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media_youtube.module in Media: YouTube 6

Embedded Video Field provider file for


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 *  @file
 *  Embedded Video Field provider file for

/* ***************************************** */

/* INCLUDES                                  */

/* ***************************************** */

// A registry of variable_get defaults.
include_once 'includes/';

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function media_youtube_menu() {
  return array(
    'admin/settings/media_youtube' => array(
      'title' => 'Media: YouTube',
      'description' => 'Administer the Media: YouTube module.',
      'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
      'page arguments' => array(
      'access arguments' => array(
        'administer site configuration',
      'file' => 'includes/',

 * Implementation of hook_theme().
function media_youtube_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
  return array(
    'media_youtube_video_rejected' => array(
      'file' => '',
      'path' => $path . '/themes',
      'arguments' => array(
        'message' => NULL,
        'status' => array(),
    'media_youtube_video_upload_failed' => array(
      'file' => '',
      'path' => $path . '/themes',
      'arguments' => array(
        'message' => NULL,
        'status' => array(),
    'media_youtube_video_unavailable' => array(
      'file' => '',
      'path' => $path . '/themes',
      'arguments' => array(
        'message' => NULL,
        'status' => array(),
    'media_youtube_video_duplicate' => array(
      'file' => '',
      'path' => $path . '/themes',
      'arguments' => array(
        'message' => NULL,
        'status' => array(),
    'media_youtube_flash' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'variables' => array(),
      'path' => $path . '/themes',
      'file' => '',
      'template' => 'media-youtube-flash',
    'media_youtube_html5' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'variables' => array(),
      'path' => $path . '/themes',
      'file' => '',
      'template' => 'media-youtube-html5',
    'media_youtube_default_external' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'variables' => array(),
      'path' => $path . '/themes',
      'file' => '',
      'template' => 'media-youtube-default-external',

 * Implementation of hook_flush_caches().
function media_youtube_flush_caches() {
  if (db_table_exists('cache_media_youtube_status')) {
    return array(

 * Implementation of hook_cron().
function media_youtube_cron() {

  // Recheck the status of any unavailable videos.
  // See if we need to check video status.
  $status_update_frequency = media_youtube_variable_get('status_update_frequency');
  if ($status_update_frequency != MEDIA_YOUTUBE_STATUS_UPDATE_NONE) {

    // Include the _media_youtube_save_status_data() function.
    module_load_include('inc', 'media_youtube', 'includes/media_youtube.api');

    // Build our SQL for the query of metadata.
    $sql = "SELECT value, status, last_touched FROM {media_youtube_metadata}";

    // Only get items that haven't been updated in awhile.
    $where = array(
      "last_touched < %d",
    $arguments = array(
      time() - media_youtube_variable_get('cron_time') * 60,

    // If we only care about unavailable videos, then filter out the rest.
    if ($status_update_frequency == MEDIA_YOUTUBE_STATUS_UPDATE_FROM_UNAVAILABLE) {
      $where[] = "status = %d";
      $arguments[] = EMFIELD_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE;

    // We'll either grab a range or all required items.
    if ($limit = media_youtube_variable_get('cron_limit')) {
      $results = db_query_range($sql . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) . ' ORDER BY last_touched ASC', $arguments, 0, $limit);
    else {
      $results = db_query($sql . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) . ' ORDER BY last_touched ASC', $arguments);
    while ($media = db_fetch_array($results)) {

      // See if the status has changed.
      $status = media_youtube_check_status($media['value']);
      if ($status != $media['status']) {
        $media['status'] = $status;

        // Write the new metadata.
        drupal_write_record('media_youtube_metadata', $media, 'value');

        // Now record each node that uses this video.
        $data = db_query("SELECT value, vid, field_name, delta FROM {media_youtube_node_data} WHERE value = '%s'", $media['value']);
        while ($item = db_fetch_array($data)) {
          $node = node_load(array(
            'vid' => $item['vid'],
          $node->{$item['field_name']}[$item['delta']]['status'] = $media['status'];

