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function _metatag_importer_migrate in Metatag 7

Batch API callback to convert Nodewords data to the Metatag module.

1 string reference to '_metatag_importer_migrate'
_metatag_importer_import in metatag_importer/
Migrates Nodewords data to the Metatag module.


metatag_importer/, line 166
Convert data from Nodewords to Metatag.


function _metatag_importer_migrate(array $types = array(), &$context = array()) {

  // Process this number of {nodewords} records at a time.
  $limit = 50;
  if (empty($context['sandbox'])) {

    // @todo Expand this so it can handle other types of things.
    foreach ($types as $key => $val) {
      $types[$key] = str_replace('nodewords:', '', $val);
    $context['sandbox']['progress'] = 0;
    $context['sandbox']['current'] = 0;
    $query = db_select('nodewords', 'nw')
      ->fields('nw', array(
    if (!empty($types)) {
        ->condition('nw.type', $types, 'IN');
    $context['sandbox']['dataset'] = array_keys($query
      ->fetchAllAssoc('mtid', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC));
    $context['sandbox']['max'] = count($context['sandbox']['dataset']);

    // Track all of the entities that could not be loaded.
    $context['sandbox']['skipped'] = array();

  // Retrieve Nodewords data.
  $query = db_select('nodewords', 'nw')
    ->fields('nw', array(
    ->condition('nw.mtid', $context['sandbox']['current'], '>')

  // @todo Finish off / test the $types handling.
  // @code
  // if (!empty($types)) {
  //   $query->condition('nw.type', $types, 'IN');
  // }
  // @endcode
    ->range(0, $limit);
  $results = $query

  // Records that are being converted.
  $records = array();

  // Track records that are converted and will be ready to be deleted.
  $to_delete = array();

  // Convert Nodewords data into the Metatag format.
  foreach ($results as $result) {

    // Log the progress.
    $context['sandbox']['current'] = $result->mtid;

    // Convert the Nodewords record 'type' into something Metatag can use.
    $type = _metatag_importer_convert_type($result->type);

    // Skip record types we're not handling just yet.
    if (empty($type)) {

    // This could be an entity ID, but also possibly just a placeholder integer.
    $record_id = $result->id;

    // Check if this record was skipped previously.
    if (isset($context['sandbox']['skipped'][$type][$record_id])) {

      // Delete this record anyway.
      $to_delete[] = $result->mtid;

    // If this record is for an entity, verify that the entity exists.
    if (in_array($type, array(
    ))) {
      $entity = entity_load($type, array(
      if (empty($entity)) {
        $context['sandbox']['skipped'][$type][$record_id] = $record_id;
        watchdog('metatag_importer', 'Unable to load @entity_type ID @id', array(
          '@entity_type' => $type,
          '@id' => $record_id,

        // Delete this record anyway.
        $to_delete[] = $result->mtid;

    // Process the meta tag value, possibly also rename the meta tag name
    // itself.
    list($meta_tag, $value) = _metatag_importer_convert_data($result->name, unserialize($result->content));

    // Don't import empty values.
    if (!empty($value)) {

      // Add the value to the stack.
      $records[$type][$record_id][$meta_tag] = $value;

    // Note that this record is ready to be deleted.
    $to_delete[] = $result->mtid;

  // Update or create Metatag records.
  foreach ($records as $type => $data) {
    foreach ($data as $record_id => $values) {
      switch ($type) {

        // Standard D7 entities are converted to {metatag} records using
        // metatag_metatags_save().
        case 'node':
        case 'taxonomy_term':
        case 'user':

          // @code
          // watchdog('metatag_importer', 'Importing meta tags for @entity_type ID @id..', array('@entity_type' => $type, '@id' => $record_id), WATCHDOG_INFO);
          // @endcode
          $entity = entity_load($type, array(
          $entity = reset($entity);
          $langcode = metatag_entity_get_language($type, $entity);
          list($entity_id, $revision_id, $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($type, $entity);

          // Add these meta tags to the entity, overwriting anything that's
          // already there.
          foreach ($values as $name => $value) {
            $entity->metatags[$langcode][$name] = $value;
          metatag_metatags_save($type, $entity_id, $revision_id, $entity->metatags);

          // @code
          // watchdog('metatag_importer', 'Imported meta tags for @entity_type ID @id.', array('@entity_type' => $type, '@id' => $record_id), WATCHDOG_INFO);
          // @endcode

        // Other Nodewords settings are converted to {metatag_config} records
        // using metatag_config_save().
        case 'global':
        case 'global:frontpage':
        case 'global:404':
          $config = metatag_config_load($type);

          // If a configuration was not found create a config object.
          if (empty($config)) {
            $config = (object) array(
              'instance' => $type,

          // Add these meta tags to the configuration, overwriting anything
          // that's already there.
          foreach ($values as $name => $value) {
            $config->config[$name] = $value;

          // Save the configuration.

        // @todo A 'vocabulary' setting becomes a default configuration?
        case 'vocabulary':

          // @code
          // $metatags = metatag_metatags_load($record->entity_type, $record->entity_id);
          // $metatags = array_merge($metatags, $record->data);
          // $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($record->entity_id);
          // metatag_metatags_save($record->entity_type, $record->entity_id, $vocabulary->vid, $metatags);
          // @endcode

  // Delete some records.
  if (!empty($to_delete)) {
      ->condition('mtid', $to_delete)
  $context['finished'] = empty($context['sandbox']['max']) || $context['sandbox']['progress'] >= $context['sandbox']['max'] ? TRUE : $context['sandbox']['progress'] / $context['sandbox']['max'];
  if ($context['finished'] === TRUE) {
    $message = 'Imported @imported Nodewords records.';
    $vars = array(
      '@imported' => $context['sandbox']['progress'],
    if (drupal_is_cli() && function_exists('drush_print')) {
      drush_print(dt($message, $vars));
    else {
      drupal_set_message(t($message, $vars));
    if (!empty($context['sandbox']['skipped'])) {
      $message = '@skipped records were skipped because the corresponding entities were previously deleted.';
      $vars = array(
        '@skipped' => count($context['sandbox']['skipped']),
      if (drupal_is_cli() && function_exists('drush_print')) {
        drush_print(dt($message, $vars));
      else {
        drupal_set_message(t($message, $vars));