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Functions in Name Field 8

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_name_widget_layouts ./name.api.php Provide widget layout options.
name_component_description_after_build_label_alter ./name.module Afterbuild for setting the correct ID on the description labels. 1
name_element_expand ./name.module The #process callback to create the element. 1
name_element_pre_render Deprecated ./name.module This function themes the element and controls the title display.
name_element_render_component ./name.module Helper function to render a component within a name element. 1
name_element_validate ./name.module A custom validator to check the components of a name element. 1
name_element_validate_is_empty ./name.module Check if the name element is empty or not. 1
name_field_config_create ./name.module Implements hook_field_config_create().
name_field_config_delete ./name.module Implements hook_entity_delete().
name_field_views_data ./ Implements hook_field_views_data().
name_get_additional_component ./name.module Helper function to an additional component for an item. 2
name_get_custom_format_options ./name.module Helper function to generate a list of all defined custom formatting options. 3
name_get_custom_list_format_options ./name.module Helper function to generate a list of all defined custom formatting options. 1
name_get_format_by_machine_name ./name.module Loads a format based on the machine name. 1
name_name_widget_layouts ./name.module Implements hook_name_widget_layouts().
name_post_update_create_name_list_format ./name.post_update.php Adds the default list format.
name_post_update_field_settings_merge ./name.post_update.php Merges the custom field and storage settings together.
name_post_update_field_settings_remove_inline_css ./name.post_update.php Removes the inline CSS settings and sets the widget layout.
name_post_update_formatter_settings ./name.post_update.php Corrects the field formatter settings for new name list type settings.
name_post_update_formatter_settings_link_and_external_sources ./name.post_update.php Updates the field formatter settings.
name_theme ./name.module Implements hook_theme().
name_update_8001 ./name.install Upgrade from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8.
name_update_8202 ./name.install Register the new name list format plugin.
name_update_8203 ./name.install Loads the name generator services files into the active configuration.
name_update_last_removed ./name.install Implements hook_update_last_removed().
name_user_format_name_alter ./name.module Implements hook_user_format_name_alter().
name_user_format_name_alter_preload ./name.module Internal helper function to load the user account if required. 1
name_user_load ./name.module Implements hook_user_load().
name_user_save ./name.module Implements hook_user_save().
name_widget_layouts ./name.module Helper function to get any defined name widget layout options. 2
template_preprocess_name_item ./ Prepares variables for name_item template.
template_preprocess_name_item_list ./ Prepares variables for name_item_list template.
_name_component_keys ./name.module Defines the component keys. 5
_name_component_layout ./name.module Sorts the widgets according to the language type. 1
_name_formatter_output_options ./name.module Helper function to define the available output formatter options.
_name_formatter_output_types ./name.module Private helper function to define the formatter rendering methods.
_name_translations ./name.module Static cache to reuse translated name components. 14
_name_value_sanitize ./name.module Helper function to sanitize a name component or name string.

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