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protected function DrupalDefaultMetaTag::convertUrlToAbsolute in Metatag 7

Make sure a given URL is absolute.


string $url: The URL to convert to an absolute URL.

Return value

string The argument converted to an absolute URL.

1 call to DrupalDefaultMetaTag::convertUrlToAbsolute()
DrupalTextMetaTag::getValue in ./
Get the string value of this meta tag.


./, line 272
Metatag primary classes.


The default meta tag class from which all others inherit.


protected function convertUrlToAbsolute($url) {

  // Convert paths relative to the hostname, that start with a slash, to
  // ones that are relative to the Drupal root path; ignore protocol-relative
  // URLs.
  if (strpos($url, base_path()) === 0 && strpos($url, '//') !== 0) {

    // Logic:
    // * Get the length of the base_path(),
    // * Get a portion of the image's path starting from the position equal
    //   to the base_path()'s length; this will result in a path relative
    //   to the Drupal installation's base directory.
    $len = strlen(base_path());
    $url = substr($url, $len);

  // Pass everything else through file_create_url(). The alternative is to
  // use url() but it would insert '?q=' into the path.
  return file_create_url($url);