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Files in Mobile Switch 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description includes/ Administrative page callbacks for the Mobile Switch module.
mobile_switch.api.php mobile_switch.api.php Hooks provided by the Mobile Switch module. name = Mobile Switch description = Simple theme switch for mobile devices, detected by browscap. package = User interface core = 7.x configure = admin/config/user-interface/mobile-switch dependencies[] = browscap
mobile_switch.install mobile_switch.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the Mobile Switch module.
mobile_switch.module mobile_switch.module Simple theme switch for mobile devices, detected by browscap.
mobile_switch.system.admin.css css/mobile_switch.system.admin.css Extended Mobile Switch CSS configuration.
README.txt README.txt Mobile Switch module Simple automatic theme switch for mobile devices, detected by browscap. DEPENDENCIES ------------ - Drupal 7. - The Browscap module from RECOMMENDED ----------- - The Mobile Switch Block…

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