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function mvf_get_unit_suggester in Measured Value Field 7

Retrieve information about a cTools plugin of MVF unit suggester type.


string $suggester: Name of a particular unit suggester plugin to return. If skipped, an array of all available unit suggester plugins will be returned

Return value

array Depending on whether $suggester is provided it will be either a single array of information about provided $suggester unit suggester plugin or array of information on all available unit suggester plugins

2 calls to mvf_get_unit_suggester()
mvf_field_update_instance in ./mvf.module
Implements hook_field_update_instance().
mvf_unit_suggesters_info in ./mvf.module
Collect information about available unit suggesters and their settings.


./mvf.module, line 1730
Define a field type of measured value.


function mvf_get_unit_suggester($suggester = NULL) {
  return ctools_get_plugins('mvf', 'unit_suggesters', $suggester);