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Functions in Lingotek Translation 7.5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
lingotek_translatable_types ./ Return content types linked to 'translatable' fields for the given entity type. 1
lingotek_translate_menu_link ./lingotek.module Determine whether the menu link should be translated. 2
lingotek_unfilter_placeholders ./ Unwrap placeholder tags in specific tags that will be ignored by Lingotek 2
lingotek_uninstall ./lingotek.install Implements hook_uninstall().
lingotek_unselected ./
lingotek_update_7200 ./lingotek.install
lingotek_update_7201 ./lingotek.install Save per-node Lingotek project associations for all existing content.
lingotek_update_7203 ./lingotek.install Install default FPRM configuration data to support advanced content parsing.
lingotek_update_7204 ./lingotek.install Ensure LingotekApi class is in autoload registry.
lingotek_update_7205 ./lingotek.install Ensure that the Lingotek Translation module has a weight higher than entity_translation.
lingotek_update_7206 ./lingotek.install Adds the lingotek_entity_metadata table.
lingotek_update_7207 ./lingotek.install Change the value for LINGOTEK_ENABLED to a string to avoid collision.
lingotek_update_7208 ./lingotek.install Update lingokey name from 'document_id_xx' to 'document_id'
lingotek_update_7209 ./lingotek.install Extend languages table to have lingotek_enabled field
lingotek_update_7210 ./lingotek.install Extend languages table to have lingotek_locale field
lingotek_update_7211 ./lingotek.install Upgrade lingotek table entries from drupal_codes to lingotek_locales
lingotek_update_7212 ./lingotek.install Adds the lingotek_entity_metadata table.
lingotek_update_7213 ./lingotek.install Ensure the Administrator role is granted correct permissions.
lingotek_update_7401 ./lingotek.install Adds the lingotek_translation_agent table and links it to the locales_target table 1
lingotek_update_7403 ./lingotek.install Removes the deprecated "Lingotek Translatable" option from each field
lingotek_update_7404 ./lingotek.install Upgrade the callback URL signature and adds translation profiles.
lingotek_update_7406 ./lingotek.install Cleans up lingotek variables
lingotek_update_7408 ./lingotek.install Creates an upgrade path for existing translated content to be inserted into entity_translation module table if necessary
lingotek_update_7500 ./lingotek.install Adds support for translating additional entity types
lingotek_update_7501 ./lingotek.install Updates 'lingotek_account_plan_type' to be 'advanced' when 'enterprise'
lingotek_update_7502 ./lingotek.install Migrates comment profile settings
lingotek_update_7503 ./lingotek.install Migrate any CUSTOM profile usage within entity_profiles
lingotek_update_7504 ./lingotek.install Add indexes to the lingotek_entity_metadata table
lingotek_update_7505 ./lingotek.install Remove unused entries from lingotek_entity_metadata table
lingotek_update_7506 ./lingotek.install Add created and modified timestamps to lingotek schemas.
lingotek_update_7507 ./lingotek.install Reset any bundles currently set to legacy profile 'CUSTOM' to be 'MANUAL'.
lingotek_update_7508 ./lingotek.install Reduce the size of current entity_type and entity_key fields in the lingotek_entity_metadata table
lingotek_update_7509 ./lingotek.install Reduce the size of current value field in the lingotek_entity_metadata table
lingotek_update_config_progress ./ Updates the 'target_sync_status_[lang-code]' field for every target in the lingotek_config_metadata table with the overall progress returned by TMS 1
lingotek_update_target_progress_batch_create ./ 2
lingotek_url_alias_source_language_cleanup_batch_worker ./ Batch API worker for changing the url alias language setting 1
lingotek_uses_node_translation ./ Return true if the node's profile is set to node-based translation, false otherwise. 2
lingotek_utility_router ./ 1
lingotek_variable_get ./
lingotek_verify_modules_enabled ./ 1
lingotek_views_api ./lingotek.module Implements hook_views_api().
lingotek_views_data ./ Implements hook_views_data().
lingotek_workbench_icon ./ 2
lingotek_workbench_redirect ./ 1
lingotek_wrap_in_fieldset ./ 1
lingotek_xml_fields ./ 1
oauth_assert_handler lib/oauth-php/test/oauth_test.php 1
oauth_test lib/oauth-php/test/oauth_test.php 1
page_sync_comment_translations ./ Page handler for manually refreshing the local translations of a Lingotek-assciated comment. 1
session_smarty lib/oauth-php/example/server/core/init.php 3


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