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Functions in Matrix field 8.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
matrix_allowed_values ./matrix.module Generate the list of allowed values from a set of field settings This will check first if there is a function for the allowed values and if not will use the allowd_values field 2
matrix_allowed_values_example ./matrix.module Example function for providing a list of allowed values for a select list
matrix_allowed_values_setting_validate ./matrix.module Element validate callback; check that the entered values are valid. 1
matrix_cell_value ./matrix.module Find a value of a cell for either a string or a select list 1
matrix_clear_cache_submit ./matrix.module Submit handler for settings form Clears the cache which is used for this field 1
matrix_content_migrate_data_record_alter ./ Implementation of hook_content_migrate_data_record_alter().
matrix_content_migrate_field_alter ./ Implementation of hook_content_migrate_field_alter()
matrix_custom_calculation_callback ./matrix.module Menu callback for matrix custom calculations
matrix_custom_processing_example ./matrix.module Example function for performing a custom calculation on some data
matrix_field_ajax_callback ./matrix.module AJAX callback Returns the field grid after the more rows or more cols button has been pressed 1
matrix_field_formatter_info ./matrix.module Implements hook_field_formatter_info().
matrix_field_formatter_view ./matrix.module Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
matrix_field_info ./matrix.module Implements hook_field_info().
matrix_field_is_empty ./matrix.module Implementation of hook_content_is_empty().
matrix_field_item_create ./matrix.module Callback for creating a new, empty matrix field item. 1
matrix_field_item_property_info ./matrix.module Defines info for the properties of the matrix-field item data structure. 1
matrix_field_property_info_callback ./matrix.module Additional callback to adapt the property info of matrix fields. 1
matrix_field_schema ./matrix.install Implements hook_field_schema().
matrix_field_settings_form ./matrix.module Implements hook_field_settings_form().
matrix_field_settings_form_custom ./ Settings for for the custom matrix 1
matrix_field_settings_form_text ./ Settings for for the text matrix 1
matrix_field_types ./matrix.module List of all matrix field types 1
matrix_field_views_data_alter views/ Implements hook_field_views_data_alter().
matrix_field_widget_form ./matrix.module Implements hook_field_widget_form().
matrix_field_widget_info ./matrix.module Implements hook_field_widget_info().
matrix_field_widget_validate ./matrix.module Form element validation handler. Respond to ajax requests and Reorder the data so that it is in the correct form for the fields api to save the data Each record gets its own delta. For multi-valued elements each value gets its own delta. 1
matrix_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter ./ Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter()
matrix_help ./matrix.module Implements hook_help().
matrix_make_letter ./matrix.module Make a letter (like with a spreadsheet A, B, C, AA, AB etc) 4
matrix_matrix_functions ./matrix.module Example Implementation of hook_matrix_functions(). Register functions that should be used with the matrix module These are used for the "allowed values functions" and for "custom calculation functions"
matrix_op ./matrix.module Because the name attribute of the add more rows and add more columns is used $form_state['values']['op'] is not available. This function basically finds the op equivilent in $form_state 3
matrix_required_validate ./matrix.module Validate the required attribute of a cell standard #requied cannot be used because: 1
matrix_settings_ajax_edit_callback ./ AJAX callback Returns the form for altering the settings of columns/rows 1
matrix_settings_ajax_full_callback ./ AJAX callback Returns the complete grid preview after a large-scale settings update. 1
matrix_theme ./matrix.module Implementation of hook_theme()
matrix_views_api ./matrix.module Implementation of hook_views_api()
matrix_views_handlers views/ Implements hook_views_handler().
theme_matrix_output ./matrix.module Theme a set of elements into a table
theme_matrix_preview ./ Theme the display of the form
theme_matrix_table ./matrix.module Theme a set of form elements into a table

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