_node_export_remove_recursion', substr($serialize, $last));
      $o = unserialize($serialize);
  return $o;

 * Callback function for preg_replace_callback() to remove recursion.
function _node_export_remove_recursion($m) {
  $r = "\0{$m[1]}ecursion_export_node_";
  return 's:' . strlen($r . $m[2]) . ':"' . $r . $m[2] . '";';

 * Restore recursion to an object or array.
function node_export_restore_recursion($o) {
  return unserialize(preg_replace('#s:[0-9]+:"\\x00(r|R)ecursion_export_node_([0-9]+)";#', '\\1:\\2;', serialize($o)));

 * Get a list of possible format handlers (other than the default).
 * @return
 *   An array of format handlers from hook implementations.
 * @see hook_node_export_format_handlers()
function node_export_format_handlers() {
  module_load_include('inc', 'node_export', 'node_export.formats');
  $format_handlers =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (empty($format_handlers)) {
    $format_handlers = module_invoke_all('node_export_format_handlers');
  drupal_alter('node_export_format_handlers', $format_handlers);
  return $format_handlers;

 * Get entity type and bundle of the given entity. Works for nodes and field
 * collection items.
 * @param $entity
 *   Entity to get information of.
 * @return
 *   Associative array with the 'type' and 'bundle' fields.
function _node_export_entity_info($entity) {
  $info = array();
  if (method_exists($entity, 'entityType') && $entity
    ->entityType() == 'field_collection_item') {
    $info['type'] = $entity

    // Field the collection is attached to.
    $info['bundle'] = $entity->field_name;
  else {
    $info['type'] = 'node';
    $info['bundle'] = $entity->type;
  return $info;

 * Handle exporting file fields.
 * @param $entity
 *   Node or field_collection_item object.
 * @param $original_entity
 *   Unused...
function node_export_file_field_export(&$entity, $original_entity) {
  $entity_info = _node_export_entity_info($entity);
  $types = array_filter(variable_get('node_export_file_types', array()));
  if ($entity_info['type'] != 'node' || in_array($entity->type, $types)) {
    $assets_path = variable_get('node_export_file_assets_path', '');
    $export_mode = variable_get('node_export_file_mode', 'inline');
    switch ($export_mode) {
      case 'local':
        $export_var = 'node_export_file_path';
      case 'remote':
        $export_var = 'node_export_file_url';
      case 'inline':
        $export_var = 'node_export_file_data';

    // If files are supposed to be copied to the assets path.
    if ($export_mode == 'local' && $assets_path) {

      // Ensure the assets path is created
      if (!is_dir($assets_path) && mkdir($assets_path, 0777, TRUE) == FALSE) {
        drupal_set_message(t("Could not create assets path! '!path'", array(
          '!path' => $assets_path,
        )), 'error');

        // Don't continue if the assets path is not ready

      // Ensure it is writable
      if (!is_writable($assets_path)) {
        drupal_set_message(t("Assets path is not writable! '!path'", array(
          '!path' => $assets_path,
        )), 'error');

        // Don't continue if the assets path is not ready

    // get all fields from this node type
    $fields = field_info_instances($entity_info['type'], $entity_info['bundle']);
    foreach ($fields as $field_instance) {

      // load field infos to check the type
      $field =& $entity->{$field_instance['field_name']};
      $info = field_info_field($field_instance['field_name']);
      $supported_fields = array_map('trim', explode(',', variable_get('node_export_file_supported_fields', 'file, image')));

      // check if this field should implement file import/export system
      if (in_array($info['type'], $supported_fields)) {

        // we need to loop into each language because i18n translation can build
        // fields with different language than the node one.
        foreach ($field as $language => $files) {
          if (is_array($files)) {
            foreach ($files as $i => $file) {

              // convert file to array to stay into the default node_export_file format
              $file = (object) $file;

              // media field type doesn't load file the whole file on node_load
              // it loads only fid, title and data associated with file, so in this case we need
              // to load it by ourselves.
              if (empty($file->uri) && !empty($file->fid) && ($file = file_load($file->fid))) {
                $field[$language][$i] = (array) $file;

              // Check the file
              if (!isset($file->uri) || !is_file($file->uri)) {
                drupal_set_message(t("File field found on node, but file doesn't exist on disk? '!path'", array(
                  '!path' => $file->uri,
                )), 'error');
              if ($export_mode == 'local') {
                if ($assets_path) {
                  $export_data = $assets_path . '/' . basename($file->uri);
                  if (!copy($file->uri, $export_data)) {
                    drupal_set_message(t("Export file error, could not copy '%filepath' to '%exportpath'.", array(
                      '%filepath' => $file->uri,
                      '%exportpath' => $export_data,
                    )), 'error');
                    return FALSE;
                else {
                  $export_data = $file->uri;
              elseif ($export_mode == 'remote') {

