You are here in Drupal-to-Drupal data migration 7.2

Base classes for all Drupal-to-Drupal migration classes.

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 * @file
 * Base classes for all Drupal-to-Drupal migration classes.
abstract class DrupalMigration extends Migration {

   * Connection key for the DatabaseConnection holding the source Drupal
   * installation.
   * @var
  protected $sourceConnection;

   * The major version of the Drupal install serving as the migration
   * source, e.g. '6'.
   * @var int
  protected $sourceVersion;

   * Options to be passed to source constructors.
   * @var array
  protected $sourceOptions = array();

   * An array of available source fields, beyond those in the base query.
   * Derived classes should populate this before calling the parent
   * constructor.
   * @var array
  protected $sourceFields = array();

   * Source type (bundle), if any.
   * @var string
  protected $sourceType = '';

   * While much of the version-specific work can be done in the leaf classes,
   * to share data and behavior among all classes for a given Drupal version
   * we use this helper object.
   * @var DrupalVersion
  protected $version;

   * Map format mappings from the source system to the destination. Automated
   * generation of these mappings is version-dependent (through Drupal 6 they
   * were identified by numeric IDs, Drupal 7 introduced machine names).
   * @var array
  protected $formatMappings = array();

   * Set to TRUE to suppress highwater marks or track_changes (i.e., to only
   * import new items, skipping updated items, on subsequent imports).
   * @var bool
  protected $newOnly = FALSE;

   * Controls what db connection the MigrateSQLMaps use.
   * Pass $arguments['map_connection'] to change this variable.
   * @var string
  protected $mapConnection = 'default';

   * Required arguments:
   * source_connection - Connection key for the DatabaseConnection holding the
   *  source Drupal installation.
   * source_version - Major version number (as an integer) of the source install.
   * machine_name - Machine name under which a particular migration is registered.
   * description - Description of the migration.
   * group_name - The group (import job) containing this migration (import
   *  task).
   * Optional arguments:
   * source_database - Array describing the source connection, to be defined in
   *  the constructor. If absent, the source connection is assumed to be established
   *  elsewhere (typically settings.php).
   * group - Migration group to add this migration to.
   * dependencies - Array of migrations that must be run before this one.
   * soft_dependencies - Array of migrations that should be listed before this one.
   * format_mappings - Array keyed by source format IDs or machine names, with
   *  the values being the corresponding D7 machine name. If unspecified,
   * source_options - Array to be passed as options to source constructors,
   *  overriding the defaults (map_joinable FALSE, cache_counts TRUE, cache_key
   *  derived from the machine name).
   * version_class - The name of a custom DrupalVersion class overriding the
   *  default derived from source_version.
   * new_only - For any destination types that support highwater marks or
   *  track_changes, suppress that support so repeated migrations only import
   *  new items.
   * @param array $arguments
  public function __construct($arguments) {
    if (empty($this->arguments['source_version'])) {
      throw new MigrateException(t('No source_version provided in migrate_d2d migration arguments.'));
    else {
      $this->sourceVersion = $this->arguments['source_version'];
    if (isset($this->arguments['version_class'])) {
      $version_class = $this->arguments['version_class'];
    else {
      $version_class = 'DrupalVersion' . $this->sourceVersion;
    $this->version = new $version_class($this->arguments);
    if (!isset($this->arguments['group'])) {
      $this->arguments['group'] = MigrateGroup::getInstance($this->arguments['group_name']);
    elseif (!is_object($this->arguments['group'])) {
      $this->arguments['group'] = MigrateGroup::getInstance($this->arguments['group']);
    $this->sourceConnection = $this->arguments['source_connection'];
    if (!empty($this->arguments['source_database'])) {
      Database::addConnectionInfo($this->sourceConnection, 'default', $this->arguments['source_database']);
    if (!empty($this->arguments['source_type'])) {
      $this->sourceType = $this->arguments['source_type'];
    $this->description = $this->arguments['description'];
    if (!empty($this->arguments['dependencies'])) {
      $this->dependencies = $this->arguments['dependencies'];
    if (!empty($this->arguments['soft_dependencies'])) {
      $this->softDependencies = $this->arguments['soft_dependencies'];
    $this->sourceOptions = array(
      'map_joinable' => FALSE,
      'cache_counts' => TRUE,
      'cache_key' => 'migrate_' . $this->machineName,
    if (!empty($this->arguments['source_options'])) {
      $this->sourceOptions = array_merge($this->sourceOptions, $this->arguments['source_options']);
    if (!empty($this->arguments['format_mappings'])) {
      $this->formatMappings = $this->arguments['format_mappings'];
    else {
      $this->formatMappings = $this->version
    if (!empty($this->arguments['new_only'])) {
      $this->newOnly = $this->arguments['new_only'];
    if (!empty($this->arguments['map_connection'])) {
      $this->mapConnection = $this->arguments['map_connection'];

   * @abstract
   * The base source query for this migration.
   * @return QueryConditionInterface
  protected abstract function query();

