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8 calls to metatag_metatags_save() in Metatag 7

metatag_bulk_revert_batch_operation in ./
Batch callback: delete custom metatags for selected bundles.
metatag_commerce_product_form_submit in ./metatag.module
Form API submission callback for Commerce product.
metatag_devel_node_insert in metatag_devel/metatag_devel.module
Implements hook_node_insert().
metatag_entity_insert in ./metatag.module
Implements hook_entity_insert().
metatag_entity_update in ./metatag.module
Implements hook_entity_update().
metatag_importer_for_page_title in metatag_importer/
Migrate data from the page_title table, if available.
metatag_importer_metatags_quick_process in metatag_importer/
Process a row from Metatags Quick.
_metatag_importer_migrate in metatag_importer/
Batch API callback to convert Nodewords data to the Metatag module.