                // NOTE: This is patched with info from
                $export_data = file_create_url($file->uri);
              else {
                $export_data = base64_encode(file_get_contents($file->uri));

              // build the field again, and remove fid to be sure that imported node
              // will rebuild the file again, or keep an existing one with a different fid
              $field[$language][$i]['fid'] = NULL;
              $field[$language][$i][$export_var] = $export_data;

 * Handle importing file fields.
 * @param $entity
 *   Node or field_collection_item object.
 * @param $original_entity
 *   Unused...
function node_export_file_field_import(&$entity, $original_entity) {
  $entity_info = _node_export_entity_info($entity);

  // Get all fields from this node type.
  $fields = field_info_instances($entity_info['type'], $entity_info['bundle']);
  foreach ($fields as $field_instance) {

    // Load field info to check the type.
    $field =& $entity->{$field_instance['field_name']};
    $info = field_info_field($field_instance['field_name']);
    $supported_fields = array_map('trim', explode(',', variable_get('node_export_file_supported_fields', 'file, image')));

    // Check if this field should implement file import/export system.
    if (in_array($info['type'], $supported_fields)) {

      // We need to loop into each language because i18n translation can build
      // fields with different language than the node one.
      foreach ($field as $language => $files) {
        if (is_array($files)) {
          foreach ($files as $i => $field_value) {
            $file = (object) $field_value;
            $result = _node_export_file_field_import_file($file);

            // The file was saved successfully, update the file field (by reference).
            if ($result == TRUE && isset($file->fid)) {

              // Retain any special properties from the original field value.
              $field[$language][$i] = array_merge($field_value, (array) $file);

 * Detects remote and local file exports and imports accordingly.
 * @param &$file
 *   The file, passed by reference.
 * @return TRUE or FALSE
 *   Depending on success or failure.  On success the $file object will
 *   have a valid $file->fid attribute.
function _node_export_file_field_import_file(&$file) {

  // This is here for historical reasons to support older exports.  It can be
  // removed in the next major version.
  $file->uri = strtr($file->uri, array(
    '#FILES_DIRECTORY_PATH#' => 'public:/',

  // The file is already in the right location AND either the
  // node_export_file_path is not set or the node_export_file_path and filepath
  // contain the same file
  if (is_file($file->uri) && (!isset($file->node_export_file_path) || !is_file($file->node_export_file_path) || is_file($file->node_export_file_path) && filesize($file->uri) == filesize($file->node_export_file_path) && strtoupper(dechex(crc32(file_get_contents($file->uri)))) == strtoupper(dechex(crc32(file_get_contents($file->node_export_file_path)))))) {

    // Keep existing file if it exists already at this uri (see also #1023254)
    // Issue #1058750.
    $query = db_select('file_managed', 'f')
      ->fields('f', array(
      ->condition('uri', $file->uri)
    if (!empty($query)) {
      watchdog('node_export', 'kept existing managed file at uri "%uri"', array(
        '%uri' => $file->uri,
      $file = file_load(array_shift($query));
    elseif (isset($file->fid)) {
      $file = (object) array_merge((array) $file, (array) file_load(array_shift($query)));
    $file = file_save($file);
  elseif (isset($file->node_export_file_data)) {
    $directory = drupal_dirname($file->uri);
    if (file_prepare_directory($directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) {
      if (file_put_contents($file->uri, base64_decode($file->node_export_file_data))) {
        $files = file_load_multiple(array(), array(
          'uri' => $file->uri,

        // Only attempt to save the file if a record doesn't already exist in
        // the file_managed table.
        if (count($files) == 0) {
          $file = file_save($file);
  elseif (isset($file->node_export_file_path) && is_file($file->node_export_file_path)) {
    $directory = drupal_dirname($file->uri);
    if (file_prepare_directory($directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) {

      // The $file->node_export_file_path is passed to reference, and modified
      // by file_unmanaged_copy().  Making a copy to avoid tainting the original.
      $node_export_file_path = $file->node_export_file_path;
      file_unmanaged_copy($node_export_file_path, $directory, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);

      // At this point the $file->node_export_file_path will contain the
      // destination of the copied file

      //$file->uri = $node_export_file_path;
      $file = file_save($file);
  elseif (isset($file->node_export_file_url)) {

    // Need time to do the download
    ini_set('max_execution_time', 900);
    $temp_path = file_directory_temp() . '/' . md5(mt_rand()) . '.txt';
    if (($source = fopen($file->node_export_file_url, 'r')) == FALSE) {
      drupal_set_message(t("Could not open '@file' for reading.", array(
        '@file' => $file->node_export_file_url,
      return FALSE;
    elseif (($dest = fopen($temp_path, 'w')) == FALSE) {
      drupal_set_message(t("Could not open '@file' for writing.", array(
        '@file' => $file->uri,
      return FALSE;
    else {