 * Implement hook_emfield_field_extra().
function media_youtube_emfield_field_extra($op, &$node, $field, &$items, $teaser, $page, $module) {
  if (in_array($op, array(
  ))) {

    // Store the metadata for any YouTube videos stored in this field.
    foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
      if ($item['provider'] == 'youtube') {
        $item['status'] = media_youtube_check_status($item['value']);

        // Store the metadata for the video if we don't already have it.
        if (!db_result(db_query("SELECT value FROM {media_youtube_metadata} WHERE value = '%s'", $item['value']))) {
          $item['last_touched'] = time();
          drupal_write_record('media_youtube_metadata', $item);

        // Delete any existing associations for this field delta.
        db_query("DELETE FROM {media_youtube_node_data} WHERE value = '%s' AND vid = %d AND field_name = '%s' AND delta = %d", $item['value'], $node->vid, $field['field_name'], $delta);

        // Associate this field delta to the specific metadata.
        $item['vid'] = $node->vid;
        $item['field_name'] = $field['field_name'];
        $item['delta'] = $delta;
        drupal_write_record('media_youtube_node_data', $item);

 * Implementation of hook_emfield_status().
function media_youtube_emfield_status($item, $field = NULL, $module = 'emvideo') {

  // Return the availability of the video.
  $status = media_youtube_check_status($item['value']);
  return $status;

 * Implementation of hook_emfield_providers().
function media_youtube_emfield_providers($module, $provider = NULL) {

  // We know this module only includes the main provider file, avoid needless
  // PHP warnings.
  if ($module == 'emvideo' && (!isset($provider) || $provider == 'youtube')) {
    static $path;

    // Cache the result for later.
    if (!isset($path)) {
      $found = drupal_system_listing("{$provider}\\.inc\$", drupal_get_path('module', 'media_youtube') . "/providers/{$module}", 'name', 0);
      if (is_array($found) && !empty($found)) {
        $path = $found;
    return $path;

 * Implementation of media_mover hook
 * @param $op is the operator to return
 * @param $action is which action is being called
 * @param $verb is the verb being run
 * @param $configuration is the specific configuration saved for the action for this configuration
 * @param $file is the file in use
 * @param $job is the full configuration data currently running
function media_youtube_media_mover($op = NULL, $action = NULL, $configuration = NULL, &$file = array(), $job = NULL, $nid = NULL) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'name':
      return t('Media: YouTube');
    case 'actions':
      return array(
        'process' => array(
          1 => t('Upload video to YouTube.'),
        'storage' => array(
          2 => t('Upload video to YouTube.'),
    case 'process':
    case 'storage':
      module_load_include('inc', 'media_youtube', 'includes/media_youtube.media_mover');
      return media_youtube_upload_video($file, $configuration);
    case 'config':
      switch ($action) {
        case '1':
        case '2':
          module_load_include('inc', 'media_youtube', 'includes/media_youtube.media_mover');
          return media_youtube_config($configuration);

 * Return the direct URL to this video.
 * @param string $id
 *  The YouTube video id.
 * @return string
 *  The direct URL to the video in question.
function media_youtube_video_url($id) {
  $proto = _media_youtube_protocol();
  if (strpos($id, 'PLAYLIST_') === 0) {

    // This is a youtube playlist.
    return $proto . '' . substr($id, 9);
  return url($proto . '', array(
    'query' => 'v=' . $id,

 * Validation function for Media: YouTube's Media Mover configuration form.
 * @see media_youtube_config().
function media_youtube_validate_configuration($element, &$form_state) {
  if ($values = media_mover_api_extract_form_data($element, $form_state)) {
    foreach (array(
      'media_youtube_default_title' => t('Default title'),
      'media_youtube_default_description' => t('Default description'),
    ) as $field => $field_name) {
      if (empty($values[$field])) {

        // @TODO: Need to use 1 or 2 as specified by the configuration.
        form_set_error('storage--media_youtube--1--' . $field, t('%field field is required.', array(
          '%field' => $field_name,

  //   if (strlen($values['media_youtube_default_description']) > media_youtube_variable_get('description_length')) {
  //     form_set_error('storage--media_youtube--1--media_youtube_default_description', t('The default description must be @length characters or less.', array('@length' => media_youtube_variable_get('description_length'))));
  //   }

 * Implementation of hook_init().
function media_youtube_init() {

  // Autoload the Zend_Loader class when needed.

