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function _name_component_keys in Name Field 8

Defines the component keys.

Return value

string[] An array of the core field component columns.

5 calls to _name_component_keys()
NameAutocomplete::getMatches in src/NameAutocomplete.php
Get matches for the autocompletion of name components.
NameGenerator::filterByFieldSettings in src/NameGenerator.php
Helper function to filter the name components by the field definition.
NameGenerator::generateSampleNames in src/NameGenerator.php
Service to generate random names.
NameTarget::prepareTarget in src/Feeds/Target/NameTarget.php
Prepares a target definition.
NameWidgetTest::testFieldEntry in tests/src/Functional/NameWidgetTest.php
The most basic test.


./name.module, line 351
Defines an API for displaying and inputing names.


function _name_component_keys() {
  return [
    'title' => 'title',
    'given' => 'given',
    'middle' => 'middle',
    'family' => 'family',
    'credentials' => 'credentials',
    'generational' => 'generational',