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function metatag_context_context_default_contexts in Metatag 7

Implements hook_context_default_contexts().


metatag_context/, line 217
Context reaction for Metatag.


function metatag_context_context_default_contexts() {
  $defaults = array();
  $context = new stdClass();
  $context->disabled = TRUE;

  /* Edit this to true to make a default context disabled initially */
  $context->api_version = 3;
  $context->name = 'metatag_context_user_login';
  $context->description = 'A default Metatag:Context definition for the user login page. This needs to be enabled and then it can be customized as needed.';
  $context->tag = 'Metatag';
  $context->conditions = array(
    'path' => array(
      'values' => array(
        'user' => 'user',
        'user/login' => 'user/login',
    'user' => array(
      'values' => array(
        'anonymous user' => 'anonymous user',
  $context->reactions = array(
    'metatag_context_reaction' => array(
      'metatags' => array(
        'und' => array(
          'title' => array(
            'value' => '[current-page:title] | [site:name]',
            'default' => '[current-page:title] | [site:name]',
      'metatag_admin' => 1,
  $context->condition_mode = 1;
  $defaults[$context->name] = $context;
  $context = new stdClass();
  $context->disabled = TRUE;

  /* Edit this to true to make a default context disabled initially */
  $context->api_version = 3;
  $context->name = 'metatag_context_user_register';
  $context->description = 'A default Metatag:Context definition for the user registration page. This needs to be enabled and then it can be customized as needed.';
  $context->tag = 'Metatag';
  $context->conditions = array(
    'path' => array(
      'values' => array(
        'user/register' => 'user/register',
    'user' => array(
      'values' => array(
        'anonymous user' => 'anonymous user',
  $context->reactions = array(
    'metatag_context_reaction' => array(
      'metatags' => array(
        'und' => array(
          'title' => array(
            'value' => '[current-page:title] | [site:name]',
            'default' => '[current-page:title] | [site:name]',
      'metatag_admin' => 1,
  $context->condition_mode = 1;
  $defaults[$context->name] = $context;
  if (module_exists('forum')) {
    $context = new stdClass();
    $context->disabled = TRUE;

    /* Edit this to true to make a default context disabled initially */
    $context->api_version = 3;
    $context->name = 'metatag_context_forum';
    $context->description = 'A default Metatag:Context definition for the main forum page. This needs to be enabled and then it can be customized as needed.';
    $context->tag = 'Metatag';
    $context->conditions = array(
      'path' => array(
        'values' => array(
          'forum' => 'forum',
    $context->reactions = array(
      'metatag_context_reaction' => array(
        'metatags' => array(
          'und' => array(
            'title' => array(
              'value' => '[current-page:title] | [site:name]',
              'default' => '[current-page:title] | [site:name]',
        'metatag_admin' => 1,
    $context->condition_mode = 1;
    $defaults[$context->name] = $context;
  if (module_exists('blog')) {
    $context = new stdClass();
    $context->disabled = TRUE;

    /* Edit this to true to make a default context disabled initially */
    $context->api_version = 3;
    $context->name = 'metatag_context_blog';
    $context->description = 'A default Metatag:Context definition for the main blog page. This needs to be enabled and then it can be customized as needed. Note: this does not cover the individual user blog pages, only the main blog page.';
    $context->tag = 'Metatag';
    $context->conditions = array(
      'path' => array(
        'values' => array(
          'blog' => 'blog',
    $context->reactions = array(
      'metatag_context_reaction' => array(
        'metatags' => array(
          'und' => array(
            'title' => array(
              'value' => '[current-page:title] | [site:name]',
              'default' => '[current-page:title] | [site:name]',
        'metatag_admin' => 1,
    $context->condition_mode = 1;
    $defaults[$context->name] = $context;

  // Translatables
  // Included for use with string extractors like potx.
  return $defaults;