 * Autoload the Zend_Loader class when needed.
function media_youtube_autoload($class_name) {
  if ($class_name == 'Zend_Loader') {
    include_once media_youtube_zend_path() . '/Zend/Loader.php';

 * Return the path to the Zend library.
 * If media_youtube_variable_get('zend_path') has not yet been set, then
 * this will attempt to autodiscover the path if the Gdata.php file exists
 * within sites/all/libraries/* or sites/*. It will also
 * set the path to media_youtube_variable_get('zend_path').
 * The library is available from
 * @param boolean $reset
 *  (Optional) If TRUE, then reset the variable and attempt a new autodiscovery.
 * @return string
 *  The path to the Zend Gdata.php and related files.
function media_youtube_zend_path($reset = FALSE) {
  static $path;
  if (!isset($path) || $reset) {
    if (!($path = media_youtube_variable_get('zend_path')) || $reset) {
      $files = drupal_system_listing('^Gdata\\.php$', 'libraries', 'basename', 0);
      if (isset($files['Gdata.php'])) {
        $path = dirname($files['Gdata.php']->filename);
        $path = substr($path, 0, -strlen(strrchr($path, "/")));
        media_youtube_variable_set('zend_path', $path);
      else {
        $path = '';
    if ($path) {
  return $path;

 * Add the Zend path to PHP class includes.
function _media_youtube_set_include_path($path = NULL) {
  static $path_set;
  if (!isset($path_set)) {
    if (!isset($path)) {
      $path = media_youtube_zend_path();
    $path_set = set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path);

 *  Ensure we're able to run YouTube videos from the JW FLV Media Player.
 *  This requires that we both have the player installed, and the included
 *  yt.swf file is located in the same folder.
 *  @return boolean
 *    Returns TRUE if both checks are TRUE.
function _media_youtube_check_flv_player_setup() {
  static $check;
  if (is_null($check)) {

    // We set up a static cache.
    // First check that the JW FLV Player is installed.
    $flv_path = emfield_flvmediaplayer_url();
    if (!$flv_path || !file_exists($flv_path)) {

      // There's no player installed, so yt.swf is moot.
      $check = FALSE;
    else {

      // Now check that the yt.swf file is also present in the same folder.
      $path = dirname($flv_path);
      $check = file_exists($path . '/yt.swf');
  return $check;

 * Check the availability of a video.
function media_youtube_check_status($video_id, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $status;
  if ($reset || !isset($status)) {
    $status = array();
  if (!isset($status[$video_id])) {
    if (($cache = cache_get('media_youtube:status:' . $video_id, 'cache_media_youtube_status')) && !$reset) {
      $status[$video_id] = $cache->data;
    else {
      if ($path = media_youtube_zend_path()) {
        Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_YouTube', $path);
        Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException', $path);
        Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_AuthSub', $path);
        Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin', $path);
        Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Uri_Http', $path);
        $yt = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube();
        try {
          $videoEntry = $yt
          $status[$video_id] = EMFIELD_STATUS_AVAILABLE;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
          $status[$video_id] = EMFIELD_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE;
          $message = 'Video unavailable at !link: @error.';
          $variables = array(
            '@error' => $e
            '!link' => l(media_youtube_video_url($video_id), media_youtube_video_url($video_id)),
          watchdog('media_youtube', $message, $variables, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      else {

