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public static function DrupalDefaultMetaTag::textSummary in Metatag 7

Copied from text.module with the following changes:.

Change 1: $size is required. Change 2: $format is removed. Change 3: Don't trim at the end of short sentences ( Change 4: Word boundaries ( Change 5: Trim the final string.


string $text: The string to be processed.

int $size: The maximum length to trim the string to.

Return value

string The string after it is truncated.

Overrides DrupalMetaTagInterface::textSummary

2 calls to DrupalDefaultMetaTag::textSummary()
DrupalDefaultMetaTag::truncate in ./
Shorten a string to a certain length using ::textSummary().
MetatagCoreNodeTest::testEntityCreationWorkflow in tests/MetatagCoreNodeTest.test
Tests creation of a standard entity.


./, line 326
Metatag primary classes.


The default meta tag class from which all others inherit.


public static function textSummary($text, $size) {

  // What used to be called 'teaser' is now called 'summary', but
  // the variable 'teaser_length' is preserved for backwardscompatibility.
  // @code
  // if (!isset($size)) {
  //   $size = variable_get('teaser_length', 600);
  // }
  // @endcode
  // Find where the delimiter is in the body.
  $delimiter = strpos($text, '<!--break-->');

  // If the size is zero, and there is no delimiter, the entire body is the
  // summary.
  if ($size == 0 && $delimiter === FALSE) {
    return $text;

  // If a valid delimiter has been specified, use it to chop off the summary.
  if ($delimiter !== FALSE) {
    return substr($text, 0, $delimiter);

  // We check for the presence of the PHP evaluator filter in the current
  // format. If the body contains PHP code, we do not split it up to prevent
  // parse errors.
  // @code
  // if (isset($format)) {
  //   $filters = filter_list_format($format);
  //   if (isset($filters['php_code']) && $filters['php_code']->status && strpos($text, '<?') !== FALSE) {
  //     return $text;
  //   }
  // }
  // @endcode
  // If we have a short body, the entire body is the summary.
  if (drupal_strlen($text) <= $size) {
    return $text;

  // If the delimiter has not been specified, try to split at paragraph or
  // sentence boundaries.
  // The summary may not be longer than maximum length specified.
  // Initial slice.
  $summary = truncate_utf8($text, $size);

  // Store the actual length of the UTF8 string -- which might not be the same
  // as $size.
  $max_rpos = strlen($summary);

  // How much to cut off the end of the summary so that it doesn't end in the
  // middle of a paragraph, sentence, or word.
  // Initialize it to maximum in order to find the minimum.
  $min_rpos = $max_rpos;

  // Store the reverse of the summary. We use strpos on the reversed needle
  // and haystack for speed and convenience.
  $reversed = strrev($summary);

  // Build an array of arrays of break points grouped by preference.
  $break_points = array();

  // A paragraph near the end of sliced summary is most preferable.
  $break_points[] = array(
    '</p>' => 0,

  // If no complete paragraph then treat line breaks as paragraphs.
  // $line_breaks = array('<br />' => 6, '<br>' => 4);
  // Newline only indicates a line break if line break converter
  // filter is present.
  // @code
  // if (isset($filters['filter_autop'])) {
  //   $line_breaks["\n"] = 1;
  // }
  // $break_points[] = $line_breaks;
  // @endcode
  // If the first paragraph is too long, split at the end of a sentence.
  // @code
  // $break_points[] = array('. ' => 1, '! ' => 1, '? ' => 1, '。' => 0, '؟ ' => 1);
  // @endcode
  // From
  // If the first sentence is too long, split at the first word break.
  $word_breaks = array(
    ' ' => 0,
    "\t" => 0,
  $break_points[] = $word_breaks;

  // Iterate over the groups of break points until a break point is found.
  foreach ($break_points as $points) {

    // Look for each break point, starting at the end of the summary.
    foreach ($points as $point => $offset) {

      // The summary is already reversed, but the break point isn't.
      $rpos = strpos($reversed, strrev($point));
      if ($rpos !== FALSE) {
        $min_rpos = min($rpos + $offset, $min_rpos);

    // If a break point was found in this group, slice and stop searching.
    if ($min_rpos !== $max_rpos) {

      // Don't slice with length 0. Length must be <0 to slice from RHS.
      $summary = $min_rpos === 0 ? $summary : substr($summary, 0, 0 - $min_rpos);

  // If the htmlcorrector filter is present, apply it to the generated
  // summary.
  // @code
  // if (isset($filters['filter_htmlcorrector'])) {
  //   $summary = _filter_htmlcorrector($summary);
  // }
  // @endcode
  return trim($summary);