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Functions in Media: YouTube 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
emvideo_youtube_content_generate providers/emvideo/ Implement hook_emvideo_PROVIDER_content_generate().
emvideo_youtube_convert_color providers/emvideo/ 1
emvideo_youtube_data providers/emvideo/ hook emfield_PROVIDER_data 2
emvideo_youtube_data_version providers/emvideo/ Implement hook emvideo_PROVIDER_data_version().
emvideo_youtube_duration providers/emvideo/ hook emvideo_PROVIDER_duration($item) Returns the duration of the video in seconds.
emvideo_youtube_embedded_link providers/emvideo/ hook emvideo_PROVIDER_embedded_link($video_code) returns a link to view the video at the provider's site
emvideo_youtube_extract providers/emvideo/ hook emvideo_PROVIDER_extract this is called to extract the video code from a pasted URL or embed code.
emvideo_youtube_info providers/emvideo/ hook emvideo_PROVIDER_info this returns information relevant to a specific 3rd party video provider
emvideo_youtube_preview providers/emvideo/ hook emvideo_PROVIDER_video this actually displays the preview-sized video we want, commonly for the teaser
emvideo_youtube_raw_url providers/emvideo/ hook emvideo_PROVIDER_raw_url returns the url to the raw flash.
emvideo_youtube_rss providers/emvideo/ hook emfield_PROVIDER_rss
emvideo_youtube_settings providers/emvideo/ hook emvideo_PROVIDER_settings this should return a subform to be added to the emvideo_settings() admin settings page. note that a form field will already be provided, at $form['PROVIDER'] (such as $form['youtube']) so if you want…
emvideo_youtube_thumbnail providers/emvideo/ hook emvideo_PROVIDER_thumbnail returns the external url for a thumbnail of a specific video TODO: make the args: ($video_id, $field, $item), with $field/$item provided if we need it, but otherwise simplifying things
emvideo_youtube_video providers/emvideo/ hook emvideo_PROVIDER_video this actually displays the full/normal-sized video we want, usually on the default page view
media_youtube_admin_form includes/ This form will be displayed both at /admin/settings/media_youtube and admin/content/emfield. 2
media_youtube_autoload ./media_youtube.module Autoload the Zend_Loader class when needed. 3
media_youtube_check_status ./media_youtube.module Check the availability of a video. 6
media_youtube_check_upload ./media_youtube.module Check the upload status of a video 1
media_youtube_config includes/ Media Mover configuration form element for Media: YouTube. 1
media_youtube_cron ./media_youtube.module Implementation of hook_cron().
media_youtube_disable ./media_youtube.install Implementation of hook_disable().
media_youtube_emfield_data ./media_youtube.module 3
media_youtube_emfield_field_extra ./media_youtube.module Implement hook_emfield_field_extra().
media_youtube_emfield_providers ./media_youtube.module Implementation of hook_emfield_providers().
media_youtube_emfield_status ./media_youtube.module Implementation of hook_emfield_status().
media_youtube_flush_caches ./media_youtube.module Implementation of hook_flush_caches().
media_youtube_form_emfield_module_settings_alter ./media_youtube.module Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
media_youtube_init ./media_youtube.module Implementation of hook_init().
media_youtube_install ./media_youtube.install Implementation of hook_install().
media_youtube_media_mover ./media_youtube.module Implementation of media_mover hook
media_youtube_menu ./media_youtube.module Implementation of hook_menu().
media_youtube_raw_url ./media_youtube.module Return the URL to the raw flash. 1
media_youtube_request_metadata ./media_youtube.module this is a wrapper for emvideo_request_xml that includes youtube's api key 1
media_youtube_schema ./media_youtube.install Implementation of hook_schema().
media_youtube_settings includes/ The administrative settings form for Media: YouTube. 1
media_youtube_settings_submit ./media_youtube.module Preserve the YouTube password if previously set and now blank. 2
media_youtube_theme ./media_youtube.module Implementation of hook_theme().
media_youtube_token_list ./media_youtube.module
media_youtube_token_values ./media_youtube.module
media_youtube_uninstall ./media_youtube.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
media_youtube_update_6001 ./media_youtube.install Oops; we did this here rather than on install. Redo in 6002 to catch anyone missed...
media_youtube_update_6002 ./media_youtube.install Catch anyone who missed this on a fresh installation.
media_youtube_update_6003 ./media_youtube.install Build a table to cache video status.
media_youtube_update_6006 ./media_youtube.install Had incorrect access callback for admin page.
media_youtube_update_6009 ./media_youtube.install Add metadata tables.
media_youtube_update_6011 ./media_youtube.install Record data associations by vid.
media_youtube_update_6012 ./media_youtube.install Rebuild youtube data to account for not saving raw by default. 1
media_youtube_update_6013 ./media_youtube.install Add new themes.
media_youtube_update_6014 ./media_youtube.install Self-correct for missing thumbnails from a previous mistake.
media_youtube_update_6015 ./media_youtube.install Fix up schema definitions.


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