        // We don't have the Zend library, so there's no way to know for certain.
        $status[$video_id] = EMFIELD_STATUS_AVAILABLE;
      cache_set('media_youtube:status:' . $video_id, $status[$video_id], 'cache_media_youtube_status', CACHE_TEMPORARY);
  return $status[$video_id];
function media_youtube_video_full_status($video_id, $youtube_username = NULL, $youtube_password = NULL) {
  static $status;
  if ($reset || !isset($status)) {
    $status = array();
  if (!isset($status[$video_id])) {
    if (($cache = cache_get('media_youtube:full-status:' . $video_id, 'cache_media_youtube_status')) && !$reset) {
      $status[$video_id] = $cache->data;
    else {
      if (media_youtube_check_status($video_id) == EMFIELD_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE) {
        $status[$video_id] = media_youtube_check_upload($video_id, $youtube_username, $youtube_password);
      else {
        $status[$video_id] = array(
          'status' => 'ok',
          'message' => 'Video is available.',
      cache_set('media_youtube:full-status:' . $video_id, $status[$video_id], 'cache_media_youtube_status', CACHE_TEMPORARY);
  return $status[$video_id];
function media_youtube_video_is_duplicate($video_id) {
  $status = media_youtube_video_full_status($video_id);
  return $status['status'] == t('rejected') && $status['message'] == t('Duplicate video');
function media_youtube_video_was_rejected($video_id) {
  $status = media_youtube_video_full_status($video_id);
  return $status['status'] == t('rejected');
function media_youtube_video_upload_failed($video_id) {
  $status = media_youtube_video_full_status($video_id);
  return $status['status'] == t('failed');

 * Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function media_youtube_form_emfield_module_settings_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  if ($form['#parameters'][2] == 'emvideo') {
    array_unshift($form['#submit'], 'media_youtube_settings_submit');

 * Preserve the YouTube password if previously set and now blank.
function media_youtube_settings_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  if ($form_state['values'][media_youtube_variable_name('youtube_password')] === '') {
    $form_state['values'][media_youtube_variable_name('youtube_password')] = media_youtube_variable_get('youtube_password');

 * Check the upload status of a video
 * @param string $video_id
 *  The video to check.
 * @param string $youtube_username
 *  The youtube username owning the video to check.
 * @param string $youtube_password
 *  The password of the youtube user.
 * @return array
 *  An associative array, keyed as follows:
 *    'status'  => The status returned from YouTube.
 *    'message' => A message describing the video's status.
function media_youtube_check_upload($video_id, $youtube_username = NULL, $youtube_password = NULL) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'media_youtube', 'includes/media_youtube.api');
  return _media_youtube_check_upload($video_id, $youtube_username, $youtube_password);
function media_youtube_token_values($type, $object = NULL, $options = array()) {
  if ($type == 'media_youtube_status') {
    $status = $object;
    $tokens['status'] = check_plain($status['status']);
    $tokens['status-raw'] = $status['status'];
    $tokens['message'] = check_plain($status['message']);
    $tokens['message-raw'] = $status['message'];
    return $tokens;
function media_youtube_token_list($type = 'media_youtube_status') {
  if ($type == 'media_youtube_status' || $type == 'all') {
    $tokens['media_youtube_status']['status'] = t("The YouTube video status.");
    $tokens['media_youtube_status']['status-raw'] = t("The YouTube video status. Warning: raw data.");
    $tokens['media_youtube_status']['message'] = t("The YouTube video status message.");
    $tokens['media_youtube_status']['message-raw'] = t("The YouTube video status message. Warning: raw data.");
    return $tokens;

 * this is a wrapper for emvideo_request_xml that includes youtube's api key
function media_youtube_request_metadata($video_id, $cached = TRUE) {
  $request = emfield_request_xml('youtube', MEDIA_YOUTUBE_REST_ENDPOINT . '/' . $video_id, array(
    'video' => $video_id,
    'v' => '2',
  ), $cached);
  return $request;
function media_youtube_emfield_data($video_id) {
  $data = array();

  // Create some 'field' version control.
  $data['emvideo_youtube_version'] = $data['emvideo_data_version'] = MEDIA_YOUTUBE_DATA_VERSION;

