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function mvf_unit_suggest in Measured Value Field 7

Request a suggested unit on a particular items of MVF field.


array $items: Array of items for which to get a suggested unit

array $field: Field definition array of the field for which to get a suggested unit. This field must be of MVF types, of course

array $instance: Field instance definition array that corresponds to $field

object $entity: Fully loaded entity for which to get a suggested unit

string $view_mode: If you want to retrieve unit suggestion on a specific view mode of the provided MVF field, then provide it here. You may skip this argument and then suggested unit will be based on general MVF instance settings

array $skip_suggestions: In case you want to explicitly ignore some suggestions, provide them here and the function will not consider them. You can supply here specific IDs of 'units_unit' entities. However, the most useful elements of this array would be the constants MVF_UNIT_*

Return value

int Suggested unit for the provided input arguments. It will be either ID of 'units_unit' entity or any constant of MVF_UNIT_*

2 calls to mvf_unit_suggest()
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_mvf_widget_process in ./mvf.module
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./mvf.module, line 2036
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function mvf_unit_suggest($items, $field, $instance, $entity, $view_mode = NULL, $skip_suggestions = array()) {
  $skip_suggestions[] = MVF_UNIT_UNKNOWN;
  $unit_suggesters = mvf_unit_suggesters_info($field, $instance, $view_mode);
  $output_unit = MVF_UNIT_UNKNOWN;
  foreach ($unit_suggesters as $v) {
    if ($v['settings']['enable'] && ($function = ctools_plugin_get_function($v['plugin'], 'suggest unit callback'))) {
      $output_unit = $function($items, $field, $instance, $entity, $instance['entity_type'], $v['settings'], $v['plugin']);
      if (!in_array($output_unit, $skip_suggestions)) {
  return $output_unit;