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function metatag_views_page_alter in Metatag 7

Implements hook_page_alter().


metatag_views/metatag_views.module, line 76
Provides native meta tag integration with Views.


function metatag_views_page_alter(&$page) {

  // By default do not add meta tags to admin pages. To enable meta tags on
  // admin pages set the 'metatag_tag_admin_pages' variable to TRUE.
  if (path_is_admin(current_path()) && !variable_get('metatag_tag_admin_pages', FALSE)) {
  $view = views_get_page_view();

  // Check if Views metatags are enabled.
  if (!empty($view) && metatag_config_is_enabled('view')) {
    global $language;

    // The following is taken from views_get_page_view().
    // If a module is still putting in the display like we used to, catch that.
    if (is_subclass_of($view, 'views_plugin_display')) {
      $view = $view->view;

    // Prevent Views settings from overwriting global:frontpage.
    if (drupal_is_front_page() && metatag_config_is_enabled('global:frontpage')) {

    // Include only view name by default.
    $instance = 'view:' . $view->name;

    // Include display name if option is overridden.
    if (!$view->display_handler
      ->is_defaulted('metatags')) {
      $instance = 'view:' . $view->name . ':' . $view->current_display;

    // Load the meta tags for this view.
    $metatags = $view->display_handler

    // Only proceed if there's something to work with.
    if (!empty($metatags) && is_array($metatags)) {

      // If meta tags were found but they're not nested for the language, fix
      // it. This leaves some possibility for future versions to support
      // translation.
      if (!isset($metatags[LANGUAGE_NONE])) {
        $metatags = array(
          LANGUAGE_NONE => $metatags,

      // Translate all of the meta tags using i18n, but don't update the
      // strings.
      metatag_translate_metatags($metatags[LANGUAGE_NONE], 'metatag_views:' . $view->name . METATAG_VIEWS_CONTEXT_SEPARATOR . $view->current_display, NULL, FALSE);

      // If enabled, use replacement tokens from the first Views result row.
      if ($view->display_handler
        ->get_option('metatags_tokenize')) {

        // If the Views output was loaded from the Views output cache, the
        // fields won't have been rendered and thus the first row tokens would
        // be empty. Therefore, in this case, we manually trigger rendering of
        // the first row.
        foreach ($metatags as $langcode => $values) {
          foreach ($values as $metatag => $config) {
            if (!empty($config['value']) && is_scalar($config['value'])) {
              $metatags[$langcode][$metatag]['value'] = $view->style_plugin
                ->tokenize_value($config['value'], 0);

      // Build options for meta tag rendering.
      $options = array();
      $options['token data']['view'] = $view;
      $options['language'] = $language->language;

      // The page region can be changed.
      $region = variable_get('metatag_page_region', 'content');

      // Add the metatags.
      $page[$region]['metatags'][$instance] = metatag_metatags_view($instance, $metatags, $options);