  // Store the raw data from YouTube's API.
  $raw = media_youtube_request_metadata($video_id);
  if (media_youtube_variable_get('store_raw_metadata')) {
    $data['raw'] = $raw;

  // Store the video's duration.
  if (isset($raw['MEDIA:GROUP']['YT:DURATION'][1]['SECONDS'])) {
    $data['duration'] = intval($raw['MEDIA:GROUP']['YT:DURATION'][1]['SECONDS']);
  else {
    $data['duration'] = 0;

  // Gather info about the item's raw flash video.
  // RSS / MRSS feeds with the item would have enough info.
  // Alternatively try getting the minimum from an HTTP get.
  // Get info from a youtube playlist.
  $proto = _media_youtube_protocol();
  if (strpos($video_id, 'PLAYLIST_') === 0) {
    $playlist_id = substr($video_id, 9);
    $url = $proto . '' . $playlist_id;
    $data['playlist'] = 1;

    // Get the large thumbnail of the first video.
    // Use the Youtube Google API to get this data.
    $api_url = '' . $playlist_id;
    $result = drupal_http_request($api_url);
    if ($result->code == 200) {
      $parser = drupal_xml_parser_create($result->data);
      $vals = array();
      $index = array();
      xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $result->data, $vals, $index);
      if (count($vals)) {
        foreach ($vals as $val) {
          if ($val['tag'] == 'MEDIA:THUMBNAIL' && $val['attributes']['HEIGHT'] >= 240) {
            $data['thumbnail']['url'] = $val['attributes']['URL'];
  else {
    $url = $proto . '' . $video_id;
    $data['playlist'] = 0;

    // Get the large thumbnail.
    $data['thumbnail']['url'] = $proto . '' . $video_id . '/0.jpg';
  $response = emfield_request_header('youtube', $url);
  if ($response->code == 200) {

    // Don't give the 303 path.
    $data['flash']['url'] = $url;
    $data['flash']['size'] = $response->headers['Content-Length'];
    $data['flash']['mime'] = $response->headers['Content-Type'];
  return $data;

 * Return the URL to the raw flash.
function media_youtube_raw_url($video_id) {
  $data = media_youtube_emfield_data($video_id);
  if (isset($data['flash']) && isset($data['flash']['url'])) {
    return $data['flash']['url'];

 * Check if the current request is over HTTPS.
 * @return string
 *  'http://' or 'https://'
function _media_youtube_protocol() {
  $is_https = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on';

  // Force the use of https if that setting is activated.
  return $is_https || media_youtube_variable_get('force_https') ? 'https://' : 'http://';


Namesort descending Description
media_youtube_autoload Autoload the Zend_Loader class when needed.
media_youtube_check_status Check the availability of a video.
media_youtube_check_upload Check the upload status of a video
media_youtube_cron Implementation of hook_cron().
media_youtube_emfield_field_extra Implement hook_emfield_field_extra().
media_youtube_emfield_providers Implementation of hook_emfield_providers().
media_youtube_emfield_status Implementation of hook_emfield_status().
media_youtube_flush_caches Implementation of hook_flush_caches().
media_youtube_form_emfield_module_settings_alter Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
media_youtube_init Implementation of hook_init().
media_youtube_media_mover Implementation of media_mover hook
media_youtube_menu Implementation of hook_menu().
media_youtube_raw_url Return the URL to the raw flash.
media_youtube_request_metadata this is a wrapper for emvideo_request_xml that includes youtube's api key
media_youtube_settings_submit Preserve the YouTube password if previously set and now blank.
media_youtube_theme Implementation of hook_theme().
media_youtube_validate_configuration Validation function for Media: YouTube's Media Mover configuration form.
media_youtube_video_url Return the direct URL to this video.
media_youtube_zend_path Return the path to the Zend library.
_media_youtube_check_flv_player_setup Ensure we're able to run YouTube videos from the JW FLV Media Player. This requires that we both have the player installed, and the included yt.swf file is located in the same folder.
_media_youtube_protocol Check if the current request is over HTTPS.
_media_youtube_set_include_path Add the Zend path to PHP class includes.