      // PHP5 specific, downloads the file and does buffering
      // automatically.
      $bytes_read = @stream_copy_to_stream($source, $dest);

      // Flush all buffers and wipe the file statistics cache
      if ($bytes_read != filesize($temp_path)) {
        drupal_set_message(t("Remote export '!url' could not be fully downloaded, '@file' to temporary location '!temp'.", array(
          '!url' => $file->node_export_file_url,
          '@file' => $file->uri,
          '!temp' => $temp_path,
        return FALSE;
      else {
        if (!@copy($temp_path, $file->uri)) {
          drupal_set_message(t("Could not move temporary file '@temp' to '@file'.", array(
            '@temp' => $temp_path,
            '@file' => $file->uri,
          return FALSE;
        $file->filesize = filesize($file->uri);
        $file->filemime = file_get_mimetype($file->uri);
    $file = file_save($file);
  else {
    drupal_set_message(t("Unknown error occurred attempting to import file: @filepath", array(
      '@filepath' => $file->uri,
    )), 'error');
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

// Remove once is resolved.
if (!function_exists('uuid_set_uuid')) {

   * API function to set the UUID of an object based on its serial ID.
   * @param $table
   *   Base table of the object. Currently, one of node, revision_revisions,
   *   users, vocabulary or term_data.
   * @param $key
   *   The name of the serial ID column.
   * @param $serial_id
   *   The serial ID of the object.
   * @param $uuid
   *   Optional UUID.  If omitted, a UUID will be generated.
   * @return
   *   The UUID on success, FALSE if the uuid provided is not valid.
  function uuid_set_uuid($table, $key, $serial_id, $uuid = FALSE) {
    if (empty($uuid)) {
      $uuid = uuid_generate();
    if (!uuid_is_valid($uuid)) {
      return FALSE;
    $query = db_update($table)
      'uuid' => $uuid,
      ->condition($key, $serial_id, '=')
    return $uuid;

// Remove once is resolved.
if (!function_exists('uuid_get_uuid')) {

   * API function to get the UUID of an object based on its serial ID.
   * @param $entity_type
   *   The entity type.
   * @param $key
   *   The name of the serial ID column.
   * @param $id
   *   The serial ID of the object.
   * @return
   *   The UUID of the object, or FALSE if not found.
  function uuid_get_uuid($entity_type, $key, $id) {
    $supported = uuid_get_core_entity_info();
    if (!isset($supported[$entity_type])) {
      return FALSE;
    $entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
    $table = $entity_info['base table'];
    return db_query("SELECT uuid FROM {" . $table . "} WHERE " . $key . " = :id", array(
      ':id' => $id,


Namesort descending Description
node_export Export nodes.
node_export_access_export Check access to export a node.
node_export_access_export_nodes Check access to export an array of nodes.
node_export_access_import Check access to import a node.
node_export_access_import_nodes Check access to import an array of nodes.
node_export_action_form Export Nodes Action "Configuration" Form
node_export_action_info Implements hook_action_info()
node_export_bulk_operation Callback for use with hook_node_operations().
node_export_file_field_export Handle exporting file fields.
node_export_file_field_import Handle importing file fields.
node_export_format_handlers Get a list of possible format handlers (other than the default).
node_export_get_menu Create a new menu entry with title, parent and weight exported from another nodes menu. Returns NULL if the node has no menu title.
node_export_import Import Function
node_export_import_types_check Check if all types in the import exist.
node_export_menu Implements hook_menu().
node_export_node_clone Prepare a clone of the node during import.
node_export_node_clone_set_tnid Update the tnid value on the new node based on the tnid value from the old node.
node_export_node_export_alter Implements hook_node_export_alter(). In case when node translation is enabled we have to ensure that original nodes appear in export before their translations. This is done to properly assign tnid to translations, because we don't know until the…
node_export_node_operations Implements hook_node_operations().
node_export_node_type_delete Implements hook_node_type_delete().
node_export_node_type_update Implements hook_node_type_update().
node_export_permission Implements hook_permission().
node_export_prepare_node Prepare a single node during export.
node_export_remove_recursion Remove recursion problem from an object or array.
node_export_restore_recursion Restore recursion to an object or array.
node_export_save Save a node object into the database.
node_export_views_api Implements hook_views_api().
_node_export_entity_info Get entity type and bundle of the given entity. Works for nodes and field collection items.
_node_export_file_field_import_file Detects remote and local file exports and imports accordingly.
_node_export_remove_recursion Callback function for preg_replace_callback() to remove recursion.