   * Field mapping callback: translate an incoming format ID (through D6) or
   * machine name (D7+) to a D7 format machine name.
   * @param $format
   * @return string|array
  protected function mapFormat($format) {
    if (!is_array($format)) {
      $format = array(
    $result = array();
    foreach ($format as $format_value) {
      if (isset($format_value) && isset($this->formatMappings[$format_value])) {
        $result[] = $this->formatMappings[$format_value];
      else {
        $result[] = NULL;

    // Only return an array if we have to
    if (count($result) > 1) {
      return $result;
    else {
      return reset($result);

   * Check to see if a given module is enabled in the source installation.
   * @todo: move to DrupalVersion?
   * @param $module
   *  Name of module to check.
   * @return boolean
   *  1 if it is enabled, 0 if not.
  protected function moduleExists($module) {
    $exists = Database::getConnection('default', $this->sourceConnection)
      ->select('system', 's')
      ->fields('s', array(
      ->condition('name', $module)
      ->condition('type', 'module')

    // Convert NULL to 0
    if (!$exists) {
      $exists = 0;
    return $exists;


 * There should be an implementation of this abstract class, named
 * DrupalVersion{version #}, for each Drupal version supported as a source. It
 * will implement any functions needed by multiple version-specific classes
 * (e.g., nodes as well as users).
abstract class DrupalVersion {

   * Arguments for the containing migration. Primarily of interest for
   * the source_connection.
   * @var array
  protected $arguments;

   * An array of information on CCK/core fields.
   * @var array
   *  key - field -name
   *  value - array of information:
   *    label: User-visible description of the field
   *    type: type of the field
   *    columns: array of database columns for the field
  protected $sourceFieldInfo = array();
  public function getSourceFieldInfo() {
    return $this->sourceFieldInfo;

   * The entity type (node, user, etc.)
   * @var string
  protected $entityType;

   * The bundle (node type pre-D7) - article, blog, etc.
   * @var string
  protected $bundle;

   * Pass the migration class arguments through to the version class.
   * @param $arguments
  public function __construct($arguments) {
    $this->arguments = $arguments;

   * @abstract
   * Returns an array keyed by the source system's format identifier (integer ID
   * or machine name), with the destination Drupal 7 machine name as the value.
  public abstract function getDefaultFormatMappings();

   * @abstract
   * Given a source path (e.g., node/1234 or user/35), return the alias from
   * the source database.
   * @param $pattern
   * @param $id
  public abstract function getPath($source);

   * @abstract
   * Return the names and labels of all custom fields (CCK pre-D7, core fields
   * D7 and later) attached to the given entity type and bundle.
   * @param $entity_type
   *  Type of entity ('node', 'user', etc.) for which to retrieve field info.
   * @param $bundle
   *  Bundle within the entity type (e.g., 'article', 'blog', etc.).
   * @param $include_body
   *  Treat a node body as if it were a custom field (for supporting
   *  content_profile).
   * @return array
   *  An array keyed by field name, with field labels as the values.
  public function getSourceFields($entity_type, $bundle, $include_body = FALSE) {
      ->populateSourceFieldInfo($entity_type, $bundle);
    $fields = array();
    foreach ($this->sourceFieldInfo as $field_name => $info) {
      $fields[$field_name] = $info['label'];
      $i = 0;
      if (isset($info['columns'])) {
        foreach ($info['columns'] as $display_name => $column_name) {

          // We skip the first column, which we've covered with the field name
          // itself.
          if ($i > 0) {
            $fields[$display_name] = t('!label subfield', array(
              '!label' => $info['label'],
    return $fields;

   * Get any core profile values associated with this user.
   * @param $row
   * @param $entity_id
  public function getProfileValues($row, $entity_id) {
    $query = Database::getConnection('default', $this->arguments['source_connection'])
      ->select('profile_values', 'v')
      ->fields('v', array(
      ->condition('uid', $entity_id)
      ->condition('value', '', '<>');
      ->innerJoin('profile_fields', 'f', 'v.fid=f.fid');
      ->fields('f', array(
    $result = $query
    foreach ($result as $data_row) {
      switch ($data_row->type) {
        case 'checkbox':
          switch (trim(strtolower($data_row->value))) {
            case 'n':
              $data_row->value = 0;
            case 'y':
              $data_row->value = 1;
        case 'date':

          // Dates may be serialized arrays or NULLs.
          if (strpos($data_row->value, 'a:') === 0) {
            $date_array = unserialize($data_row->value);
            $data_row->value = $date_array['year'] . '-' . $date_array['month'] . '-' . $date_array['day'];
          elseif (strpos($data_row->value, 'N;') === 0) {
            $data_row->value = NULL;
      $row->{$data_row->name} = $data_row->value;
    return $row;

   * @abstract
   * Add CCK/core field values to the source row.
   * @param $row
   * @param $entity_id
   * @return array
  public abstract function getSourceValues($row, $entity_id);


 * Implements hook_migrate_api().
function migrate_d2d_migrate_api() {
  $api = array(
    'api' => 2,
  return $api;


Namesort descending Description
migrate_d2d_migrate_api Implements hook_migrate_api().


Namesort descending Description
DrupalMigration @file Base classes for all Drupal-to-Drupal migration classes.
DrupalVersion There should be an implementation of this abstract class, named DrupalVersion{version #}, for each Drupal version supported as a source. It will implement any functions needed by multiple version-specific classes (e.g., nodes as well as users).