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Functions in Matrix field 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_matrixvalidate ./matrix.module hook_matrixvalidate()
matrix_ahah ./matrix.module Menu callback for AHAH form(). 1
matrix_compact_table ./matrix.module 1
matrix_content_is_empty ./matrix.module Implementation of hook_content_is_empty().
matrix_delete_button ./ Form definition function 1
matrix_disable ./matrix.install Implementation of hook_disable().
matrix_elements ./matrix.module Implementation of hook_elements().
matrix_enable ./matrix.install Implementation of hook_enable().
matrix_example ./matrix.module Form Definition 1
matrix_example_submit ./matrix.module Implementation of hook_submit()
matrix_export ./matrix.module Menu callback for the export link on matrix fields 1
matrix_field ./matrix.module Implementation of hook_field(). 2
matrix_field_formatter_info ./matrix.module Implementation of hook_field_formatter_info().
matrix_field_info ./matrix.module Implementation of hook_field_info().
matrix_field_settings ./matrix.module Implementation of hook_field_settings().
matrix_format_prepare ./matrix.module Prepare the data to be rendered. 4
matrix_format_prepare_links ./matrix.module Prepare any special links (eg export link) 2
matrix_form_alter ./matrix.module Implmentation of hook_form_alter
matrix_install ./matrix.install Implementation of hook_install().
matrix_matrix_process ./matrix.module Process the matrix type element before displaying the field. 1
matrix_menu ./matrix.module Implementation of hook_menu().
matrix_perm ./matrix.module Implementation of hook_perm().
matrix_schema ./matrix.install Implementation of hook_schema().
matrix_settings_default ./matrix.module Prepare default values for the admin interface 1
matrix_settings_preview ./matrix.module Build a preview of the element 3
matrix_settings_reorder_save ./ @file Provides functions used in the creation of matrix fields. 1
matrix_settings_throbber_callback ./ Menu callback for createing a new row/column $_REQUEST contains the settings of an exising row/column 1
matrix_settings_throbber_callback_form ./ Form definition for the throbber This list is called when a new field is added via the settings page or a field is edited
matrix_settings_throbber_delete ./ Menu callback to delete an element This is part one of the delete process. Accepts parameters via $_REQUEST Echos a delete confirm form. 1
matrix_settings_throbber_save ./ AJAX callback for saving an individual element Takes parameters from $_REQUEST Saves the data into the Drupal cache Echos JSON data which contains: serialized data (which is what will be eventually saved into the database) list of elements for row/column 1
matrix_table_process ./matrix.module Process the table type element before displaying the field. 1
matrix_theme ./matrix.module Implementation of hook_theme().
matrix_uninstall ./matrix.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
matrix_update_620 ./matrix.install function matrix_update_613() { $result = db_query("SELECT field_name, global_settings FROM {node_field} WHERE type = 'matrix'"); while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) { $old = unserialize($row->global_settings); foreach ($old…
matrix_validate ./matrix.module Validation callback This checks that required fields are filled in. Calls form_error on elements which are not filled in 1
matrix_views_api ./matrix.module Implementation of hook_views_api
matrix_views_data ./ Implementation of hook_views_data()
matrix_views_handlers ./ Implementation of hook_views_handlers().
matrix_widget ./matrix.module Implementation of hook_widget().
matrix_widget_info ./matrix.module Implementation of hook_widget_info().
theme_matrix_formatter_default ./matrix.module Theme function for 'default' text field formatter.
theme_matrix_settings_list ./matrix.module Creates a formatted list of rows/columns for display on the settings page This list is embalished with javascript
theme_matrix_table ./matrix.module Themes a matrix table This is similar to theme_table except it prepends the $first_col to each $rows @param$header An array containing the table headers. @param$first_col An array containing the left hand side headers.
theme_matrix_table_form ./matrix.module Theme the matrix elements into a table
_matrix_format_cell ./matrix.module Format cell for display 1
_matrix_process ./matrix.module processes a single form element for display on a node 2

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