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function matrix_settings_preview in Matrix field 6.2

Build a preview of the element


$field_name string The name of the CCK field:

$rows_elements string Serialized array of rows data:

$cols_elements string Serialized array of cols data:

Return value


3 string references to 'matrix_settings_preview'
matrix_field_settings in ./matrix.module
Implementation of hook_field_settings().
matrix_settings_reorder_save in ./
@file Provides functions used in the creation of matrix fields.
matrix_settings_throbber_save in ./
AJAX callback for saving an individual element Takes parameters from $_REQUEST Saves the data into the Drupal cache Echos JSON data which contains: serialized data (which is what will be eventually saved into the database) list of elements for row/column


./matrix.module, line 237
Defines simple matrix field types.


function matrix_settings_preview($form_state, $field_name, $mode, $rows_elements, $cols_elements) {
  $form['matrix_preview'] = array(
    '#type' => 'matrix',
    '#title' => t('Preview'),
    '#description' => t('Preview of the matrix field'),
    '#rows_elements' => $rows_elements,
    '#cols_elements' => $cols_elements,
    '#mode' => $mode,
  return $form;