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Functions in Name Field 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
name_additional_content_theme ./name.module 1
name_admin_settings_form ./ Form builder function for module settings. 1
name_construct_components ./name.module A brigding function to warn users that are using any custom code.
name_content_diff_values ./name.module Implementation of CCK's hook_content_diff_values().
name_content_is_empty ./name.module Implementation of hook_content_is_empty(). 2
name_custom_formats_form ./ Form callback to edit or add a new custom name format. 2
name_custom_formats_form_submit ./ Submit handler for name_custom_formats_form().
name_custom_formats_form_validate ./ Custom validation for name_custom_formats_form().
name_custom_format_delete_form ./ Custom name format deletion form. 2
name_custom_format_delete_form_submit ./ Submit handler for name_custom_format_delete_form().
name_custom_format_edit ./ Page to edit a custom format. 1
name_disable ./name.install Implementation of hook_disable().
name_elements ./name.module Implementation of hook_elements().
name_element_expand ./name.module The #process callback to create the element. 1
name_element_pre_render ./name.module This function forces the error class attribute onto each of the empty element components as required, themes the element and controls the title display. 1
name_element_validate ./name.module 1
name_enable ./name.install Implementation of hook_enable().
name_field ./name.module Implementation of hook_field().
name_field_formatter_info ./name.module Implementation of hook_field_formatter_info().
name_field_info ./name.module Implementation of hook_field_info(). 2
name_field_instance_settings_pre_render ./name.module 1
name_field_settings ./name.module Implementation of hook_field_settings().
name_field_settings_pre_render ./name.module 1
name_format ./name.module This is the main function that formats a name from an array of components. 4
name_form_content_field_edit_form_alter ./name.module Provides a hook into the theming of the field and instance settings, using #pre_render callbacks.
name_get_custom_formats ./name.module Loads a list of all user defined formats. 2
name_get_custom_format_options ./name.module Helper function to generate a list of all defined custom formatting options. 4
name_get_format_by_machine_name ./name.module 2
name_install ./name.install Implementation of hook_install().
name_install_default_formats ./name.install Inserts some common formats. 2
name_list_custom_formats ./ Lists the known custom formats. 1
name_menu ./name.module Implementation of hook_menu().
name_replacement_tokens includes/ Provides the tokens that the name parse can handle. 1
name_schema ./name.install Implementation of hook_schema().
name_settings ./name.module Handles the initialization of the Name module settings that are stored in the {variables} table. 5 1
name_theme ./name.module Implement hook_theme().
name_token_list ./name.module Implementation of hook_token_list().
name_token_values ./name.module Implementation of hook_token_values().
name_uninstall ./name.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
name_update_6000 ./name.install This adds the formats that would otherwise be inserted during installation.
name_widget ./name.module Implementation of hook_widget().
name_widget_info ./name.module Implementation of hook_widget_info().
name_widget_settings ./name.module Implementation of hook_widget_settings().
theme_name_element ./name.module Custom theme callback for the name_element.
theme_name_formatter_default ./name.module Theme function all name field formatters. 1
theme_name_format_parameter_help includes/ Provides help to the characters that are recognized in the name_format() format parameter string.
_element_validate_options_size ./name.module Helper form element validator. 1
_name_defaults ./name.module Helper function to set the defaults for a name field / widget. 3
_name_field_instance_settings_pre_render ./ Themes the instance settings of the name component into a nice table, rather than a long list of individual elements. 1
_name_field_minimal_component_requirements ./name.module Drupal does not validate checkboxes by default. With checkbox validate, the user may get two error messages. 1


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