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public function DrupalUserMigration::__construct in Drupal-to-Drupal data migration 7.2


array $arguments: picture_migration - Machine name of a picture migration, used to establish dependencies and a sourceMigration for the picture mapping. role_migration - Machine name of a role migration, used to establish dependencies and a sourceMigration for the picture mapping.

Overrides DrupalMigration::__construct

3 calls to DrupalUserMigration::__construct()
DrupalUser5Migration::__construct in d5/
DrupalUser6Migration::__construct in d6/
DrupalUser7Migration::__construct in d7/
Required arguments:
3 methods override DrupalUserMigration::__construct()
DrupalUser5Migration::__construct in d5/
DrupalUser6Migration::__construct in d6/
DrupalUser7Migration::__construct in d7/
Required arguments:


./, line 35
Base class for migrating users into Drupal.


Base class for all user migrations - handles commonalities across all supported source Drupal versions.


public function __construct(array $arguments) {
  if (!empty($arguments['picture_migration'])) {
    $this->pictureMigration = $arguments['picture_migration'];
    $this->dependencies[] = $this->pictureMigration;
  if (!empty($arguments['role_migration'])) {
    $this->roleMigration = $arguments['role_migration'];
    $this->dependencies[] = $this->roleMigration;

  // Document known core fields
  $this->sourceFields += array(
    'uid' => t('User ID'),
    'mail' => t('Email address'),
    'name' => t('Username'),
    'pass' => t('Password'),
    'status' => t('Status'),
    'created' => t('Registered timestamp'),
    'access' => t('Last access timestamp'),
    'login' => t('Last login timestamp'),
    'picture' => t('Picture'),
    'signature' => t('Signature'),
    'signature_format' => t('Signature format'),
    'timezone' => t('Timezone'),
    'language' => t('Language'),
    'theme' => t('Default theme'),
    'init' => t('Init'),
    'data' => t('Data'),

  // Get any CCK fields attached to users.
  $this->sourceFields += $this->version
    ->getSourceFields('user', 'user');
  if ($this
    ->moduleExists('path')) {
    $this->sourceFields['path'] = t('Path alias');
  if ($this->roleMigration) {
    $this->sourceFields['roles'] = t('Roles');
  if (!isset($this->sourceOptions['track_changes']) && !$this->newOnly) {
    $this->sourceOptions['track_changes'] = TRUE;
  $this->source = new MigrateSourceSQL($this
    ->query(), $this->sourceFields, NULL, $this->sourceOptions);
  $this->map = new MigrateSQLMap($this->machineName, array(
    'uid' => array(
      'type' => 'int',
      'unsigned' => TRUE,
      'not null' => TRUE,
      'description' => 'Source user ID',
      'alias' => 'u',
  ), DrupalDestinationUser::getKeySchema(), $this->mapConnection);

  // Most mappings are straight-forward

  // user_save() expects the data field to be unpacked
    ->addFieldMapping('data', 'data')

  // Dedupe username collisions by appending _1, _2, etc.
    ->addFieldMapping('name', 'name')
    ->dedupe('users', 'name');
  if (isset($this->pictureMigration)) {
      ->addFieldMapping('picture', 'picture')
  else {
      ->addFieldMapping('picture', 'picture');
  if (isset($this->roleMigration)) {
      ->addFieldMapping('roles', 'roles')
  else {
    ->addFieldMapping('signature_format', 'signature_format')
  if (module_exists('path') && $this
    ->moduleExists('path')) {
      ->addFieldMapping('path', 'path')
      ->description('Handled in prepareRow');
  else {
    if (module_exists('path')) {
    elseif ($this
      ->moduleExists('path')) {
  if (module_exists('pathauto')) {
      ->description('By default, disable in favor of migrated paths')