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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Drupal-to-Drupal data migration 7.2

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
DrupalComment5Migration class d5/ Handling specific to a Drupal 5 source for comments.
DrupalComment6Migration class d6/ Handling specific to a Drupal 6 source for comments.
DrupalComment7Migration class d7/ Handling specific to a Drupal 7 source for comments.
DrupalCommentMigration abstract class ./ Base class for all comment migrations - handles commonalities across all supported source Drupal versions. 3
DrupalCustomBlock5Migration class d5/
DrupalCustomBlock6Migration class d6/
DrupalCustomBlockMigration abstract class ./ 2
DrupalDestinationUser class ./ We add support for user paths, which is not supported by the core destination, so document the presence of the field.
DrupalEntity6Migration class d6/ Handling specific to a Drupal 6 node source for entities.
DrupalEntityMigration abstract class ./ Base class for all non-standard entity migrations - handles commonalities across all supported source Drupal versions. 1
DrupalFile5Migration class d5/ @file Implementation of DrupalFileMigration for Drupal 5 sources. 1
DrupalFile6Migration class d6/ @file Implementation of DrupalFileMigration for Drupal 6 sources. 1
DrupalFile7Migration class d7/ Handling specific to a Drupal 7 source for files. 2
DrupalFileMigration abstract class ./ Base class for all file migrations - handles commonalities across all supported source Drupal versions. 3
DrupalMenu6Migration class d6/
DrupalMenuLinks6Migration class d6/
DrupalMenuLinksMigration abstract class ./ 1
DrupalMenuMigration abstract class ./ 1
DrupalMigration abstract class ./ @file Base classes for all Drupal-to-Drupal migration classes. 11
DrupalNode5Migration class d5/ Handling specific to a Drupal 5 source for nodes.
DrupalNode6Migration class d6/ Handling specific to a Drupal 6 source for nodes. 1
DrupalNode7Migration class d7/ Handling specific to a Drupal 7 source for nodes.
DrupalNodeMigration abstract class ./ Base class for all node migrations - handles commonalities across all supported source Drupal versions. 3
DrupalPicture5Migration class d5/ Pull user pictures in their own migration class, based on normal file migration.
DrupalPicture6Migration class d6/ Pull user pictures in their own migration class, based on normal file migration.
DrupalPicture7Migration class d7/ Pull user pictures in their own migration class, based on normal file migration.
DrupalRole5Migration class d5/ Handling specific to a Drupal 5 source for roles.
DrupalRole6Migration class d6/ Handling specific to a Drupal 6 source for roles.
DrupalRole7Migration class d7/ Handling specific to a Drupal 7 source for roles.
DrupalRoleMigration abstract class ./ Base class for all role migrations - handles commonalities across all supported source Drupal versions. 3
DrupalTerm5Migration class d5/ Handling specific to a Drupal 5 source for taxonomy terms.
DrupalTerm6Migration class d6/ Handling specific to a Drupal 6 source for taxonomy terms.
DrupalTerm7Migration class d7/ @file Implementation of DrupalTermMigration for Drupal 7 sources.
DrupalTermMigration abstract class ./ Base class for migrations of Drupal taxonomy terms from another Drupal installation. 3
DrupalUser5Migration class d5/ Handling specific to a Drupal 5 source for users.
DrupalUser6Migration class d6/ Handling specific to a Drupal 6 source for users.
DrupalUser7Migration class d7/ @file Implementation of DrupalUserMigration for Drupal 7 sources.
DrupalUserMigration abstract class ./ Base class for all user migrations - handles commonalities across all supported source Drupal versions. 3
DrupalVariableMigration abstract class ./
DrupalVersion abstract class ./ There should be an implementation of this abstract class, named DrupalVersion{version #}, for each Drupal version supported as a source. It will implement any functions needed by multiple version-specific classes (e.g., nodes as well as users). 3
DrupalVersion5 class d5/ Drupal 5 implementations of functions shared among multiple types of objects.
DrupalVersion6 class d6/ Drupal 6 implementations of functions shared among multiple types of objects.
DrupalVersion7 class d7/ @file Implementation of DrupalVersion for Drupal 7 sources.
DrupalYoutube7Migration class d7/ Pull youtube links in their own migration class, based on normal file migration.
ExampleArticleMigration class migrate_d2d_example/
ExampleImageMigration class migrate_d2d_example/ Image-specific mappings and handling.
ExampleNodeMigration abstract class migrate_d2d_example/ Common mappings for the Drupal 6 node migrations. 2
MigrateD2DWizard class migrate_d2d_ui/
MigrateDrupal5SourceSQL class d5/ We override the default SQL source class just so we can clean up subfield names for the UI.
MigrateDrupal6SourceSQL class d6/ We override the default SQL source class just so we can clean up subfield names for the UI.

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