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9 calls to DrupalMigration::moduleExists() in Drupal-to-Drupal data migration 7.2

DrupalNode5Migration::query in d5/
Query for basic node fields from Drupal 5.
DrupalNode6Migration::query in d6/
Query for basic node fields from Drupal 6.
DrupalNode7Migration::query in d7/
Query for basic node fields from Drupal 7.
DrupalNodeMigration::prepareRow in ./
Called after the query data is fetched - we'll use this to populate the source row with the CCK fields.
DrupalNodeMigration::__construct in ./
DrupalTermMigration::prepareRow in ./
Review a data row after fetch, returning FALSE to skip it.
DrupalTermMigration::__construct in ./
In addition to the arguments supported by DrupalMigration, we add the following required arguments:
DrupalUserMigration::prepareRow in ./
Review a data row after fetch, returning FALSE to skip it.
DrupalUserMigration::__construct in ./