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Functions in Lingotek Translation 7.5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
lingotek_rules_entity_download ./ 1
lingotek_rules_entity_download_all ./ 1
lingotek_rules_entity_has_profile ./
lingotek_rules_entity_upload ./ 1
lingotek_rules_event_info ./ Implements hook_rules_event_info().
lingotek_rules_languages ./ 1
lingotek_save_segment ./
lingotek_schema ./lingotek.install
lingotek_schema_alter ./lingotek.install
lingotek_setup ./ Routing: Returning User, New Account or Already Setup 1
lingotek_setup_account_settings_form ./ Account Settings (for Current Users) - Form 1
lingotek_setup_account_settings_form_submit ./ Account Settings (for Current Users) - Form Processing
lingotek_setup_additional_translation_settings_form ./ 1
lingotek_setup_additional_translation_settings_form_submit ./ 1
lingotek_setup_allowed_translation_formats ./ Update the formats allowed to be used for saving blocks and strings, etc. to include HTML 1
lingotek_setup_comment_translation_settings_form ./ 1
lingotek_setup_comment_translation_settings_form_submit ./ 1
lingotek_setup_language_switcher_form ./ 1
lingotek_setup_language_switcher_form_submit ./
lingotek_setup_link ./ Setup Button 9
lingotek_setup_new_account_form ./ New Account - Form 1
lingotek_setup_new_account_form_submit ./ New Account - Form Processor Provisions a Lingotek account and sends activation notice.
lingotek_setup_new_account_form_validate ./ New Account - Form Validator
lingotek_setup_node_translation_settings_form ./ Entity Translation Settings - Form Layout Select the Content Types and Fields to be Translated. 1
lingotek_setup_node_translation_settings_form_submit ./ Node Translation Settings - Form Submit
lingotek_setup_node_updates_form ./ Future Page - Form Layout 1
lingotek_setup_node_updates_form_submit ./ Future Page - Form Submit
lingotek_set_batch_function ./ Run a function that sets a batch 1
lingotek_set_defaults ./ Sets the global defaults for the Lingotek Translation module 1
lingotek_set_default_advanced_xml ./lingotek.module Installs the default advanced XML configuration that ships with the module. 4
lingotek_set_menu_link_language ./lingotek.module Set a menu link's language. 1
lingotek_set_priority ./ Sets the priority of the Lingotek Translation module 2
lingotek_set_profiles ./lingotek.module
lingotek_set_profile_settings ./lingotek.module 1
lingotek_set_target_language ./ Sets the extended target language locale in the languages table and whether or not it is enabled 1
lingotek_source_language_cleanup_batch_worker ./ Batch API worker for changing the entity's language setting. 1
lingotek_supported_field_type ./ Returns whether the given field type has support for translations.
lingotek_supported_node ./ 1
lingotek_supported_type ./ Returns whether the given node type has support for translations. 1
lingotek_support_footer ./ Outputs the support footer renderable array. 10
lingotek_sync_batch_create ./ Batch Create - Sync: Uploads new and changed documents for translation and Downloads translated documents. 2
lingotek_sync_batch_finished ./ 1
lingotek_sync_download_chunk_target ./ 1
lingotek_sync_download_target_finished ./ 2
lingotek_sync_endpoint ./ The API endpoint for bulk translation management 1
lingotek_sync_upload_config_chunk ./ Upload Batch Worker Function: Upload Config Chunk for Translation 1
lingotek_sync_upload_node_finished ./ 2
lingotek_taxonomy_term_presave ./lingotek.module Implements hook_taxonomy_term_presave.
lingotek_translatable_fields ./ Gets a list of fields with translation enabled. 1
lingotek_translatable_field_details ./ Goes though ALL the fields in the system and gets the details about the ones that are marked 'translatable'. 1


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