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function mvf_unit_suggesters_info in Measured Value Field 7

Collect information about available unit suggesters and their settings.


array $field: Field API field definition array of MVF field

array $instance: Field API instance definition array of MVF field

string $view_mode: Optional name of the view mode. If you want to retrieve unit suggesters for a specific view mode of a MVF instance, then provide this view mode here. If it is omitted, a list of generally configured unit suggesters for this MVF instance will be returned

Return value

array Array of information about available unit suggesters and their settings for provided $field and $instance. Array will be sorted by weight of unit suggesters, i.e. elements will go in the order, in which they are supposed to suggest output units for provided $field and $instance. Values of this array will have the following structure:

  • plugin: (array) CTools plugin definition array of this unit suggester
  • settings: (array) Array of settings for provided $field and $instance. This array will have the following structure:

    • enable: (bool) Whether this unit suggester is enabled for provided $field and $instance
    • weight: (int) Weight (priority) at which this unit suggester should be asked to suggest output unit for provided $field and $instance
    • ... Different unit suggesters might keep any additional settings here, which varies on per unit suggester basis
3 calls to mvf_unit_suggesters_info()
mvf_field_delete_instance in ./mvf.module
Implements hook_field_delete_instance().
mvf_unit_suggest in ./mvf.module
Request a suggested unit on a particular items of MVF field.
_mvf_unit_suggester_process in ./mvf.module
Form API process function for 'mvf_unit_suggester' form element.


./mvf.module, line 1644
Define a field type of measured value.


function mvf_unit_suggesters_info($field, $instance, $view_mode = NULL) {
  $unit_suggester_info = array();
  $plugins = mvf_get_unit_suggester();
  $measure = mvf_measure_extract($field);
  $unit_suggester_settings = $instance['settings']['mvf']['unit_suggesters_settings'];
  if ($view_mode && isset($instance['display'][$view_mode]['settings']['mvf']['override']) && $instance['display'][$view_mode]['settings']['mvf']['override']) {
    $unit_suggester_settings = $instance['display'][$view_mode]['settings']['mvf']['unit_suggesters_settings'];
  foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
    if ($plugin['applicable callback'] !== TRUE) {
      $function = ctools_plugin_get_function($plugin, 'applicable callback');
      $is_applicable = $function && $function($measure, $field, $instance, $plugin);
    else {
      $is_applicable = TRUE;
    if ($is_applicable) {
      $settings = isset($unit_suggester_settings[mvf_unit_suggesters_settings_name($plugin)]) ? $unit_suggester_settings[mvf_unit_suggesters_settings_name($plugin)] : array(
        'enable' => FALSE,
        'weight' => 0,
      $unit_suggester_info[] = array(
        'plugin' => $plugin,
        'settings' => $settings,

  // Sorting by weight all available unit suggesters.
  usort($unit_suggester_info, '_mvf_unit_suggesters_info_sort');
  return $unit_suggester_info;