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function media_youtube_check_upload in Media: YouTube 6

Check the upload status of a video


string $video_id: The video to check.

string $youtube_username: The youtube username owning the video to check.

string $youtube_password: The password of the youtube user.

Return value

array An associative array, keyed as follows: 'status' => The status returned from YouTube. 'message' => A message describing the video's status.

1 call to media_youtube_check_upload()
media_youtube_video_full_status in ./media_youtube.module


./media_youtube.module, line 491
Embedded Video Field provider file for


function media_youtube_check_upload($video_id, $youtube_username = NULL, $youtube_password = NULL) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'media_youtube', 'includes/media_youtube.api');
  return _media_youtube_check_upload($video_id, $youtube_username, $youtube_password);